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Voodoo 3 3000


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Sorry if this has been done to death but I've searched the forum and can't find the answer. I am still waiting for the game and have the Voodoo 3 3000 card in my system. Were there problems with this card and lock-ups? Has anyone found a solution? What driver works best (and where from?).

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I am using a Voodoo 3 3000 card and haven't had a single problem with CM. The game has not locked up one single time on my machine. The driver I am using was downloaded about six months ago directly from 3dFX's web site.

Hope this eases your mind.


expert \'ek-,spert'\ n : someone who knows more and more about less and less until eventually they know everything about nothing

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I don't know if any lock ups were specifically linked to this video card. However some people reported "white out" problems with textures on both the Voodoo 3 series and the 4/5 series. What would happen is that after playing CM for a number of turns some of the textures would start turning completely white (or possibly psychadelic colors). For some people this problem was minimized by running at a resolution of 1024 x 768 or less. For others the latest driver and DirectX 8.0 helped. Not everyone saw this problem, but a number of users did and I don't know if some people are still experiencing it.

As for driver versions, some people may have better luck with older drivers rather than the latest. Other variables can also come into play, such as your motherboard and the chipset it's based on.

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