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I agree with most of what Big Al says...

The big 8 powers should have separate MPP's and research. Although I think perhaps adding an 'internal diplomacy' research to simulate the likelihood of allies sharing technology e.g if the internal diplomacy is high for Italy and Germany has high technology for jet fighters make it more likely for Italy to get a hit in jet fighter research.

I've said it before and I'll throw my 2 pennys worth in again. There's a golden opportunity with the squares to make the naval warfare better by splitting each sea tile into 4 whilst retaining the land tiles as they are. ;)


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Well Big Al, you are certainly not wrong. The SC gaming engine has evolved a lot since Blitzkrieg. In weapons and warfare, I invested a pile of time developing a Divisional Level Sealion Mod. Lotsa fun. Good map of England and Northern continental Europe and well researched OOB. Fun and and interesting to play and explore. I didn't ave the time to learn scripting, so it fell off. When I got back to it, Patton was already out and I lost my energy to continue. Perhaps with some backward compatibility, my Mod, and numerous other interesting mods created by many others over the years could have some new life in a either a consolidated SC2 package or as part of a revamped sexy SC3.

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This brings me to an idea I've been thinking about, but I know it needs refinement, so help me out here forum. I've discussed the communication/logistical layer in the past as something active, how about it remains "as is", passive and every place has supply until interdicted.

Now let's keep the interdiction medium passive also(like spotting), dependent upon deployments, like it is on land with units exerting a ZoC. So now our SC naval units will exert a ZoC of interdiction just by their deployment, perhaps a couple of tiles and a mode in the right click menu, "patrol or blockade". Now air units, subject to negation by fighters, will have an area of interdiction as supply can come in by that type of transport also.

So let's say there is an island, if you think about the Earth, all lands are islands, but some are so large as they can sustain themselves and are impossible to interdict, but areas can be "isolated". On one of these islands is a port, supply 5, and you want to reduce it. You could actively bomb, or bombard, or by deploying a naval or air unit in proximity so that its/their ZoC(s) of interdiction overlap the port then this serves to passively reduce the port's supply/efficiency. Every overlap not neutralized by a stationed/garrisoning unit reduces the port/town by one per turn, always subject to the normal SC recovery of one per turn and an inland resource connection greater than the port's/city's diminished supply/efficiency.

You could isolate the area, by deployments in proximity to inland connections that are reduced by your(air units) interdicting ZoCs and/or bomb them actively with said units, but now you have two ways to isolate/interdict an area. In essence your interdicting units(naval & air) perform two fuctions every turn, by deployment, a passive action of supply interruption and of course the normal usage of active functions as directed by the controlling player in the current SC scheme.

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Actually it is a nice idea. There has always been a problem with naval/naval air combat in WW2 games where they always try to fight some large battle in the center of the Pacific or use 1 sea zone to CHOP everyone out of supply in a 1000 mile radius.... sillly.

Almost every naval battle in WW2 was fought near a coastline (only exception that I know of was Bismark which took 1/2 the UK fleet to find it in the open ocean). So I thought to make 2 different sea tiles, one coastal, one deep sea.

But I couldnt find something to make it work easy with SC2. I think your idea will fit in nicely to it.

Deep sea tile: ship interdiction radius reduced and cant affect supply on land tiles - to simulate how damn hard it was to find someone in a sea zone. It would also work well with convoys raiding when DDs patrol to find subs. That way DDs dont insta find subs in a 5 hex radius and pound them to death.

Coastal sea tile: Here the interdiction radius is full range within the coastal tiles. It can reduce supply, spot ships much easier, and perform combat.

Just thoughts.

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Actually Big Al you have incorporated a mechanism that could be expanded upon in SC3, the use of the "evasion%". I know there are some members out there that don't like the way subs instantly relocate themselves when they dive from enemy combat actions, but I think a similar feature applied when two naval combatants come into contact with each other could serve the purpose.

Sure it needs to be discussed and refined, probably some different "right click" menu modes for the naval units would be appropriate and then the interaction concluded by an algorithm. Results could be combat, or possibly a "friction" loss and then there is always the possibility of the relocation, a fleeting moment that we saw "something", but now it has disappeared, "El Capitan"!:D

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