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Soldier in MegaModPack


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Hi all,

I'd like to mod some battle in ToW1 with Canadians, Romanians, Italians or Hungarians soldiers,

I do not know the way to configutate them from Mega Mod Pack to shown them in the mission editor or battle generator.

I have read the manual of Mega Mod Pack without found any configuration soldier example.

I have try in several ways unsuccessful.

Thank to everybody that spend their time to help me.

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Well, I explain what I am doing...

In the folder ToW_Models/Models/Human (extract from ToW_Models.rar of the TOW Mega ModPack-Part 4-Models in the ToW Repository) I have found four folders (/Can, /Hung, /Ita, /Rom) I presume that the files inside these folders are the models to show the new soldiers in the eastern-front (except canadian).

I had copied this folders in program files/battlefront/theatre of war/models/human and then I had created four new folders (called /Can, /Hung, /ita, /Rom) in program files/battlefront/theatre of war/data/units/human, then I had copied the file hier.ini, parts.ini and unit.ini from another soldier's folder from ToW1.

Now I have open this file to edit the right inputs...

... and I feel lost...

...where are the right weapons, shell o bullets, names, faces, magazines...

I am not able to finds this items.

Have You hints to help me to work with these soldiers for show them in the game (by battle generator).


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there a a few more things to check:

_See if it is possible to add the Romanian soldier and officer in data/Ai/ranks.ini (perhaps as a variation of the german units - like it was done for the SS). edit the data/local/en/shoulders.utf8 file too

_Perhaps editing the data/Ai/awards.ini to allow the romanian soldiers to receive the appropriate awards (and create pictures and mat files for the awards -> look in data/gui/ingame/icons/...). You'll need to create the files for the rank insignia too. don't forget to create an award description in data/local/en/award_desc.utf8 an editing the award.utf8 file too

_If you want your new soldiers to have new weapons not already in the game, you'll have to create all the relevant files

_creating a picture of the soldier to show in the game interface, and the corresponding *.mat file (data//gui/ingame/icons/uniform.

_You'll have to create detachments in data/units/detachment/

_there might be a file data/Units_Backpacks.ini to edit too. Otherwise, I think the weapons and ammo loads can be defined in the mission editor for each unit created on the map.

I might have forgotten a few files that needs to be edited, so check all there is in the folder data that might be required by your new units.

As an afterthought, i'm not sure wether the romanians, canadians, hungarians can be added to the game as an independant nationality (perhaps you'll have to set them as a subset of the Germans or Britishs (like the SS troops were set in the game).


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You'll need to put the new skins in

C:\Program Files\.......\Theatre of War\models\Human

Then you'll have to add ini text files for each nation's squad within the Data folder. You can cut and paste alot of it from the existing german units for romanians and brit for canadians. for example create:

C:\Program Files\...........\Theatre of War\data\units\human\Romanian\Rom_infantry\parts.ini

the parts ini will have the make up of the squads and their gear which as I said you can use the gear in the game already.

text will have to be added to the Filesid.ini

Units.utf8 identifying the new squad or unit as well.

Its not hard as it sounds, mostly folder creation, renaming and cutting pasting text files. Its just a matter of looking at what's in the data folder.

The best approach is to create 1 new nation, with 1 new squad element and its new skin. Get it to work then go for the big project.

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I have put the new skins in

C:\Program Files\........\Theatre of War\models\Human

Then I have create

C:\Program File\........\Theatre of War\data\units\human\Romanian\Romania_Solder_Summer

inside this folder I have paste cutted files .ini (hier-parts-unit) from ...\\ger\infantry

I have worked in parts.ini as follow:


Type Human

Name Romania_Solder_Summer

HumanName01 Name.Ger.Male

HumanLastName01 LastName.Ger.Male

FaceSet01 FaceSet_All_Male

RankSet Ger

SkelName models\human\sk_0\skel.ske


Type HumanSkin

Name Inf_1938_1940_summer

RankType Soldier

Data1 01.04.1938 31.10.1938

Data2 01.04.1939 31.10.1939

MeshName models\human\Romanian\romania_solder_summer\body.msh

Uniform01_Big Data\GUI\Ingame\Icons\Uniform\Ger\Inf_1938_1940_summer_big.mat

Uniform01_Small Data\GUI\Ingame\Icons\Uniform\Ger\Inf_1938_1940_summer_small.mat

WreckagePart01 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_cartridge1

WreckagePart02 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_cartridge2

WreckagePart03 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_gasmask

WreckagePart04 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_lopatka

WreckagePart05 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_ranec

WreckagePart06 WreckagePart_Inf_1938_1940_summer_smallpack

... the other text is the same of \\ger\infantry\parts.ini

I have work in unit.ini as follow:



Classification Human

Country Ger

Name Romania_Solder_Summer

GuiType Human

HookTargetIcon icon_target

Animator Human

AIType Human

VisibilityType Human

RatingType Human

Navigation Human


Script human.cpp


Class Ground

AbsoluteVertical 1

UseGround False


TurnSpeed 5

I have add to filesid.ini

4039 data/units/human/romanian/romania_solder_summer

I have add to units.utf8

Human.Romanian.Romania_Solder_Summer Romanian Infantry

Then I have run battle generator and give me this error:

..\data/settings/filesid.ini format error at line "4039 data/units/romanian/romania_solder_summer

where I am wrong!!


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After a lot of test, and some positive steps, I need to have a break by these soldiers,

and mod something easier. I should like to trasform the Panzer IV g in the T-4 Romanian Tank first.

If this is OK for You, we can team up before take again the soldiers modding.

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This is almost the same thing. The same principles apply to every units in the game. The playable units are the most complicated ones to setup, that is probably the reason why they're the most documented.

Check toroughly 1C documentation about how to create tanks, and mine about how to create a support plane, and it should get you going.

I'll try to make a few more tutorials, but they wont cover every situations.

I would recommend sarting modding with a simple project that can be easily inserted in the game. Once you'd manage to have a working new model in game, you'll find yourself eager enough to tackle a more complicated project. Starting with something to complicated might be discouraging.

Try to create a static model first (someting like a bridge, a wall, a destroyed vehicle, or a lampost...etc). Theses are the easiest kind of objects to do, and the principles involved are the same for every other objects and units (only the configuration files will be more complicated to setup). Start with an object of the type mono.sim, as they're the most simple objects in the game, and very straightforward to set up.

Here are the basic principles:

You'll need to create the base intact object with the highest definition. Call it x0y0_dam0_l0. Then create several LOD with less polys (models to be shown from further away from the camera). Call them x0y0_dam0_l1, x0y0_dam0_l2... )

Then you've to create the destroyed version of the object. Call it x0y0_dam1_l0. Then create all the related lods for the lowest resolution objects (x0y0_dam1_l1, x0y0_dam1_l2...).

Give them a material and texture (create a material and corresponding texture for each LOD): for example, x0y0_dam0_l0 would be assigned a texture and corresponding *.mat file named something like tex1_lod0.dds and tex1_lod0.mat

Then create a poly or cube called Ground_Level (without one of the above mentionned material). This will be the hook to indicate to the game engine where to position the object on the ground. Position this poly where you want your object to stand on the ground.

Next you've to create the collision objects: first create a poly ( I usually use only a triangle) called c_x0y0_dam0. It will be used for the collisions of the intact base object. Then create the related collision shapes for the intact object. They'll mostly be parallepipeds following the shape of the base object. They need to be convex, or the collision will not work. You can make more complicated collision shapes, but make sure they're convex. Call theses objects collision1_x0y0_dam0, collision2_x0y0_dam0...and so on. c_x0Y0_dam0 needs to have at most 7 collision shapes, not more. If you need more, you will create a c_x0y1_dam0 object with the related collisions (collision1_x0y1_dam0, collision2_x0y1_dam0...)

If you need, you'll create the collision shapes for the destroyed object. First a poly called c_x0y0_dam1, then the related collision shapes (collision1_x0y1_dam1, collision2_x0y1_dam1...)

If your object is of the type hier.him, you'll need to create a few more objects (some of them not really needed by the game in some cases, but the scripts to create the mcn and msh files requires them to be present in the 3Dmax file to be working):

You'll need a cube called Center if your object is of the type hier.him (if it is a mono.sim object, you don't need it). Assign one of the materials above to it. Center is the spot the AI will use to shoot at the object. Position it a t the center of your object.

you'll also need one or more shadow objects for the objects of type hier.him. it should be a simplified version of your main intact object (and if needs be, an other one for the destroyed version). They'll be used to cast shadows. But they're needed only because the scripts are looking for such objects. Shadows can be cast by your main object instead. call these objects shadow_x0y0_dam0 and shadow_x0y0_dam1.

Let's sum up what objects we need at a minimum for a mono.sim object with two LODS (could be more than two):












objects to be added for a hier.him type of object:




All theses objects should be on the same hierarchical level in the 3DSmax file (none is parented to an other)

Next, you need to create a mono.mcn or hier.mcn file. Do it manually, or start the mono object or house script, depending on your object to create the mcn file automatically.

Then use the scripts to export a mesh0000.tse file (don't forgetting to input the visibility distance for the lods in the script panel)

If you've anything wrongly setup in the 3DSmax file, the scripts will tell you. If there is no error message, you should be good to go.

I usually copy both mcn and mesh0000.tse file inside the Meshtools folder, then start to convert to msh files:

start a DOS comand line window; go to the Meshtools directory. Then type either cnv.bat as a command (the relevant type of script will be lauched automatically), or type the full command line:

cnvMono.bat mesh0000.tse mono.sim mono.mcn -> for a mono.sim object

cnvHier.bat mesh0000.tse hier.mcn hier.him -> for a hier.him object

All the 3D objects and hierarchy file needed for the object will be created inside the Meshtools folder. Simply cut and paste them to your object folder in the 3dobj directory. you need to have a mono.sim (for the intact object) and mono.dead (for the destroyed object) files if your object is of the type mono.sim and has a destructed model. Otherwise, if there is only an intact model, you'll use mono.sim for both intact and destroyed object.

After that, you'll need to create the configuration files for the object. For a static object, this is very easy, as you need to edit only one file: static.ini in the data/setting/ folder

Add an entry in the relevant section of the file. It is used to give a name to the static object in the editor, to tell the game where to find the files for the object, and to tell it which kind of static preset the object will use.

for a wooden box object created for my holland map, I'd use the following new entry in the static.ini:


Title Holland_box_wood_001

MeshLive 3dobj/environment/holland/boxes/boxes_all/Holland_box_wood_001/mono.sim

MeshDead 3dobj/environment/holland/boxes/boxes_all/Holland_box_wood_001/mono_dead.sim

Preset Thing_Board_Frail

That's all; the object should show in the map editor. If you can't find an entry in the list for your object, it means the path is wrong in the static.ini; if you can find the entry for your new object but can't see it displayed in the preview window, most probably it means that one of the needed *.mat file is missing of wrongly set up, or one of the textures is missing.

I hope this will help a little. With this, you should be able to create static objects. Weapons will be the same, but you'll need to create and edit a lot more configuration files in the data folder (a gun folder and associated data for your weapon, an item folder with the relevant magazines and the associated data for it, and an ammo folder with all the files with the data for the ammo)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Then I have run battle generator and give me this error:

..\data/settings/filesid.ini format error at line "4039 data/units/romanian/romania_solder_summer

where I am wrong!!

This is my idea...

This kind of prob is usually linked to a "writing error" . In the ini there's a space between the number ( 4039 ) and the line ( data\units etc ) Be sure that this space is "respected". A useful method is to copy a whole line ( 145 data\units etc ) and only after that modify the number and the words.

Control also if at the end of your new line: "4039 data/units/romanian/romania_solder_summer" there aren't "strange blanc spaces" translated :D after your line press canc once or twice.

Now my negative experience :I tried to create a new italian model in TOW2 ( A soldier with the classic metal italian helmet) I could create the new model with 3dmax but the prob for me is the passage from the 3ds files to msh in the mshconverter. I lose all collisions and hooks, so i tried to add them manually from another msh file ( the game ita soldier body.msh) but no way , collisions and hooks are all in wrong and strange positions. Another prob is the skin of the model. I thought that with only a little different part of the model ( the helmet ) the old ita skin could fit ( and maybe i can modify the tga dds file after that ) but i think there's somthing wrong cos it doesn't work.

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could create the new model with 3dmax but the prob for me is the passage from the 3ds files to msh in the mshconverter.

If you have 3dsmax, you don't need to use MshConverter to convert your 3DS file to Msh format; use the meshtools instead.

One problem you'll find is the script might give error messages with the hooks names (to overcome this, simply give your hooks a name that the script will accept, then rename to the correct name that you need after the conversion is done).

Also, you could try using lights for the hooks instead of a cube (that's how it is done on a few objects from the megamod pack; there is an option to use lights as hooks in the meshtools scripts)

As for the problem with the skin, could you be more specific as to what the problem is? If you modified the helmet by adding new vertices and/or polys, you'll need to redo part of the UV mapping for the texture to fit correctly on the model.

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