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OT: Iran vs Irak literature


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Iran vs. Irak

Born 1975 in the DDR (East Germany) I have absolutely no idea about this war. I just want to ask if someone can give me a advise, what to read about this war. I'm more intereasted in the big picture (politcal background). Can someone give me a advise what book to read? (no fear of 'critical' 'conspiracy theory' literature on my part - I'm actually very interested in fringe literature, but please no plain propaganda.)

I'm interested in the cold war polical background, but strategic and tactial 'battlefield literature' is also fine.


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If you are really interested and willing to put a lot of research time into it, various magazines and journals devoted to military matters gave space to it at the time and later. However, I would not put a lot of effort into popular magazines like Time and Newsweek even though they would have frequently reported on the subject.


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I think this one is a good place to start.

The cold war plays into the conflict but it is really largely about regional interests.

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Granted, this war wasn't as much of a Cold War proxy like Korea and Vietnam, but the equipment was. Iran having recently changed management, the inventory was mostly western, including the vaunted F-14 Tomcat, but also the old standbys like the F-5 and F-4. Iraq was armed mainly with Soviet block equipment, that is until mid war imports of Mirage F-1s and the mighty Exocet missile. Meanwhile, the Iranians, cut off from western aid (excluding the Iran Contra) had to turn to the Soviets to replace losses and help fabricate spares for existing aircraft.

I am also very interested in the Iran - Iraq war, but mainly the aerial conflict. On the ground it was a bloody mess the like of WWI, but in the air two marginally trained air forces went at it, and the fighting was legendary. It's a shame there isn't more information out there, since this war would make the stuff of so many Top Gun style movies, I mean, F-14s man! F-14s!

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