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[UFC #1 / AAR] Minty Monty (Allies) vs Living Legend (Axis)

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Now July. Kriegsmarine has flooded into the north sea and off the west coast of Norway. RN takes a few pot shots but retreats to Scapa Flow for now. Reports come in that Strasbourg is back in action under a Germna flag. It's one of the few times int he game where germany has rough parity with the home fleet especially as I have not evcuated the Med.

China is suffering in summer.The thin blue line holds (we lost changsha) but Rambo is really focusing his attacks , using motorisation to cycle armies and corps against the same spots. Costing China a lot in reinforcements which she cannot afford. even though as a result of his footwork he is not entrenched there are limited places I can even pinng him for damage. Shanghai being flattened by IJN shells but the corps dug in behind the rivers and will hold for a while. Still china will crack soon and we'll have to reorg again.

Will he sealion? Only other action is in east africa. Liveaid 1940 trying to raise money for the refugess attracts Vera Lynn and George Fornby. Ghurka vs Blackshirts. round one to the blackshirts but they have more friends on the way.

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July 1940


Traffic jam of ships sailing between Nazi Germany & our outpost port of in Northern Norway. A few pot shots back & forth between navies, but it appears the Royal Navy does not want to slug it out at this time. Luftwaffen hold Navick, not sure why I feel in love with the scenary there. Maybe we're searching for heavy water. German Bomber stationed in Northern Denmark takes pot shots at Oslo & Oslo port. Bombers get x2 attacks in this version, I'm use to Vypuero's only 1-shot scenarios. The British have a port in France, Beuxea (or whatever it is called). He'll be leaving next turn or die, because strong units are attacking him.

Africa Ethopia is like a terrorist training camp. Both sides look to attack the weak. Not sure why I care about this country or why I paid to put Italian HQ down there.

Italian Navy gets bored, sails off to Egypt. We attack BB-Warspite in port with Sub, BB, & Cruiser, think I damaged him down to strength-4, took a few hits myself.


Jap units are experienced & grinding forward in the South. Our troops can see the capital from two hexes away. It's a ground & pound situation. Jap Navy is pinging rebel Chinese positions on the coast, trying to train.

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It's Bordeaux and the UK corp get so drunk on Chataeu Margeaux they decide to attack the oncoming Panzers. They scratch some paint and will die next turn.

Phoney naval war in North sea, just a few useless pings from RAF coastal command.

China, Rambo has sent his big boys south and they are on approach to Chungking. I doubt it will last the summer. however Chinese start to deploy thier new toys and are upgarding to inf weapons lv 1. Japanese tanks spotted to the north. Rambo has left his lines unguarded and Partisan pop up. that combined with occupation of shanghai and foochow leaves his supply a little tight.

Admiralty sees urgent telegram from Alex requesting reinforcements for Warspite or orders to retreat but too much Rum ration means they forget to reply. oops

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August 1940


I'm waiting for the Royal Navy to come out and play. I'm waiting for you in the North Sea. Fight me like a man, not this long range bomber stuff.


These Chinese are like a big fungus of blackberry bushes, I want to nuke the whole lot. Wherever I neglect, they grow like weeds. Not concerned about some petty pitch fork partisans. These Jap tanks suck with only one attack.

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Come on Rambo, you know the drill, let the partisans popup in calculated locations. They're great training tools for double strike carriers with LR, just soften them up a bit before the coup de grace.:cool:

I'm not a proponent for knowing partisan locations, they should be stealthy, as IRL.

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September 1940


We have a sea battle now. The Royal Navy's Illustrious Carrier sailed to Bergen, damaged one of my many U-boats before it submerged. Kriegsmarine surrounds Bergen with BB & Subs. We only did 1-damage to his carrier, but only took 1-damage. Bomber from Denmark attacked the Bergen port twice.

Last turn forgot to report. In Egypt the Italians sunk BB-Warsprite in port. Now the Italians are attacking BB in Malta Port. In Eithopia, the Tactical Bomber has flown home. It's a small ground terror battle in that worthless part of the world.

Politics happen in Bulgaria & Sweden :) Both countries got happy with some MMP cash.


Does it rain everyday of the year?

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One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for for months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath. Shoot, it even rained at night...

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We do have a sea battle. Rambo said he wanted me to come and fight so fight we shall. Royal Navy never lets me down in this game. Germans get caught between 2 carriers and lose the strasbourg and the Prinz Eugen who go down with all hands in the cold north sea. I ping some subs and then my gifthorse destroyers finish off a U boat. Still the Bismarck must be about somewhere and the norwegian coast still swarming with enough U boats to keep my battleships at home .Brittania rules the waves for now at least.

China is a grind. Flying tigers ping his army to the north, despite his tank moving up there it is the south that worries me the most , he has ALL his big exp armies down there and the attrition is a rate that the chinese treasury cannot keep up with. will crack very soon.

shanghai is flattened, corps will last one more turn at most.

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So Rambo is up to something. It is all far too quiet even if it is winter. German Navy knows when it is beat and the north sea goes quiet apart from a single sub that is pinged without much damage. Legend is showing a lot of interest in Norway sending bombers and fighters to hit oslo in addition to the golden meatballs he is paying the swedes. Paratroopers were last reported in Denmark.

Valiant blasts her way out of Malta in a 1 on 1 with an Italian BB, both take big damage as the Valiant sprints for Suez and makes it guided in under cover of the RAF. Other than that the Med is quiet and he's not even sent TAC to pound Malta. where are they?

China, he's pulled back from the south which can only mean he is upgrading or preparing something even nastier. Japanese tanks are rubbish though and despite HT lv1 his lead tank edging along the mongolian border is reduced to a 4 by Chinese forces. Still he is sending more up North. Winter may bring some respite for China but we're expecting to fall back and a fortress appears outside lanchow.

Rambo has been a little careless with the German navy especially the subs which I'm trying to figure out. Either he knows they will be pointless and is expending them now just trying to get me to spend money on ASW or he knows there a lot more coming and is spending a lot on extra subs and wants to grind the RN down. Since he paid for the strasbourg and Plan Z I fear the latter. expect more sea battles ahead.

Russia - who knows. End of 1940 now so Stalin has probably stopped shooting his generals and will start belatedly rearming. But with the new exp rules, short distances to Moscow and shocking Red army in GC, barborossa is horrible against even basic german opposition. I'm not looking forward to 1941 against Rambo at all.

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The battle of the North Sea was a minor victory for the Allies, as we lost the plundered BB, Cruiser, and two subs. The Kreigsmarine was introduced to a Royal Air & Navy that fights different than France, Poland, & Denmark.

The Allies are receiving good intelligence regarding potential Nazi activities, including paratroop manuevers & political positioning.

In China, the Japs destroy a Chinese Army, making the line look more Corps than an Army. The going is rather slow, mostly to entrenchments but even more due to weather. The increase of Japanese experience & strong unit reinforcements is helping the cause, yet we still haven't gotten a major breakthru.

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Nazi meatballs and flatpack Panzers ahead as the Swedes prepare for war. . dunno how much Rambo spent but it only took two diplo hits after Winston's norwegian adventures

A 3rd Jap tank arrives, he means business. china soaking up the pressure so far and damaging his lead tank again , moral is low in his Emperor's Tank corp. Still with this much mobility he can bring focus his attacks a lot more, should see a breakthrough soon I fear.

Her Majesty's Silent Service appear off Jutland for some scouting, Copenhagen indeed shows his Tac Bomber no doubt lining up Oslo in his sights. Bismarck in Port.

in the Med the Italian navy follow up the British BB ( it was Malaya not Valiant) that escaped to Suez from Malta. Their attempt to pound it in Alex harbour fails this time as Ark Royal, safe in the Suez Canal sinks an Italian BB.

RAF Hurricanes strafe tobruk.

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Yes, the Swedes have been bought. I'm usually not a diplomatic type of guy (see my last 8 years of posts & seven banishments), but this game I was given the opportunity. The Allies-DOW of Norway & capture of Oslo......I checked the Swedish %, it was 69%. I figured some quick German bonds in an envelope to the Socialist Kuni Swedes would do the trick. Typically, Scando is worthless, but what the heck. Not sure in the long run this was wise, but oh well, like to mix it up.

British submarine did sail upto Cophenhagen, spotted some German goodies. Luftwaffen hits it once, it dives.

Royal Navy did punch me in the sea, but there is some raiding going on.


It's just a matter of rotating attacks against the weakest spot on the Chinese line. It's nothing pretty, just ping, attack, fall back, next unit follows up. In the North, I haven't broken the line, but I am dishing damage to a Chinese Corp. I'm rotating in Tanks, SF, and whatever works. He's damaging my tanks, it's an even exhange.

In the Center, we finally get a good target kill. An entrenhments beside Siam (East of it) is taken down with a kill. Carriers reduced the entrenchments, followed up with a good mix of heavy ground units.

In the South, we did some damage to Chinese Army unit, gotta cost him MMPs to repair.

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Feb. 1941

Okay, what kind of mod is this, the Global Conflict or Global Warming? The entire map is snowing. Well, except one country :)


-Blanket of snow from Russia to Brest. Only place it's clear, Spain! After Bulgaria joined the Axis of Evil at the beginning of my turn, 1-star General Leeb decided to invade Spain because the weather is stalling me. Both 1st & 2nd Legend SS Panzers move into the Latino nation. We kill an Army, and damage a Corp.


-Snow, snow, snow. All attacks are 0-0. No damage done to anybody. We attacked like 10+ times, everybody (on both sides) is getting experience. Japs average +2, Chinese +1 in experience, but there's no time to hand out Elite Reinforcement promotions on the frontlines. He's made a real effort to stop me in the North, is line of Corps is holding. We do slip a few units between the hedges in the South.

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In China Rambo has broken through in the South, To the north we start the retreat back, dangerous stuff as it creates holes in our front lines but China can't afford to lose all her troops to the Japanese hordes this spring. Emperor Rambo has made a real commitment to China, 3 Japanese Tanks and large numbers of new Armies and Special forces. he's being a little gamey , letting Foochow get taken by Partisan just to build up carrier exp. can't say I approve but I take it as a compliment that he's having to get a little dirty in the ring.

Swedes alone not going to be up to the job of pushing the Brits out of Norway, I can see Jerry has arrived with a Corp in Sweden but nothing heavier yet.

Franco may be a fascist but that won;t stop him throwing himself under the wheels of the nazi panzers that will surely conquer Madrid before Spring

Mussolini being very careless with her navy. Italian BB shells LRDG to east of Tobruk but that brings her in range of Ark Royal in port in Alex. Swordfish send her to the bottom

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March 1941

He returned the turn back quickly.


-Tired of me complaining about weather? Well, it's snowing again in Norway, impossible to fly planes from Denmark to attack Oslo. Ground units (German Corp & no tech Swedes) are adjacent to Oslo, can't do squat. In Spain, 1st & 2nd Legend Panzers under General Leeb are doing damage. We kill Fighter, HQ, damage more. We are knocking on Madrid's door. With clear weather it shall fall next turn. Doing some minimal damage raiding (somewhere, can't tell u since he has me outnumbered because of his victory in the North Sea earlier in the game). In Africa, he kille Italian General Ganzi (or whatever) down in Eithiopia. The Allies brought serious firepower to my terror camp....Tank, Carrier....I'm doomed with no leadership. A complete waste of MMPs, could have used that HQ in Libya, will never do that again.


-I have the advantage from top to bottom, but with crappy weather, what can I do. We just keep pinging units, nothing signficant. Chinese have damaged units all over the place, he won't have enough MMPs to heal them all. I need more punch, but I do have good inflitration.

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I must agree with Minty Monty, my Naval play has been sloppy. I wagered in certain areas, and he called my bluff. He won a victory earlier in the North Sea. I got lucky and made a kill in Egypt, but since then, my naval manuevers have sucked. I must give him props for taking care of business. Allies have the edge at the Sea, but I'm still doing some minor raiding & have other Italian ships. My decision is what shall I do about it?

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Back at you John. Chinese troops dying in the south, he's right I've reached the point where I can't afford to reinforce them all. Chungking and Sian in line of fire now and the pain will begin shortly. Nothing elsewhere, Spanish Navy try and find some Italians to fire shells at but just ping a few junkers that are bombing Malta. British Troops begin siege of Tobruk

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March 1941


-Spain is converted

-1st & 2nd Legend Panzers are pressing on Gibralter

-Oslo is snowing, can't fly, just 0-0 ground attacks.

-Italians supply sucks in Libya due to Malta, notta to do except sit

-Terror Camp in Eithopia is doomed


-3-carriers ping the capital

-Ground units attack the capital, we reduce the defender to strength-3, soon.

-North, we kill Corp with ease.

-Other damage against the Chinese, we control the line, punching away.

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Ho Ho Ho. I am enjoying Norway. So I will lose it come Spring but it has been a fantastic air base for bombers to spot things, especially the once mighty Kriegsmarine which is now just a James Cameroon 3D diving wreck film waiting to happen.

UK bomber spots Nazi BB north of Denmark. It can only be one ship. Sir Winston gives his Famous order - Sink the Bismarck. Sir Minty adds - at whatever the cost. Bomber moves closer for a look ( may get hurt next turn but this is big news) and spots a German cruiser next to it. It may be a trap but this bait is too good not to take. This is a job for my 3 carriers but he has lots of air in denmark. 1 UK crusier moves to block danish straight to limit any u boats coming out next turn. same in channel with destroyers. With North sea relativley secure the 1st carrier comes out in full fighter mode to deal with the escorts, pulls them off by attacking german bomber in Jutland. 2nd carrier hugs coast of NOrway to limit exposure to any subs next turn and has 2 full attack with naval on bismarck with no aircover. swordfish do their job and Hitler's pride is at the bottom of the sea. No time to slack as I want that cruiser too. British have plenty of BB so my nearest BB based out of Kent, the Duke of York slams into the cruiser that turns out to be the Scharnhornst which is badly dented by her 14 inch guns. HMS Duke of York also serves as final cork in the north sea and will be an expensive but ultimately disposable sub screen if Rambo sends uboats out next turn after my carriers. finally last carrier comes out and smacks the scharnhorst down in one. It's all over. I get a little cocky and have a pop at the bomber again with my last carrier attack and meet some fighters based out of Holland.

got to be in it to win it. I will take damage from luftwaffe and maybe he can squeze some subs or swedish ships to damage or even sink a carrier in return. but it will be worth it, the kriegsmarine surface fleet is a spent force now and even if the RN loses 3 or 4 ships next turn I won;t have to worrry about his ships just his subs.

In china we retreat to the Alamo. my engineer has made 2 fortresses at lanchow, we will lose some men in the retreat. Chungking will fall soon and Sian wiill be surrounded soon.

yugo gets upset about nazis everywhere and jump to 80 something percent. so do the greeks who go up to 50 ish and the yanks are concerned about panzers next to gibraltor . The brits are even more concerned but Stalin is quite pleased as it is april 1941 and better that panzers are in the costa del sol than eastern prussia.

Australian cruiser that is imaginatively named HMAS Australia pops up off Taiwan just to annoy the Japs and get a good look at their carriers. she will be shadowing them for a while...

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Am I allowed to say rain, again? Or do I need to bother. Luftwaffen grounded due to rain, so I can't use them against the RN. German U-boat attacks Cruiser for 4-damage in Keil. Swedish ground forces with German Corp ping Oslo, we do a couple damage, rain there too. 1st & 2nd Legend Panzers w/ Army reduce trenches in Gibralter & give couple damage.


Clear weather, means both Chunking and Sian fall. Kumming is left unguarded, we are adjacent to that. Chinese falling back, we pursue. He mostly has Corps left, x2 fortresses, SF, heavily damaged Army, HQ.

@Minty --- Hey, you're using neutrals to spot?

@Xwormwood --- You got the turn in our game?

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@Rambo - His Royal Majesty's Australian navy is merely patrolling international waters off the coast of the phillipines. One thing they report is that despite the Emperor's strange policy of allowing partisan to keep popping up in foochow for target practice of his carriers, the carriers seem a little worse for wear.

Turns will slow a bit today , long weekend with family the priority

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Uboat at kiel just survives as the RN pull out of the north sea triumphant and without serious loss. weather was a blessing.

Tobruk falls. Gibraltor will soon though.

May 1941... will he Barby soon with tanks in Spain and planes in Denmark? soviets still down aroudn 30% so he is in no hurry

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