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Serious feature request

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Just something that worked on a point to poin bases would be simple and effective for all the time consuming things when building a mission, wether they are implementable or not is another thing.

Still, i for one would make more ( i should say finish more) scenarios if the chore was taken out of laying walls/trenches/roads etc

ps: after all, just putting in buildings can be quite time consuming in an urban environment

pps: I'd also be happy(ish :D ) if any tool just handled straight lines (no junctions) and we had to fill in the gaps

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I've been pleading for DIY flavour objects for about 10 patches now, and nothing has ever shown up except a minor tweak to the rubbled building wall animation.

One of the Highway tiles covers the entire square btw, so you can use that as tarmac.

Bridges are somewhere on BFC's "to do" list but they're evidently more of a programming challenge than they sound.

And laying straight roads is pretty easy, just hold down the mouse as you drag it across a line of squares.

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To get domes, CTRL+click on the roof of the building repeatedly, cycling through the various sizes of parapet -- the last one is a dome. One neat thing about domes is that infantry can't go on the roofs of building tiles containing them.

I wish there were two different flavours of them so I could alpha channel one of them invisible (i.e. have a non-enterable roof that doesn't make my cityscape look like the set from Aladdin).

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