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The Peng Challenge Thread Has Lunch and it's Dutch Treat

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Wow there actually is a poster called PENG.. That explains hehe

:) :) :) :) :D

Somebody seemingly forgot to post certain rules again because while there is a whole lot of gibberish in m, I can't find any reference to smileys.

Don't you love it when your the first to play a turn? Nothing better than spreading disinformation upon your adversary until the point he doesn't believe any of it and then on occasion pass some accurate info. Like when ATGM flank shots are taking out all of his tanks hehe.

P.S. and Peng I wasn't really trying to die actually, both not ingame as in this so called 'real life'. Stick around for another 50-60 years and you have more chances of getting your wishes fulfilled.

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Based on your post history and your indication that there is always hope when someone says:

I wonder if they all got buried in the snow storm?
makes me understand that you implicate that it is a good thing if 'they' all get buried in a snow storm, in such a way that one can always hope for it.

Which is quite vile and mean in my world. Perhaps it was the PENG challenge looking glass again?

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Addendum to the RULES stated in the initial post of this incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread: "The use of SMILEYS is strictly VERBOTEN! As they are the crutch of the verbally obtuse and are as an an abomination unto the sight of Peng."

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Boo Radley, Knight of the House of J. D. Morse and Auxiliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread

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Addendum to the RULES stated in the initial post of this incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread: "The use of SMILEYS is strictly VERBOTEN! As they are the crutch of the verbally obtuse and are as an an abomination unto the sight of Peng."

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Boo Radley, Knight of the House of J. D. Morse and Auxiliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread

Well adddendumed Boo Radley ... perhaps there's hope for you yet ... probably not of course but perhaps.

Keep it up and you'll be the Auxiliary Backup Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread in no time ... as long as we don't strictly define exactly what that time is of course.


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snip... perhaps there's hope for you yet ... probably not of course but perhaps.



JoeJoeJoe. I know you're into team building an' all that crap, you being a Banker*, an 'all. But really, he's just another 'merican bum with no hope of bettering himself in any way, whatsoever.

So why build him up, just to kick him down again... ?


Got it.


* Bankers now have a worse reputation than Car Salesmen, Real Estate Agents and Polititions. Go to the top of the class.

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8" is a record for you guys at this time of the year? I would have figured you would normally get much more than that by almost mid November.

Normally, even we get a massive snowfall by this time each year. So far this year... nada.

Was the record for that day alone. Got 10" out here.

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Was the record for that day alone. Got 10" out here.

It was like driving through cement. Went to Dalem's for a 'general gaming day'. I won every game I was involved in, which, if I remember correctly, was 4. It always amazes the Howler Monkeys that I can stay focused long enough to win. Later, even though Dalem said he was going to toss everyone out by 2 am, he and I watched a movie, at his insistence. "The Man From Earth". Fascinating discussion, later. And cigars.

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The point you keep missing is that basically all of you are our genetically inferior offspring, hence we own YOUR culture.

I could go on and explain about shareholders and all that bull****. But since you won't understand it, i'll just use this phrase:

All your bases are belonging to us...

And that goes especially for Nic Dain the First (Nidan1).

Hmmm...I am no relation to you, because my folk are Irish, and English, and Scottish. I live in a State filled with such a wealth of the descendants of Norwegians, Danes and Swedes that you can't frisbee a dried whitefish towards your cat without it being snaffled out of the air by someone who looks at you with disapproval, saying 'Here, then. That could be made into a very nice soup, then.'

And as to our culture, we're going to have our run, but yours is already done. We might be 'the Rich Man's Rome', but Europe's already senile. And the Dutch? You've already been inconsequential for several hundred years. You're not going to rise again, either.

The future belongs to people like the Canadians, and the Australians. God help the future. Although there'll be beer, eh?! Bloody right!

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Oddstralyan Overlords? Moses on a moped, what a concept for a satirical sci/fi movie. Like Crocodile Dundee Goes to Washington. And the global economy goes through it's final death throes after being handled like a Chinese Fire Drill orchestrated by mental patients.

So what I'm saying is that I don't really see much of a down side...

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Hiding under that stone again in the Sinai Desert again, are ya?

Or did it take that frigging long to come up with a response to that drunken post of mine?

Anyways a canuck is still gonna be a canuck no matter what. The problem with Canada is that its immense size is out totally out of proportion. The few braincells in their inhabitants just can´t manage something so big.

Probably the following picture somes up the whole of Canada:


Well I bet we from the true First World can have a nice time there while we use up all your precious resources (chicks and imported beer) before flying back to the Olde Country. And regarding the cultural fish soup offer: thanks but no thanks!

Besides, culture in the west is virtually non-existent anymore. Who needs culture with pron movies, coffeeshops and Thai food delivered at your door?

Nah from all countries in the world I reckon that after Afrika, South America and Asia, Holland is the best place to live. We are at least acknowledging being hypocrites so we made a word for it (gedogen = doing something illegal while nobody cares for it) and now can do all the bad stuff without actually feeling bad. Salut!

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I was actually referring to beer imported from here (and our neighbors).

But you are correct, Stroh's would be an imported beer here if it were actually imported. Since I am always keen to try out new beers, perhaps you can send a sample to me? To properly test a beer I reckon a crate of about 24 bottles will do fine.

I'll provide a review including pics in this thread.


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