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No cursor/pointer at main menu

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I have just installed shock force + marines and updated w/ v1.21. Game launches fine. After splash screen, the main menu displays, but with no pointer. I can wiggle my mouse and get the options to highlight (like the pointer is 'invisible') but when I click on something, the game crashes.

I am running Vista and the game seemed to function fine w/ demo that was previously installed. I did uninstall demo prior to installing full version of game.

Any thoughts?

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That is similar to what I saw. On the startup screen the cursor was gone most of the time with an occasional flash. Same on the scenario intro screen. Moving the mouse slowly and clicking the right spot I could get the game to start. After it started I saw this....


Try updating yer mouse driver.

When my screen flashed black it was at a time when the cursor would change. If I was on a squad with a move order assigned, when I moved over a vehicle or building the screen blanked black - thats when the cursor changed its look. M ouse driver fixed it.

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The video driver or mouse driver would sound like the two most likely candidates. Though it is strange that you see this with the purchased game and not in the Demo (which I assume was the 1.20 with CMSF + Marines + British Forces).

If you're just using the default mouse driver that came with Windows Vista, then I wouldn't think that you would need to update it. If you installed a specific mouse and/or keyboard driver, then there is a chance that that may need updating (if an update is available).

What video card and what driver do you have installed ? I wouldn't expect this change in behavior between the Demo and the full version.

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Thanks for your replies. You are correct on the demo version that was previously installed. However, since my first post - I installed the demo version again and now have the same problem that I have w/ the full version. Also, to be more specific - I indicated the game crashes - but actually my entire system crashes (blue screen of death).

Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4650

Driver: 8.563.0.0 12/10/08

I checked for a newer driver, but apparently I have the latest.

Any help, greatly appreciated.

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I can't quite tell from the driver information that you've provided, but if you're running the Catalyst 10.2 driver, then you will probably need to uninstall it and install the 10.1 Catalyst. I've heard reports that the 10.2 Catalyst has problems with CMSF (but haven't checked it myself).

Generally the "safe range" of Catalyst drivers to use with CMSF would be Catalyst 9.10 to 10.1. The 9.3 and earlier Catalysts also work, but for some newer cards they may not work (the video card hardware being unsupported by those drivers).

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Thanks again - On your advice, I tried installing previous versions of the driver, but with no luck. What troubles me is that the demo was working but now neither version will work when installed. Any other thoughts? I'm really scratching my head.

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Did you uninstall the previous driver before installing the 10.1 Catalyst ? Which Windows version are you running on, Vista 32-bit or Vista 64-bit ?

What details do you get with the system crash ? Does it mention an 'atioglxx' file name ? If it does, then that is the ATI/AMD OpenGL driver that is crashing.

Looking at your date and driver version it appears that you're running the 8.12 Catalyst, which is NOT the latest driver. However the 8.12 should have been compatible with CMSF, so I"m not sure if the video driver was causing the crashing. However if you did install the latest driver, then apparently it may not have taken properly. Your computer isn't a laptop, is it ?

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