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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×



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Hey Guys

Just been trying out Theatre of War 2 on a friends computer, I've considered purchasing it, and it looks like a sure winner... But.. Does anyone know how to fix the lag issue?

I'm an experienced 3d artist within the games industry, and from what i can figure out the lag is caused by there being... well NO LODS, or none that are working anyway. Is there a patch or fix to stop this lag?

The game is like something from a (good) dream, it couldn't be built better to my specifications of a strategy game, but the lag just ruins it, I can't play it and said flatmates computer is very powerful (same as mine: 1gb video memory - 8gb ram -quadcore etc.)

I really want to buy this guys, but if there is no fix for the lag its just going to frustrate me :(

Any ideas?

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Unfortunately I do not know of any fix for the 'lags' in the campaigns. Apparently there are a lot of calcs (LOS, LOF, spotting, etc.) going on in the background and I believe that that may be slowing down updates for video data (despite having powerful video cards). I don't know if there really is an issue with LODs or not. I would assume that 1C would have optimized the video display pretty well and would have created several LODs for all of the models.

The only 'workaround' is to play at '1/2 speed', though that may not work for everyone or produce desirable results.

If you play some of the self-created Mission Editor battles, you may see better performance (since there will be a reduction in units, typically).

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Hey man, thanks for the reply.

its really frustrating, this looks like such a good game! My flatmate's not so keen (the lag issue), and doesn't recommend it, but I went ahead and bought it last night anyway - not because I'm prepared to play through the atrocious lag, but purely because I want to actively support battlefront. They rarely let me down and I hope a small company such as Battlefront stick around during these hard times! (I love the combat mission series - still play CMBO)

So, thanks for the reply! I'll keep the game installed in case I update my computer or they manage to fix the lag, but I wish Battlefront would put some pressure on 1c to get it fixed! This game has so much potential but is being played by no one due to bad ratings and poor recommendations. Fix the lag and this series will really take off. Just read PcGamer's initial review if you don't believe me, they though it was going to be mega (TOW1) but then after playing it gave it bad reviews based on playability. If the lag wasn't there it would have sold loads!

Anyway, rant over lol.

Keep the WW2 coming to us Battlefront!

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I've experienced what you call "lag" only once with the latest Kursk patch installed, and never in ToW2 Africa. I've a computer well below your specs, with only 2Gb RAM and i'm playing at half-speed.

I can assure you that the game slow-down have nothing to do with the LOD display. It would seems to me that it comes from either very intensive calculations in case of a big firefight or bombardment taking place, or from some other problem related to AI calculations. I've not been able yet to find the cause behind of the occasional slow-downs I was experiencing before the latest patch.

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