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Yeah. I always wondered why he didn't send his army into Harrisburg instead of fighting the battle at Gettysburg, all though both armies seem to have just collided there. Great battle, though Lee was definitely not at his best; he was going against his own most successful tactics, as Longstreet kept trying, unsuccessfully, to tell him.

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BrotherRambo, I just finished your book about it, Unjustly Banned To The Outer Islands. Definitely not for the squimish, makes Papillon and Midnight Express seem like kids stories by comparison. But in the end you were escaped and were found half dead by those sardine harvesting pygmies who nursed you back to health and, in gratitude, you built a miniature golf course and taught them how to play before setting off for home. Best book I've read since Kapitain Kuni's Memoirs, Top Sailor In A Landlocked Grand Duchy. :cool:

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BrotherRambo, I just finished your book about it, Unjustly Banned To The Outer Islands. Definitely not for the squimish, makes Papillon and Midnight Express seem like kids stories by comparison. But in the end you were escaped and were found half dead by those sardine harvesting pygmies who nursed you back to health and, in gratitude, you built a miniature golf course and taught them how to play before setting off for home. Best book I've read since Kapitain Kuni's Memoirs, Top Sailor In A Landlocked Grand Duchy. :cool:

Nice take, rack 'em!

Somebody mail Sir Jersey a "I survived the '02 Christmas Riot & all I got was this T-Shirt"

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For those of you still on the sidelines waiting for an invitation to introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about yourself (vets and newcomers alike), I'm ringin' the invitation bell here one more time.....:cool: :D

Where is Condor, Terif, Dragonheart, Avatar, Liam and all the other inmates that played the game from San quentin?

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Hellraiser, Comrade Trapp, Hueristic, Zappsweden, Ragnuts, SomeBunta, Hombre Plin, Kurt, all the Panzerliga Dudes, Stalin's Organ, Well-Dressed-Gentleman, Waltero, Otto, Mannerhiem, IrishGuards, Archibald, John The Fool, JimR, LuckyZebra, Watchmisters, SandCastle, SeaWolf, 82ndReady, LesTheSarge 9-1b, BrianTheWise, JollyGuy

Troop leader to Raven, talk to me, Johnny.

Troop leader calling the Baker Team:

Rambo, Messner, Ortega, Coletta,

Jorgensen, Danforth, Berry, Krakauer.


Colonel Trautman speaking.

Talk to me, Johnny.

They're all gone, Sir.

I'm the last one sir,


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My name is Bo I guess, used to be Willycube until I change to Verizon. I am by nature negative, skeptical and a poor loser especially against an AI, I would like to learn to play pbem with people in the Global game coming hopefully soon, I tend to whine when things dont go my way. My favorite author is Thomas Paine who wrote the greatest pamhlet ever written called common sense which I dont use to often:confused: I was a member of the 501st divarty of the 101st airborne before helicopters, just missed Nam thank god, married with two sons two great daughter-in-laws and three charming grandchildren, one who destroys me on the computer, can anyone beat an eight year old. I have all of the SC series except Patton, only play WW2, love COD2 multiplayer even though I get ravaged by 12 year olds who do somersalts backflips and fly out of windows while shooting you between the eyes, so Im hoping the global game will calm me down and get me away from these young terrorists. Hope the AI is decent in this game, go get them Hubert!


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Well, like Kuni said, they're in San Quentin, and like YOU said, you're the last one left......I think........:confused: :eek: ;):D


You sound a bit like the Gothic type, perhaps we need to liven you up!!

If you have 3 charming grandchildren and 2 great daughter-in-laws, I only hope I can say the same about my 5 year old daughter when she grows up. :D

Try the Patton Drives East game, I found it to be very good.

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@Willycube --- Were you around for SC-1? Think we played a game.

Yes I was but never played you, why would I give you another scalp to hang on your trophy board, I never played pbem until 3 weeks ago and that is on a game by another company, you probably remember my name because I complain alot about the AI and anything else I can think of, thank you for remembering me.



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Well, like Kuni said, they're in San Quentin, and like YOU said, you're the last one left......I think........:confused: :eek: ;):D


You sound a bit like the Gothic type, perhaps we need to liven you up!!

If you have 3 charming grandchildren and 2 great daughter-in-laws, I only hope I can say the same about my 5 year old daughter when she grows up. :D

Try the Patton Drives East game, I found it to be very good.

Gothic? if that means old well your correct, played the demo on Patton did not like it. Besides he was probably murdered by his own country men for wanting to do just that, attacking the Soviets. I know conspiracy freak.[ME]


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No need to duck the flying shoe, even though Jesse Ventura has nothing to do with Global (or penguins, for that matter. And penguins don't wear shoes, so can't throw them).

Pending the release, the posts around here are morsels I devour.

Anyways, I'm actually playing my first Email game. Patton drives East, Storm across Europe. I'm playing the allies similar to how I would against the computer, knowing I have a little time before anything happens: So I strengthen up my French air and start bringing back the corps and armies from the Med.

England invests in Uboats. Russian doesn't matter yet.

Bam! Turn three, Denmark (oh, but they put up such a fight! - I think it was done in one air attack), and Belgium fall. The french aren't ready, and Paris falls in August. Spain is already influenced to 80%.

This isn't an AAR, by any means. But goodness, my expertise (or lack of it), shows. I've been lulled by the computer AI. I should stick to Sudoku (which I hate, frankly).

Anyways, that's enough of this (or more than enough)...

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Hey guys, I'm not dead yet. My PC is though. I'm lucky enough to have it running long enough to type this out!! I miss SC and the community, but can't wait for HC to release the global game. Unfortunately it will be another couple of months before I can get back in here full time. Not really anyone else's loss, mostly mine!! Hope to be around more and reconnect soon.

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I live outside Providence and work in Boston for Marriott, and I actually moved out here from Cali about 8 years ago as I was hired by the now-defunct Stainless Steel Studios as a scenario designer to work on Empires: Dawn of the Modern World and then Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War.

Been playing SC since the original although I didn't get too heavily involved in the forums until SC2 came out. Did some AI work on the side for that and eventually joined the beta team which sadly I haven't been able to participate much in for the global game. The team has expanded to include some serious talent though so I have no doubt this will be a fun and polished product!!

Whenever I get my new PC I'll be sure to be back more often and first thing I'll do is get some multiplayer games going again and shake the rust off!!

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Well, seein' as many other senior and full members are coming out of the woodwork just recently, I figure I would just take a moment to ring the welcoming bell once again. Gorgin, Lampcord, CSS, Baron, and any others who wish to, come on in here and introduce yourselves to those of us who aren't that familar with you. Tell us a little about yourselves, if you're not too shy. This is the place (thread) to do it in. :)

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As long as you're still here, Tim, can you tell some of us who don't know you all that well a bit about yourself before you go deader than a doornob? :D

Oh well, too late I guess.


Tough keeping people on tract and on the threads huh Snow:D


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Yes it is, but I did notice Timskorn did manage to make it back soon after.

It's worth a try now and then. :)

Was not a dig Snowstorm, one question leads to another and one word different we are off and running, I think I am going to e-mail Jolly Joe Timmer that your causing trouble in Bethelem.:confused:


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