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And just to clear up some more confusion (I'm in that kind of mood :P), I don't recall Strykers being in the Marines TOE. Are you sure you were playing with marines? I really need to check those demo missions.

My bad, it wasnt Strykers. They were those amphibious vehicles and LAVs. I was confusing it with the Army version of Going to Town. That one had the Strykers.

About the British mission, a closer look told me that reinforcements are coming, but not for a while. And waiting around for 10 minutes doesnt really sound so appealing, honestly. I wish the demo included more than just one mission from each module.

And I actually havent bought anything yet. Im still getting a hand on the demo before I make any decision.

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And waiting around for 10 minutes doesnt really sound so appealing, honestly.

No one said you have to “wait around”.

“Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted“. :)

I wish the demo included more than just one mission from each module.

Sort of defeats the purpose of a “demo” doesn’t it?

2 missions per module = 8 scenarios, why bother to buy it when that’s “free”?

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Wish there were Marines scenarios designed by BFC now that they have more experience.

Have you played 'Badinni Dilemma' already? That's the best USMC scenario I played till now. It was a pbem with me taking the Syrians. I managed to bring my opponent to surrender. It's a big battle on a nice designed map.

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No one said you have to “wait around”.

“Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted“. :)

I agree, but its hard to do recon when theres a barrage of automatic fire, RPGs, and ATGMs coming at you. :)

By the way, what are good recon tactics? Ive been looking around here for a guide of sorts but I fail to find any.

Sort of defeats the purpose of a “demo” doesn’t it?

2 missions per module = 8 scenarios, why bother to buy it when that’s “free”?

Yeah, I understand your point, but you dont really get a good feel for the game. Oh well, at least I liked the ones I got enough to want to buy the game.

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I agree, but its hard to do recon when theres a barrage of automatic fire, RPGs, and ATGMs coming at you. :)

Well that in itself tells you something - doesn’t it, in terms of what the main force may encounter and where from?

By the way, what are good recon tactics? Ive been looking around here for a guide of sorts but I fail to find any.

Well I invite you to attend the next 6 month Regimental Officers Basic Course - Cavalry. :)

Seriously again its not a subject suitable to one line “one size fits all” statements.

Also most scenarios in CM:SF happen after the reconnaissance phase (the battle has begun already or is 10 mins away from starting not days).

George and I are currently working on something that is a quasi “operation” that links several battles together over the same map so hopefully that will give people an understanding.

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Well that in itself tells you something - doesn’t it, in terms of what the main force may encounter and where from?

True, but its a lot harder when your recon team is knocked out very quickly so there is still a ton of area that was left unexplored.

Brainstorming a bit, maybe I should do an "L" shaped recon route- move my recon unit down the far side of the map where they cant hit me, then speed as fast as they can across the map and see who opens fire.


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You don't technically have to perform recce with any unit in particular, any infantry unit with eye-balls can work in a pinch. If you have a route that allows you to stay concealed, most of the route at least, then vehicles can be useful to get recon teams to a spot that provides a good Line of Sight (LOS) to the suspected enemy position. Then you let them sit for a moment, assign target arcs so they will focus their spotting. Patience is key with recce work, cause if you are moving, you are seen easier and can't spot nearly as well. As soon as an enemy unit moves, you should spot him, after waiting a bit to figure out enemy strength and disposition, I start making my plan of attack at this time as far as Air/Arty support. Where and when smoke must be used, or even if I need to. Normally it's just timing I figure our now, as the basic plan was laid out as I deployed my troops.

This is how I try to do it, and it doesn't work every time, since nothing ever does, but it is a good starting point. CMSF is a type of game where, if you were to put every forum member and give them the same scenario to play out, and watched every re-play, they would all be unique. There are many different schools of thought when it comes to tactical strategy, and many, many, many more individual variations on those schools, to create a very large pool or ideas for the same situation. Trial and Error is your friend, since we have the luxury of troopers who aren't alive, and we can lose as many as we want in the learning process and no one will protest on our lawns! Take advantage of this, and practice, practice, practice. I played the original demo (with like two or three missions) for months before buying the game just learning the new system (versus CMx1)

I do hope you stay at it, this game rewards persistence and thought with a realistic combat gaming experience that will leave you very satisfied.

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Hooah... One of the reasons the CM2 game has a linited appeal compared to mass market is that it is the opposite of an exciting action-packed wrist-twitch game. The Major and others can tell you about RL tactics, while I just use "gamer common sense" in terms of playing the game:

CMSF usually requires a lot of patience especially in the first 10-20 minutes. Firstly, (unfortunately) recon troops (and snipers) seem to have no particular spotting or hiding advantage. Yes, that sucks, but there are so many other super features, and hey, it's a game. So, you use em as recon cos of their label, but they do not have some form of invisibility shield. Also, generally, the last thing you want to do is race vehicles around to do recon as they will just get killed.

The first turns are critical. As an experienced player, I have found it most successful to start thus:

1) ensure most units esp AFV's are hidden from enemy POV.

2) move "recon"/inf teams using HUNT with multiple waypoints maybe 10-50 meters apart depending on the map and a 15-30 sec pause at each waypoint to allow time for spotting. (Your biggest enemy is/are enemy ATGM's (anti-tank guided missiles) which can kill just about anything you have at long range.)

3) So, the name of this game is ID the ATGM's and kill them (preferably with mortars and airpower) BEFORE exposing any important vehicles like tanks

4) Only after you have established as much as possible a safe zone clear of ATGM's should you bring up your AFV's like tanks (which I find rather brittle and usually are only useful (in CMSF) as heavily armored HE chuckers).

5) Use vehicular direct fire weapons (AFV's) to demolish enemy positions as much as possible BEFORE sending in any inf.

6) NEVER, NEVER rush into an unknown/building or area (unless it's been under observation for several minutes by many, many eyes with binocs - you acquire a feel for what's safe to do and what isn't with experience).

There's lots more that comes with experience, but the above imo should keep you alive long enuff to become a vet.

Note that once you see a "?" enemy sign, you should leave as many units as practicable just observing that location. It can take several minutes of nothing but observing (and that can suck if you're used to action games), but your units will start to ID the enemy units.

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Thanks for the tips Erwin.

Ok new question- Why cant I seem to be able to secure objectives? I was playing USMC Going to Town, and there are four objectives: take and hold the warehouse and the government complex, touch the marketplace, and make sure no damage comes to the mosque.

There are green boxes around the objectives which I assume tells you if you achieved it or not.

I got rid of the green boxes around the warehouse and market, but I couldnt seem to get rid of the green boxes around the government complex. I dont know why that is, since I scoured the place with my Marines twice, and no enemies in the area. The mosque I understand why theres a green box around it since you have to finish the mission with it unharmed.

In the end, the mission ended in a draw. I have no idea why. I had only 15 casualties, the Syrians had many more, and only a few AFVs lost. I think it could be an objective based reason.

So whats the deal with objectives? The manual wasnt very clear. It told me that I had to keep troops in the area at the end of the mission to win, but if a unit of Marines plus spotters, snipers, and an AT squad isnt enough, I dont know what is.

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1) I don't know

2) Maybe that there was a scared hiding enemy unit there, and your guys didn't see him.

Another hint when you have orders not to damage buildings etc. You CAN shoot at them safely with Airpower set to LIGHT and Arty set to PERSONNEL (means airburst).

You can also use AFV direct fire of up to 30mm for a certain amount of time - experience will teach you, but a total AFV fire time of around 60 seconds (even if spread over several turns) should be safe and should not damage (knock down a wall of worse) the building.

Good luck and have fun!

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Well I had no problem with the mosque because no one was in it. Interestingly enough, the two versions of Going to Town differ between USMC and the army. The USMC are not allowed to touch the mosque, while the army has no such rules in the mission.

Strange. Plus the USMC version has enemy BMPs while the army version has only ATGMs and other insurgents.

Also, after the mission was over I pressed "review map" and no enemy was in the complex so I guess no one was hiding.

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Thanks for the tips Erwin.

Ok new question- Why cant I seem to be able to secure objectives? I was playing USMC Going to Town, and there are four objectives: take and hold the warehouse and the government complex, touch the marketplace, and make sure no damage comes to the mosque.

There are green boxes around the objectives which I assume tells you if you achieved it or not.

I got rid of the green boxes around the warehouse and market, but I couldnt seem to get rid of the green boxes around the government complex. I dont know why that is, since I scoured the place with my Marines twice, and no enemies in the area. The mosque I understand why theres a green box around it since you have to finish the mission with it unharmed.

In the end, the mission ended in a draw. I have no idea why. I had only 15 casualties, the Syrians had many more, and only a few AFVs lost. I think it could be an objective based reason.

So whats the deal with objectives? The manual wasnt very clear. It told me that I had to keep troops in the area at the end of the mission to win, but if a unit of Marines plus spotters, snipers, and an AT squad isnt enough, I dont know what is.

The green area doesn't go away if you have to occupy the objective, I believe. So I think you have to leave some units there, while making sure there are no Syrians around.

As for the scouting, I usually dismount my guys and have them observing the battlefield for enemy movement. While it is possible to spot enemies waiting, it will take a long time (and sometimes it's not even possible).

The anti-tank missiles are a pest, but the only thing you can do really is either wait and observe (which can take a lot time, think 10-30 minutes depending where they are located) or by forcing them to shoot at you and then killing them quickly. Patience is key either way, either waiting, or making sure everything and everyone is in position before moving out.

That's my experience any way.

If you haven't check this out:


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Yes ”Occupy“ (or “take and hold”) means leave people there.

You can’t just take it, have a look around and move on abandoning it again (if that’s what happened).

I left an FO, HQ section, sniper, and AT unit. Not to mention a badly mauled unit of infantry. That should be enough, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

how ammo searching from bodies work?

Ok, first the background - my redforce infantry squad was in the bunker when enemy engineers blew up rear wall and killed all my guys(all brown circles). Later in this game, driver of one of my destroyed BMP-1 crept into this bunker, armed only with PM pistol. He searched all of the body and found the following - AKM with zero ammo (judging by ammo bar), RPG launcher and 1 RPG grenade. Remind you that my squad have hardly ever fired a shot.:(

I will be grateful if someone explain how searching procedure works:)

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If I dont remember wrong, its affected by the weight the soldier can carry and they prioritize heavy weapons. so probleby he picked up the RPG, could pick up another round but only thing left he could pick up weightwise was the empyt AKM.

And then there is surely some randomisation in it all to reflect that weapon and ammo can get destroyed/turn useless when the carrier get killed.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, Im going to bump this.

I have another question.

Ive been playing a lot, but I cant seem to figure out the exact role of the HQ squad. I can only guess that they are there for command and control stuff, but Ive been looking through the manual and I cant find their exact use. I searched through the forum and I cant find it either.

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When you select a squad the UI (in the bottom left) will show what type of contact they have with their HQ. Being in contact with the HQ iirc improves the spotting capability and the moral of the squad. You just usually don't notice it with NATO because their troops are more often than not in contact with their HQ through some means, and they are good enough to be left on their own for the most part. If you play as Uncon or Syria it becomes much more noticeable.

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