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CM-A demo: scroll wheel not working

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As the title describes - Also when using shift and ctrl it will work to alter elevation but only one-way - till it points up at the sky with no way to bring the view back to normal. Most odd as the scroll wheel works fine in the full version of CM-SF.

Windows 7 Pro, Belkin mouse (belkin f8e850-opt)

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Still no change using belkin mouse drivers instead of MS ones.

Double checked and CMSF still works fine. I can use in CM-A demo the number keys to get camera elevation to rise and fall. Nope I haven't tinkered with hotkeys files in any of the CM2 games inc demo.

Will uninstall and reinstall demo later

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Actually, I would assume that using the generic Microsoft/Windows scroll mouse drivers would be a bit more compatible. However I'm not sure what sort of differences or additional features the customized drivers may have over the default MS/Windows ones.

This is strange that the behavior isn't identical in CMSF. The engines are nearly identical between CMSF 1.21 and CMA.

What sort of options do you have with the Belkin drivers and Logitech Performance MX drivers ?

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