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Playing Shock Force

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Yesterday I was playing a few turns in thesecond scenario of the red on red campaign 'The Road to Dinas' (or is it Dimas, I saw both names in different places).

I noticed that I had a Syrian commander of a BRD infantry weapons platoon, dismounted, out of C2, without a radio in his inventory, who could successfully order Air support.

I wonder whether this is a bug in showing the radio, or a bug in the ability to call air support, or that this is somehow as designed?

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ha..sorry ...just totally missed the "red on red" in the beginning paragraph.

But what I meant was, were you the one playing the side that called in an airstrike with no radio? or was it your opponent?

If you, that is indeed strange...if your opponent I am thinking someone else called in the strike. if you...I think I have seen it before, and had it explained as him being in communication with someone else in the chain of command who had a radio.However you said he was out of C2,so that makes it strange I think...if one of his units was nearby with a radio, he should still be able to call in the strike. But Syrians in the game do not have much in the way of comms, so I think it may also be that it is part of the design to "help them out a bit"

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Yesterday I was playing a few turns in thesecond scenario of the red on red campaign 'The Road to Dinas' (or is it Dimas, I saw both names in different places).

I noticed that I had a Syrian commander of a BRD infantry weapons platoon, dismounted, out of C2, without a radio in his inventory, who could successfully order Air support.

I wonder whether this is a bug in showing the radio, or a bug in the ability to call air support, or that this is somehow as designed?

I don't *think* it is a bug. I believe being in C2 reduces the delay, but you should still be able to call in airstrikes. In the beginning on spotters could call in strikes, but that changed along the way to HQ units as well for the Syrians. Interesting question.

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But the root of my question is actually: how did he call in that support, without a radio.

He was on a forward observation position, together with a MG team.

I think I remember that he did show a radio in his inventory when he was still inside the BTR, and that was the reason I sent him forward, but when he arrived the radio had disappeared from his inventory. Probably it is only a graphical glitch, and in game engine reality he did have a radio.

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But the root of my question is actually: how did he call in that support, without a radio.

He was on a forward observation position, together with a MG team.

I think I remember that he did show a radio in his inventory when he was still inside the BTR, and that was the reason I sent him forward, but when he arrived the radio had disappeared from his inventory. Probably it is only a graphical glitch, and in game engine reality he did have a radio.

He used the radio in the BTR. I'm more leaning toward being able to call air strike without radio (bug?). Did he not show a radio in the C2 panel? Or did he not have a radio *at all*.

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I went back to an earlier savegame, and yes, while he was in the BTR-60, he did have a radio in his inventory (the C2 panel).

Then I parked the BTR-60 safely on one side of the hill, and took the Platoon HQ over the top to call in some air support against some enemy tanks.

When he arrived there, I saw he did no longer show a radio in his inventory, but when I tried, he could call the helicopters.

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I've seen this too. Most notably, I was playing the CM:A demo recently. I put a Russian sniper up on a hill overlooking a town I was supposed to assault. He had no radio, was about 300 meters from the nearest radio, but was able to call artillery missions.

I assumed that it had to do with C2. I was playing on Elite level. I wonder if this same phenomenon occurs at Iron level.


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When a unit moves a distance, radio C2 links can be lost and it can take some time for radio contact to be re-established, but this only affects C2 links not access to support assets (but might affect delays and such).

Syrian Plt commanders should have radios, even dismounted.

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