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I probably should have left this in the repository file but what the heck I can get in enough trouble without anyones help. Just downloaded and played a few moves on both Big Al's and Nupremal's new mods. WOW WOW WOW terrific maps both of them. Nup's map is a little rough on my computer [slow but playable sort of] I have a dell dual core 2.8m, 2mg of ram and a ge force 7800 with 256 of ram, my question would be where can I improve my computer first and most reasonable a new vidieo card a new cpu or 2 more meg of ram? I know all three but which one would help without a lot of expenditure? Hoping ram. Now for my negativity I paid Fury software 45$ for this game I dont like to have to go to Big Al or Nupremal to have the map done right, if they can do it why cant Fury, and please I dont want to hear we felt it was best for all players the size of our map, if Fury was trying to put out a game with everyones computer in mind I guess I could except that feeble excuse. Big Al's is very playable even though it takes the computer a pretty long time to make its moves but I can live with that, I thought Nup said no AI but I played his mod and there is an AI. Thank the lord for the modders, If Hubert felt the map was the right size I feel he was mistaken if he was advised by other programmers on his staff shame on them, change the map size please. The global map is well done no argument there but it must be made bigger, sorry for my comments but I speak from the heart and I wear my feelings on my sleeve.


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I endorse Bowenw's comments.

At the very least, Fury should contract out to these two modders, and make the results available to those who forked over $45 for a game that has, to a greater or lesser extent, failed to live up to the promise of HC's previous efforts.

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You have to grant Hubert that he put the game editor into the game as well.

And both maps (Big Al / Nupremal) are already in the repository, so all GC customers can get them from there for free.

Hubert already stated that in the retrospect a larger map might have been the better choice.

As much as i would want a larger map as well, you can't overlook the fact that at some point of the development process the developer can't simply start again from the beginning.

If you decided for a map, than at a certain point you have left the point of no return, you have to stick with your decision.

This i can understand, and i have no problem if the map i have hoped for wasn't in the vanilla version of the game.

Of course, i hope with you as well, that at a certain point we will get a larger map, may it be as a part of an official expansion, as a patch, or as a mod (even here the game deverlopers often help the modders, at least that is what I think when i see how fast the developers answer the questions of the modders).

I think, the first of Huberts efforts will be one or two patches to correct game balance and / or mistakes.

And if the audience than still ask for a larger, playable map, and if the modders haven't exactly brought the comunity exactly this, Hubert will probably think how to deliver a larger map in addition to the one we got in the vanilla version.

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I'm fine with the GC map, believe me, you get a few mirrors going with Al's or Nupe's mods and you'll likely be spending 4 hours a day playing SC.

I love SC, but 4 hours, sorry, that's going to seem like labor after awhile, just ask Rambo. The current official GC campaigns work real good on PBEM and yes I know you AI players feel its lacking, but I like a quick turnaround and I mostly play against humans.

Its starting to get warm again, Summer's in the air, time for outdoor activities, when the sun goes down, then we do a couple of SC turns and prepare for the next day which starts real early, usually its dark still, 6AM.

The editor itself is worth the money, for the hours of fun SC provides, the cost is not worth mentioning its so insignificant. Remember Hubert's editor was the catalyst for Al and Nupremal,.. and Bill's ATR, plus many, many others. You guys need to thoroughly examine your value system.:rolleyes:

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I'm fine with the GC map, believe me, you get a few mirrors going with Al's or Nupe's mods and you'll likely be spending 4 hours a day playing SC.

I love SC, but 4 hours, sorry, that's going to seem like labor after awhile, just ask Rambo. The current official GC campaigns work real good on PBEM and yes I know you AI players feel its lacking, but I like a quick turnaround and I mostly play against humans.

Its starting to get warm again, Summer's in the air, time for outdoor activities, when the sun goes down, then we do a couple of SC turns and prepare for the next day which starts real early, usually its dark still, 6AM.

The editor itself is worth the money, for the hours of fun SC provides, the cost is not worth mentioning its so insignificant. Remember Hubert's editor was the catalyst for Al and Nupremal,.. and Bill's ATR, plus many, many others. You guys need to thoroughly examine your value system.:rolleyes:

I appreciate you reminding me that it was Huberts editor that got these maps to us and you are correct Huberts map is slightly easier on the time restraints with playing the game in a reasonable amount of time but remember something here SeaMonkey maybe you are comfortable with the editor but there is a lot of us who dont know how to use the editor and thats why I spend 45$ to have Fury make a great game and map so I dont have to fool around with an editor.


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And how many great mods did you get with the dysfunctional ToW engine? :confused:ToW was a "great" game? How much did you spend on it?

Compare the value you got with ToW and with the current features you got with SC and this Global edition is brand new, there's still a long way to go. You don't have to do anything with the editor, you can reap the rewards from the people that know how to use it.:cool:

This chicken could lay a lot of eggs that blossom into a flock of laying hens, more than enough eggs for you to consume, just examine the current repository of SC scenarios.;)

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I didn't try to make anyone else's map look bad - you can see the problem - not only did it take more time to do than would pay anyone unless they like making maps, which I do because I am strange I suppose - but also it would kill too many PCs - for those who do like it, I made it. It really does need a lot of power -newer quad core probably w/good very fast ram like 8gb or more (I am going for 12). Also a work in progress as it is not balanced or tested yet.

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I didn't try to make anyone else's map look bad - you can see the problem - not only did it take more time to do than would pay anyone unless they like making maps, which I do because I am strange I suppose - but also it would kill too many PCs - for those who do like it, I made it. It really does need a lot of power -newer quad core probably w/good very fast ram like 8gb or more (I am going for 12). Also a work in progress as it is not balanced or tested yet.

We know you werent trying to show up Fury but it burns me up to see what could be done, your map is perfect but I cant use it with my machine, I can use Big AL's map though and I am even though the AI takes a good 4 minutes to make decisions but I can live with that to have a decent map.


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Love Nupremal's maps and design (e.g. strategic loops) but I agree with Hubert's scale and Seamonkey's comments - the aim here is to finish a few games and too much detail really slows this down and also obscures the strategic aspects.

The thing is, SC does not do operational aspects so well (see upcoming Gary Grigsby's Russian Front game for how to do this) but does strategy very well indeed. So, really your decisions about where to strike and how hard are just as valid on the current map as on a more detailed one. Who cares if you invade Sweden with 4 units on the current scale or 8 on a finer scale - the point is did you go in hard enough and does your opponent have counter play.

This pressure from wargamers is a bit like the SPI monster games trend. SPI produced great wargames, and under fan pressure started to produce monster games. I wonder if any were ever finished or play tested properly and I doubt they made money. SPI went under, and I think the games we remember from them fondly were not the monsters.

So, please consider playability.

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