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Neutral French North africa

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One thing I have noticed (on or about 1942-3) in the 1939 campaign is the absolute neutrality of formerly French north Africa. Sometime after Vichy France was created, I attacked and conquered rather quickly (as the Axis) Vichy France, and even Spain. North Africa, much to my surprise, remained perfectly neutral. I would have sworn in the previous games north Africa would rejoin the Allies when the Axis attacked Vichy France. Am I wrong, or is this an unexpected bug? I haven't seen this mentioned as of yet.


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well as a arrogant nationalist (french) that i am you got a point... i know it is not mean to be (only) a historical game and it need to keep some playability by renewing the game each time...

I think it is the best game about WWII and some of the best strategic and tactical game because of it, it is fun and realistic at the same time.

for the matter it is quite surprising that vichy which was the "official" center of power capitulate and that the remaining colony remain neutral...

The opposite (allies that capture north africa or anyelse colonies without making vichy enter war as axis) is quite normal as vichy was divided between numerous factions (from 100% pro germans to neutral) even Darlan (HQ in vichy?) was struggling for political power with de gaulle after the takeover of north africa (and was assassined if i remember).

Anyway, sorry for my english and the borring history course... if i may ad i don t understand why De gaulle is HQ? Leclerc ok for example but De gaulle only made politics (great one...) and why france is still divided after reconquering Dakar, algiers, damas, tunis, vichy and paris... like if it was differnt entities with different pool of force... again there was hundreds of thousand french (from north africa) in italy and then in provence and germany... France even succeed to win a siege at UN among the 4 (UK, US, china and URSS) and a occupation zone in Berlin...

Maybe it is to complicated to put in the game, i don t know i am not developper...

last thing about Italy why we have to take rome before it surrender? i taly surrendered once allies put a foot on the continent and then go along with them... maybe it could be possible to divide italy beetween pro us and pro axis in north (salo republic)... ok i am too long i stop

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This is one we discussed a bit during development and while David would have preferred a more active North Africa, which he has included in his excellent mod, what we did instead was to have major jumps in Vichy French territory in North Africa instead. One of the main reasons is for game play as in most cases the Allies are not in a good position to contest these territories from Germany and Italy in the early game and if we have them automatically activate against let's say a German invasion of mainland Vichy then what usually happens is these eventually become free territories for the German Axis player without any diplomatic cost.

As it is now Germany would still have to DoW and this then results in bringing in nations like the US that much earlier. On the other hand if the Allies want to bring them in they are usually at a high enough mobilization that only a few diplomatic hits can do this and if timed correctly, i.e. later in the war when the Western Allies are in a better position to contest and attack from North African territory, this can be a much more ideal situation to be in.

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Anyway, sorry for my english and the borring history course...

Your english, and your history insights are very welcome here, my dear french brother, if you allow me to say so as one of your neighbors from the other :eek: side of the rhine.


Feel free to enrich & enlighten this forum with your point of view.


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(from 100% pro germans to neutral)

The Vichy France Issue was Really a headache to me most of the Design phase. Like Hubert pointed out, i liked more reaction in Vichy Territories, specially North Africa, but even also in my mod i understood that it is impossible to have Vichy France Neutral with USA if it is at war with UK, after the Mers El Kebir Attack, so this had ( im really Sorry ) to be reduced to the minimum in order to permit playability. I even thought to make France/Vichy France majors, in order to permit partial activation, but this would be oversized.

Fact was

1)that is was impossible to represent Vichy France with Stopped Political Relations with UK, even almost belligerent and Hostile towards UK "Imperialism" while neutral with Germany and USA.

2)Represent Vichy France at War with the USSR ( which it was oficially after 22.6.41 ), while neutral with USA...

so i was sooo sorry about one of my most wanted "Mers El Kebir Events" to be IMPOSSIBLE to realize in this game.

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