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[UFC #3] Crispy131313 (Allies) vs. Scook (Axis)

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September 1, 1939:

German forces cross the border into Poland. An army from Prussia swings south cutting off retreat across the Vistula river, and smashes the Polish Air Force on the ground. Poor General Rydz-Smigly learns the hard way his road of retreat to Warsaw is also the path of advancement for all German armor. Warsaw is ensieged and looks to fall before the month is out.

Out in the Atlantic, Graf-Spee sinks many merchant ships trying to leave port out of Trinidad. There is a rather large oil slick in the Caribbean.

China: IJA Expedition Army thinks of trying to attack across a river, but instead kisses their sisters instead (no losses on either side). Besides that, it just looks like the Japanese are reshuffling their units.

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The March to Warsaw was the last straw. Australia, Canada, and South Africa declare war on Germany. The British viceroy in India does not crack under pressure, and India remains neutral. The B.A.I army is transferred from India.

In Poland the remaing troops strike back, doing minor damage to a tank and corps, while a Polish army destroys the Danzig harbour and declares it their own. It won't last long.

Oil continues to spill off Trinidad, and the Canadians feel the first wrath of the German submarines.


China does some gutsy reorganizing around Chengchow giving up important entrenchment. The Chinese HQ moves back and no army is in the open. Only one fire fight in the South. A 1-0 ping for the Chinese army. A small victory.

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October 1, 1939

10th Army triumphantly marches into Warsaw. Hitler is very pleased and rewards his generals; Rundstedt is made a Field Marshall, Guderian and Hoepner both have their panzer units renamed after them. Fighter recon in France strafes some infantry in the open, only to discover French fighters have ventured to the shores and are relegated to coastal watchers.

Hitler congratulates himself for putting the people to work building the Autobahn. Units quickly scurry westward to the French border. A storm is brewing.

{radio messages from China}

Some pinging in the south, Foochow feels the war has somehow bypassed them. All quiet in the rain.

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New Zealend joins the Allies.

All quiet in Europe after the fall of Poland. The Germans still have not regained control of the Danzig port. We do not expect the German's to rest for long as every spare unitl bolted from Poland.

Canadian convoy lines continue to be raided.

Asia: The Chinese continue to bunker in. Playing it defensively, no attacks.

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Dateline: China

Aggressive action south and west of Changsha results in the death of Chang Kai-Shek's 5th Army. Marines and army units supported by carrier based bombers shatter the line and threaten roads leading in and out of the city. Only patrols advance, leading us to believe this might be a bigger military action. Changsha is also assaulted from the north, leading to moderate casualties for both sides (3 damage each side). Foochow has discovered the IJN fleet in detail. every battleship opened up on the town, causing moderate structural damage (4mpp loss), but soldiers of the 2nd corps are holding up (no damage).

Achtung! Blitzkrieg:

Churchill had every right to be wary of German troop movements. Yesterday Poland, today Benelux. 3rd and 4th Armies, along with Panzer Group Hoepner, move in and conquer Brussels. More reinforcements are railed to the front to fill in the lines. Frogs and wolves are now staring at each other in the mud.

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November 12, 1939

French forces continue to bunker waiting for the coming unslaught. Only the winter can save them. The Maginot line has not been touched.

The German Graf Spree has been quiet since it's early raids on Trinidad and is somewhere in the vastness of the Atlantic. Meanwhile the Canadians continue to feel the harassment of the wolf pack.

Asia: China raises a new corps to replace the hole the Chinese 5th army left behind East of Changsha. Again no attacks. The Chinese sit and wait.

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Note: these will be the 1st pics, once I get used to the maximum sizing and such, and seeing how these turn out, they "should get better.

Hmm, I am running out of time this morning, I have the pics the right size, but they are still 55kb, and I can't get them down to 19.5kb. Any advice on how to do that, or what program(s) to download to make that happen? Onto the report......

{Tojo tells a funny}

Question: How do you make a Chinese corp?

Answer: Kill a chinese army, and the surivors make up the difference.

5th corp has replaced 5th army for the Chinese south of Chansha. They have a better fate than 5th army, only suffering 50% casualties. They do cause some bomber and troop losses, unlike their predecessor. Chengchow takes three hit while their assaulters suffer none. Chinese intelligence does ascertain most free Japanese units have been motorized. Japanese intelligence is still wondering where the two Chinese armies that railed away have gone.

Edit, I actually submit this before ending my turn in game, so fighting breaks out between Chinese Nationalists and Communists, and British prisoners taken at Dunkirk.

{The Bunker Report}

Clear weather in France, in November! The Fuhrer will not let this go by! One French corp and Army pay the ultimate price, but 10th and 4th armies step into the Devil's Den, one at the corner on three French armies, one on the coast. Limited units do what they have to do to kill Frenchies while the rest of the Army moves into position. Now Germany prays for bad weather.

Will come back and insert the pics once I get something to compress these images.

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I will also try to figure out the pictures in the coming turns.

Dec 10, 1939

Europe is frozen, and the snow blows over Britian and France, grounding any possible counter attacks from the sky. The 5th army is pulled of the west end of the Maginot line and is replaced by a corps. Our front lines remain at full strength 5 armies wide. Can't make it a cake walk for our blonde haired friends.

Axis vessels continue to elude us in the Atlantic. Luckily they seem to be taking a break. But where is the Graf Spree. It's been MIA since September.

Asia: The Chinese once again do nothing and lick their wounds. Foochow is a Japanese MPP killer, as Battleships are taking hits trying to weaken the Chinese 2nd corps. Every Japanese unit south of Chengchow seems to be on wheels. We have to maintain a sollid wall from Chensha to Nanning.

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Sidenotes: Doing this from work, it's good to own your own business.

As far as strategies go, I have committed to what I am doing, don't know how well it will work though. It is really fun playing a human, so different in just these few turns. Tactically, I am committing in ways I can improve on, but I have a strategy and am going to stick to it. My esteemed opponent appears to be doing the same, damn him! He is playing China as I would, like Gandhi is running the nation. Back to the action.


Another French army is sacrificed to the gods of war. Herr Hoepner leads his panzers into attacking the pride of French, their 1st Army, and re-inacts the desert scene from 'No Country for Old Men.' Bodies and vehicles (and dogs) are strewn everywhere (3 tank losses vs. 6 inf losses) in the mud. This is a very mild winter, by the way, clear skies, and mud, only one turn of snow, luckily its for the Allies. Hoepner can only hope for storms now.


Action slows around Changsha, as losses slowly mount over the last 3 turns for the Japan. Tojo wonders if he needs to shake things up a little. Chengchow keeps getting pings by 3 armies, losses are fairly even on both sides. A lucky salvo lands in the munitions storage of Foochow, destroying ammunition and food supplies, water rationing is in effect (city has been reduced to 0 MPPs). Armies are now preparing to siege Foochow from the land.

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France: The German 4th army adjacent to Paris feels the wrath of the French armour from from within the city, reducing the (+1 exp.) army to 4. My tank takes 1 hit. Behind it the Hoopner tank group is strength six. There is not much wiggle room (one open square between Paris and Brussels) so these weak units might hinder any further Blitzkrieg this month. The French 3rd army attacks a second German armour from the maginot line, an unhealthy 4-2 trade off and backs off the line. A corps moves in it's place to hold our solid defensive line once more. But Italy Joins the Axis!

China: Foochow is supply 1. It's a matter of time now. Chinese reinforce front lines, stay on the defensive.

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France, January, 1940

Snow, anything but snow and this gets ugly fast for France. I cannot hope for the weather to hold like it has been. We attack the fresh army railed into the Maginot, reducing him to a 3. We ping another army to an 8. Otherwise, we hold tight, add reinforcements, and enjoy the holiday season.

The French Navy apparently has a crush on Italy, every port in North Africa has a French ship next to it! And Britain has 2 armies on the border near Tobruk, what an opportunity to site-see! Oh wait, Il Duce has informed we are at war with both Great Britain and France. Oh, the indignation! Just wait, we'll get blood on your uniforms if you aren't careful there.


Foochow is cleared of enemy units, but no one advances into town. Otherwise, units are reinforced and nothing else happens this turn. Snow slows things down even more than the pace I am already setting.

Not happy with these images just yet, will keep working on it, but wanted to get some visuals. The China pic does give some intel away, but I don't consider it mission critical, so going with it so you can see the whole front line.



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Try to implemt the pictures into the forum entry, so that no one has to click onto the pic just to see them, what is kind of laborious, please.




mmhm, now i see your pics as thumbnails, what would be ok, i guess.

Even though: if you like perfection, use the postcard button.


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I prefer the perfection too, now have a place to upload images the way I want. Gonna make 'em realy purty just you for, xwormwood :)


Btw, I don't seem to have the same interface you do, X. I have no buttons anywhere, just a grey box for typing, so have to everything by hand. Going to search options next to see if there are more advanced settings.

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Vista and Chrome. I have never had issues with Vista (think I might be singular in that, and just haven't upgraded to 7 yet) and I prefer quickness in a browser. I did find more advanced options here at battlefront, just not as many buttons as yours, but does include postcard features.

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I use Win 7 64bit and Firefox, but under XP SP3 & Firefox i had the same visual options.


After :eek::) your game against Crispy131313 i would be glad to play a game with / against you. Just let me know when -no need to hurry- and -of course- if you are interested.


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I will take you up on that, after I get done. I think I just one at a time right now. It's going to be a bit, he plays Allies like I would, conservation of resources. My Axis Kung-Fu is weak, and my theories on how to handle China are in Limbo. However, once I get it rolling, we'll see. It's like being a grappler in the Cage, once I hang on, I won't let go, slowly reducing your options until you submit, just have to see if I have enough time to make it happen.

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February 4, 1940

In Europe the French reinforce the very front lines infront of Paris. There is little room for error, we do not attack. The french are running out of manpower westardly on the maginot line. Their is no longer German armour adjacent to Paris, but a 10 strength army in its place. It's snowing but muddy. Spring is coming soon. Subs are lurking in the Canadian convoy lane again.

It's February but in North Africa it looks more like New Years! The entire french fleet opens fire on every Italian harbour and bombs Tobruk to bits! The french receive support from the Royal Navy stationed in the Mediterranean, and their are 2 Carriers smashing the Italian Army in Tobruk. O'Connor leads the assault on Tobruk behind the W.D.F. and B.A.I Army's reducing the Italians to strength 1 and 0 supply. Tobruk will surrender within weeks. There is little the Italian Navy can do. We have them outnumbered. The Commonwealth HQ arrives in Egypt and New Zealend has stationed troops there.

In East Africa Platt sends the Sudan Defence corps to attack the Blackshirts and they do damage (1). The Italian navy in port tries to escape but the Aussies were lurking in the waters and followed the convoy lines Southward to their prey but do minimal damage.

China: You guessed. We sit.

Russia: Russia ends the war with Finland, small territorial gains.

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A Tale of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

{The Good}

Feburary 1940 - France

The morning dawns clear over France, with good solid footing. Everything can be brought to bare on the French troops, and they way is clear to Paris. Two armies shatter, and supply is problematical without a hearquarters. A maximum entrenched tank in Paris will be a task, but the Landers are up to their future task if the weather holds.


{The Bad}

Japan pings a bit, but nothing to report, no movement, no nothing. World War I is breaking out, and that's a bad thing. Not even going to post an image. Boot the game up, and look at the 1st turn, you will see about what is occurring.

{The Ugly}

All of Africa is a concentration camp for the Italians. Massive British and French fleets bombard anything they can see, units, ports, snakes, bottlecaps, women in burkas, everything! There is not just one carrier, but two(!) in the Mediterranean shaking the ground around Tobruk. The troops barely hold, and get minimal reinforcements. Unless Providence intervenes, Tobruk should fall next turn.


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March 3, 1940

France: The French abandon the Maginot line to avoid being cut off from the capital. The French army is in disary. The German 4th army has managed to slip behind enemy lines and is between Paris and Nantes. Only French Armour and the 2nd Army can boast high strengths in the days before France will fall. A fury of movement sees the French hold the same defensive line around Paris we have achieved since the early winter. French aircraft has retreated. Next turn could be a massacare. The Italians have already captured Marseilles. Canadian convoy's continue to be sunk.

Tobruk has fallen to the British in North Africa after a combined aircraft (from the sea) and troop engagement. The British take minimal losses. There is no time to slow down. The B.A.I army reaches Beghazi where the Italian army awaits. Mussolini saw no need to lend better weaponry to the 5th army when he had the chance. They'll have to make due. The Beghazi port is completely surrounded, no hope of reinforcement. Tripoli's port is at 0. O'Connor from Tobruk: "The War in North Africa will be decisive."

The Sudan corps contines to take the fight to Addis Ababa alone. Another 1-0 firefight victory. The Blackshirts drop to strength 6. We have lost track of the East African navy, they have dissapeared into the Pacific... Or South Atlantic?

China: I think I could forget to play China for a turn and I'd still be ok. The Chinese have bunkered in and are in high spirits.

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France - 3/17/40

Marshall Petain has his prayers answered, a late freeze in the last week of winter. I have no choice but to try to kill the corps in front of Paris, and ping whoever else I can. Must try and avoid losses this turn and wait out the frost.


The infantry fair well, taking few losses. 1st Fallshirmjaeger attacks and take the mine with no losses. Our panzers take as many losses as they give, PZ1-B are not very useful in inclement weather. 1st SS infantry corps has been given the position of honor in front of Paris, to prove their worth. Oh yes, the vaunted Maginot line is reduced to rubble and spare parts. Already French workers conscripted into service are dismantling the guns and moving them to the coast to the north.



I have had a crush on Meryl Streep since I was 12, and in honor of that, the British are re-inacting 'Out of Africa.' With no tanks and only motorized infantry, they are sweeping the Italians before them.



The forgotten war, nothing to report here, so not gonna post anything.

Hard to believe, this is only my 6th or 7th turn of the game, and one less for Crispy13. Europe is on fire, while buckets of water pour down in Asia.

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