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BFC, ? and ideas regarding content on defunct HW:LG Forum

John Kettler

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Before the decision was made to shut down the HW:LG forum, was any thought given to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) impact on the overall BFC site? The immense, ever increasing amount of rich content was generating tons of quality backlinks, in turn and progressively raising your Google rankings. This is a process Internet marketers often pay big bucks to achieve (my business partner and I have spent thousands of dollars and cubic hours on such exercises ourselves), and the scale of your organic activities simply dwarfed most marketing programs, let alone what it would take to do the same via Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising And your traffic, except for paid Mod presence and bandwidth, was practically free, with us generating the content!

When you shut down that Forum, in very short order you lost a lot of Google horsepower. This wasn't just rankings, but a chance to expose people to your site, thus your product line, they might otherwise never encounter. In other words, all those abstruse discussions of Grouchy's skills and what doubleshotted canister could do were driving traffic to your site, creating opportunities for people to see what other interesting and exciting things you had to offer. Enough such exposures, and people start buying items from you. And you know what kind of loyal customers your games create!

Two ideas for you to consider: 1) Restart the HW:LG forum, preferably after hammering out an affiliate agreement with JMM so people can order the game from here (JMM would ship, handle problems, etc.), with BFC making money on every such order via its unique affiliate link. Seems only fair, since you'd be the ones generating the traffic via all that high quality grog content in the posts; 2) If 1) isn't doable for some reason, my business partner and I think you could monetize the now dead Forum by putting the content on a disc and/or digital download and selling it. There was lots of meaty stuff there, and it seems a shame to just lose it. I learned an awful lot from reading the posts there, the discussions were first rate, and some deep research went into some of those posts, such as my many hours spent running down imagery of period carriages and other wheeled vehicles to support the in game modeling of same.

I welcome your response to both my question and my ideas.


John Kettler

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