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new guy here...pre planned tgts.

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This game is addictive. But I want to know if any one here know a way to get the manual for CCBB? I've had the for 2 year and deployed and now cant find my manual. Is there a place I can down load it PDF or word don't want to go to torrent site.

But if I can't I need to know how to call artillery on my pre-planned targets. I think I need an FO but how do I contact the gun bunnies and call in my fire support for ADJ fires and FFE?

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Can't help you on the manual, sorry.

If the FO has line of sight to where you want to drop the rounds, then plot a fire line to that spot and the game will count down until the rounds land. They'll show up more or less where you aimed, with veteran FOs firing shells closer to where you wanted them, than say a green FO. They do all the adjusting and FFE on their own, they're pretty smart!

If you have a target reference point (TRP) then it's easier, you don't need LOS, and the shells drop the next minute. Is that what you mean by "pre-planned targets"? Sounds like it is but figured I should ask to be sure.

You get TRPs either because the person who built the scenario put them it, or the battle you are fighting allows you to pick them. Hope this helps.

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Well in the scenario I'm playing (the zoo)( 4th senario from the top) I'm playing the Russians and they have 3x TRPs established. I have a spotter with 82mm mortars and I call in fire with no problems because of direct LOS.

But my question is how do I establish fires on the 3x(tgt ref. points) TRPs I have? I have NCO's and CO's with good LOS to those TRPs and the leaders do have binos do they also need radios? I want to establish fires with the big guns and call fire missions when enemy units enter that TRP grid location. Is the spotter the only unit able to establish arty fires? Without the ARTY support the German forces are able to widdle me down because of my lack of small arms ammo.

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Any on-board artillery unit that has not moved is assumed to be pre-registered on all the TRP's. Foo's arriving after the start or mortars arriving subsequaently would not get the bonus.Therefore original non-moving can drop fire on those TRP whenever you wish.

However switching fire from one TRP to another makes for a delay. If you play with your various Russian artillery modules you can see the delay on switching TRP's and also the fire per minute to calculate how long it might last fired continuously at one TRP or extend it by switching.

Russian artillery tends to be slow to register new targets so TRP's are important. Also spotters can misdirect from non-TRP targets. Please search the forums for the lengthy detail on when your spotting round is right or wrong. : ) Its quite a big subject.

BTW all-non-moving units from set-up with DF weapons and direct line of sight to a TRP are also deemed to be zeroed in on the TRP and will receive bonus accuracy when firing into that area.

Archive search here will reveal tons of stuff, and experimenting on map by setting up a dummy game and playing both sides will reveal how troops react to shell-fire.

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Any on-board artillery unit that has not moved is assumed to be pre-registered on all the TRP's. Foo's arriving after the start or mortars arriving subsequaently would not get the bonus.

I could be wrong, but I believe FOOs are able to fire onto TRPs with no penalty regardless of whether they arrive as reinforcements or move.

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BTW all-non-moving units from set-up with DF weapons and direct line of sight to a TRP are also deemed to be zeroed in on the TRP and will receive bonus accuracy when firing into that area.

Another thing regarding TRPs, pillboxes and bunkers have a built-in accuracy bonus that works like a TRP, the rational being the crews would have taken the time to register everything within their kill zone.

Therefore, giving a PB or bunker a TRP to fire to would be a waste as they don't receive any accumulative accuracy bonus from it.

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Ok I think I figured this out. The mission: "morning at the zoo" I have 3X TRPs to place.

1) The TRPs are only effective if I have a spotter to call fires on it.

2) The only way to call fires on it is using the "SPOTTER" (FO) unit all other unit leaders can't request fires on the TRP.

3) The mortar units can can target the TRPs, BUT only if they have a good LOS to the target location. other then that its blind fires.

4) TRPs give the fire a quicker responsive fire and concentrated fire on the location.

So hopefully I got this correct. If not please explain to me other ways to utilize the TRPs.

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If the on-map mortar units are in the command radius of an HQ unit (red line, not black) then that HQ unit can be used to spot, even if the mortars are out of LOS. I don't know if the spotting HQ unit gains the accuracy adjustment of the TRP for that fire though (cannot see why as it is area fire).

As has been stated before the Russians are greatly hampered by long delays in calling in fire support, whereas the Germans might have to wait 3 minutes for a 105 battery the Russians wait three times as long, or longer, for similar support. This means that playing the Soviet FO's is far more of a guessing game than their German counterparts, it is here where TRP's have their greatest advantage for the Soviet player. If you can accurately predict your opponents approach route, fire can be switched so that it arrives just as the enemy does, you still have to wait for a full minute but that is better than 8 minutes plus. In the Zoo it is quite easy to predict the German AI's lines of attack and so can TRP likely staging areas for assaults or avenues of approach. Another tip set short cover arcs for your SMG troops so they do not waste ammo, played well they can effectively wipe out a unit, and in the Zoo buildings can do far more damage, especially against the AI.

In addition to the TRP's you can task an FO to fire at an area during the first turn of the game, it is assumed to be a pre-planned bombardment so has no delay in calling for fire, does not take into account the quality of the unit or need to see the location. This initial bombardment can then be delayed, in one minute increments, by hitting the Q key which allows a bit more flexibility to your artillery tool box.

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3) The mortar units can can target the TRPs, BUT only if they have a good LOS to the target location. other then that its blind fires.

It is blind fire but with an increased accuracy, thereby overcoming the negative affects of fire blind. In a sense a TRP will make the mortar act as though it has direct LOS.

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Did you realise that for a pre-planned barrage, the FO does not need LOS on the target. I am using this in a CMAK scenario in I am trying to build where there is an air strike by heavy bombers before the ground forces go in. I am representing this with several FOs with different size guns (representing different size bombs) pre-planned to hit the target on the first move. None have LOS on the target.

I have just checked in CMBB and LOS is not needed here either.

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I get the impression there may be a misunderstanding re the difference between onmap and offmap guns.

Advantages of TRP's:

1) All onmap guns, including tank guns, AT and Inf guns etc that have LOS to the TRP will get an accuracy bonus when firing at a target within a TRP's "range" SO LONG AS THE GUN HAS NOT MOVED SINCE SETUP.

2) FO's (which is the ONLY unit that can bring down offmap arty) can target any friendly TRP with offmap arty - even if the FO is OUT OF LOS of the TRP.

3) Offmap arty will arrive FASTER when targeted on a TRP. You can also switch arty from one TRP to another faster.

4) On map mortars THAT HAVE NOT MOVED SINCE SET-UP can fire at any friendly TRP within range. Neither the mortars nor any HQ that commands them need have LOS to the TRP.

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Useful Arty Summary from The Blitz (POS) #3 [-]


Handy "arty spotter quiz":

For each situation, answer:

A - Rounds will fall on target

B - Rounds will fall off target

C - Rounds stop falling

D - None of the above

1. Arty spotter moves while the countdown is ticking, but stays in LOS of target.

2. Spotter moves out of LOS of the target while the countdown is ticking.

3. Spotter moves out of LOS of the target while rounds are falling.

4. Spotter goes to 'pinned' morale status while rounds are falling.

5. Spotter dies while rounds are falling.

6. Spotter is given a target out of LOS, but moves into LOS during the countdown.

7. Spotter retreats off map during countdown.

8. Spotter retreats off map while rounds are falling.

9. Spotter is given a preplanned target, retreats off map during countdown.

10. Spotter boards a vehicle during countdown.

11. Spotter with a preplanned target dies during countdown.


1. Arty spotter moves while the countdown is ticking, but stays in LOS of target.

A - move your spotter around at will, as long as he stays in LOS of the target.

2. Spotter moves out of LOS of the target while the countdown is ticking.

A or B - as McIvan and Ratzki pointed out, a lot hinges on the spotting round - as long as he's in LOS until the spotting round falls, the spotter can subsequently move out of sight.

3. Spotter moves out of LOS of the target while rounds are falling.

A - run anywhere you want, once rounds are dropping. As before, once a spotting round drops, you're in good shape. A barrage falling on target will never start falling off target no matter what you do.

4. Spotter goes to 'pinned' morale status while rounds are falling.

C - once a spotter is pinned or worse, his barrage stops, whether it's in the countdown or rounds are falling. It acts as if the target order was cancelled.

5. Spotter dies while rounds are falling.

C - when the spotter eats it, the rounds stop.

6. Spotter is given a target out of LOS, but moves into LOS during the countdown.

A or B - again, McIvan nailed it. As long as he gets into LOS in time for the spotting round, it'll fall on target. This one was news to me - you can target a spotter up from anywhere, as long as you can run him into line of sight by the 60/30s mark.

7. Spotter retreats off map during countdown.

A or C - if he leaves the map before the spotting round, nothing happens and his arty is lost. If he leaves the map after the spotting round, the whole module will fall on target.

8. Spotter retreats off map while rounds are falling.

A - same deal - the whole module continues to fall

9. Spotter is given a preplanned target, retreats off map during countdown.

A - pretty much nothing will stop a preplanned barrage.

10. Spotter boards a vehicle during countdown.

D - It stops the countdown in place, or if rounds are already falling, they stop falling while the spotter is in the vehicle. As soon as the spotter exits, the countdown resumes where it left off or rounds continue to fall. This is also true for preplanned strikes. Definitely open to some gamey uses/abuses.

11. Spotter with a preplanned target dies during countdown.

A - as #9, pretty much nothing stops a preplanned barrage. Except loading them into a truck...

NOTE: No arty fires more than two spotting rounds, and only the first one means anything. The second spotting round is pure eye candy stuff. In the case of 105mm, the first spotting round fires at 60 seconds on the countdown (right after the countdown begins). If you do not see the spotter's ammo count reduced by one at this point, spotter LOS is obstructed and the strike is blind. Cancel the strike promptly. With mortars you're watching for the ammo count to drop by one at the 30 second mark.

If the FIRST spotting round goes out, your strike will be accurate no matter where the round lands. You can even move the spotter out of LOS in the next orders phase. The strike will continue to be on-target. His job is done unless you want to adjust the strike.

Also note: In CMBB, if a spotter gets killed outright (ie, dies immediately without going first to pinned or worse), the barrage will continue until out of ammo. The same does not seem to hold true for CMAK.

My Recent Posts E: Terrain Cover Values

Note that units engaged at exposure levels above 44% will try to crawl to better cover.

Summer..............Exposure. Exposure. Exposure

Terrain............................. in wire.... w/ foxhole

Paved Road.......... 100% 98% N/A

Bridge.................. 100% N/A N/A

Ice...................... 98% N/A N/A

Wall (on top)........ 95% N/A N/A

Dirt Road...............90% 98% 44%

Hedge (on top)..... 75% N/A N/A

Wood Fence (top). 75% N/A N/A

Open Ground........ 75% 98% 44%

Soft Ground......... 75% 98% 44%

Steppe................ 65% 98% 43%

Marsh.................. 65% N/A N/A

Hedge (behind)..... 60% 60% 42%

Wood Fnce behind. 60% 60% 42%

Wheatfield........... 60% 98% 44%

Brush.................. 53% 98% 44%

Cemetery............. 50% 98% 44%

Rocky.................. 50% 98% 50%


Crater.................. 44% 44% N/A

Scattered Trees..... 33% 75% 24%

Wall (behind)......... 30% 30% 30%

Rough................... 28% N/A N/A

Rubble.................. 24% N/A N/A

Light Building..........20% N/A N/A

Woods.................. 18% 75% 15%

Tall Pines .............. 18% 75% 15%

Factory................. 16% N/A N/A

Heavy Building........ 12% N/A N/A

Trench................... 9% N/A N/A

Wall Hiding behind.... 0% 0% 0%

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