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New Scenarios at CMSFMODS Thread

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JonS posted a new scenario at CMSFMODS:

It's JonS's "Argo Valley"

"MUSORIAN forces have secured the deep water port of NAPIER and are rapidly reinforcing. Their main effort is being made to the south, towards WOODVILLE and PALMERSTON NORTH. A screening and economy of force effort is being conducted to the west and north of NAPIER.

In response to the MUSORIAN invasion, ABCA forces have quickly deployed to WELLINGTON, and moved north to block and defeat the enemy. Heavy forces are being concentrated in the PALMERSTON NORTH-WOODVILLE-EKETAHUNA area to drive the MUSORIANS back to NAPIER.

19th Light Bde (UK), reinforced by 16 Fd Regt, RNZA, has moved north along Highway 1 to present a threat on the enemies right flank. 2 RIFLES is Bde reserve while 3 SCOTS and 1 WG are attempting to clear The Gentle Annie. QRL are patrolling along Highway 1 between WAIOURU and TURANGI.

2 MERCIAN have turned east at WAIOURU. So far the battalion has cleared Home Valley Road as far as The Nursery. Bde have ordered the bn to continue advancing towards Westlawn Hut.

There are two versions of this scen in the zip file. Either can be played as Blue against the RedAI or H2H, but the recommended mode of play is indicated by the file name.



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GreenAsJade posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's theFightingSeabee's "Afghani Stan"

"TOP SECRET,John,,"Your special forces team must neutralize ""Afghani Stan"" the Taliban leader. He is meeting at midnight with other Taliban leaders. You'd better leave now if you want to get to the party on time.",Go to the briefing for further instructions.,Good luck.,Bill"



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  • 2 weeks later...

GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "A hamlet crossroad assault"

"Mission: Overall Description

Battalion S-2 has not abled to get intel since the last 2 days. The hamlet is a derelict bus station at a crossroad. It is however necessary to occupy it, since patrols will radiate from it later, in order to protect the main road. Recon, occupy the hamlet,its crossroad and high ground, to watch,impair and ultimately block any movement on the main road. They are no report of troops in or near the hamlet, besides 2 disabled tracks left behind.


Execution: Commander's Intent

Establish a fire base at the crossroad. Move to the hamlet, clear the houses around the bus station at the main road and set an overwatch early warning post on the high ground.





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GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "A crossroad at El Derjine"

"Situation: Enemy Forces

We are probably facing the remnants of 2 Companies of the 1st Mechanized Battalion, our old friend, being caught off guard, while resupplying at the main depot of El Derjine, located at the strategic crossroad of the most important MSR of the enemy. S2 has indication that they could be in the process of being reinforced by one or two tanks platoons of reserve T-55. That intelligence is based from an air strike done yesterday at dusk on a T-55 tank platoon being destroyed at Chott El Fejaj bridge, while conducting a recon in force towards Hassi El Frid hamlet.

A following BMP's platoon has been equally annihilated near the El derjine croosroad. Anti tank assets (most probably AT-4) are probably entrenched and or deployed on the high grounds covering the access to El Derjine.Regiment S2 warned the HQ staff and the General, that a mounted assault would be costly in men and tracks.Tanks are to be used with that knowledge. A long cavalry style charge down the 1200m open ground from their DL to the first objective -BRONX- as long as the AT-4 threat has not been plotted, fixed by fire and or neutralized, is not authorized by HQ........................^


To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V 1.11

Designer : Gke "Snake eye" V2 04/07/2009 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@club-internet.fr




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GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "A counter attack at El Derjine"

"Situation: Enemy Forces

Since operation "Lotus Eater" and the successful assault made by our brothers of arms, the Marines 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion on El Derjine, the OA has been uneventful and that is why we are deployed here, permitting their rest and refit closer from their shore base.Our deployment order came as you know as an urgent request and not all of our companies were able to move right away. That should not be a problem. No activity has been reported in the preceeding week and no air recon came with something worth to look at.The enemy took a real beating and their wharehouses in El derjine, from which, they could retrieved supply, ammo and P.O.L were destroyed. S2 at Regiment says that they can't managed any significative movement for the next month, at the earliest.Besides tanks trailers haven't been reported by the satellite observation and they can't move them over long distance, due to their tracks wear and gas shortage.Knowing that, We could at the most expect a, Mechanized Company size, probe of our lines,near the Oued Sebaou and the Sidi ferruch bridge.


Situation: Friendly Forces

Our 3rd Battallion MOUT is about to be fully deployed around El derjine in the next two days.However, if needs come it could within an hour reinforce our preliminary forces made of 1st and 2nd platoons / C company,, 2nd and 3rd platoons / A Company AT with its unvaluable support of ATGM Tow's, and our efficients Scouts with 1st and 3rd team / scout platoon. We have 4 x 120mm M120 mortars on call.If an attack should happen, within an hour, we could rely on Artillery assuring us to carry on fire missions with 3 x 155mmm M109 Paladin, wherever we need it. Their FO is already deployed on entrenched position on top of Bald Peak, near the Sidi Barani pass, since they don't want to be on hill 105 and or hill 103 judging that these positions are too much exposed to artillery burts.Finally we will, also have within an hour, Air asset with 2 AH-64D on call..................................^


To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V 1.11

Designer : Gregory KELLER "Snake eye" 02/10/2009 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@club-internet.fr




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GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "The Dam (Stand Alone El Derjine campaign)"

"Situation: Enemy Forces

Enemy situation as indicated by S2 should consist of a reserve Company with 2 or 3 MG teams at the most, manning strong points around the vital Dam's bridge, the only sufficient road between El Derjine town and the Sidi Brahim village, before entering the Tlemcen valley.


Situation: Friendly Forces

Chinook will deliver at 03:05 hour 1st platoon / A Company / 1st Battalion with its HQ team, F.O and one javelin team on LZ Diamond, 400 meters from Farani Rach village on the El Gallala ridge, reinforced with 1st, 2nd squads and their HQ team from Scout/Sniper platoon. No air support will be provided due to the short time of the planned assault. 3 X 60mm and 2 X 120mm mortars will be however on call. 1st Battalion HQ team will stay at El Derjine to monitor the comms...............

To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V 1.11

Designer : Gke "Snake eye" 04/30/2009 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@club-internet.fr




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GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "Assault Sidi Barani (stand alone El Derjine campaign)"

"This the second stand alone battle of the El Derjine campaign.

Situation: Enemy Forces

Since the swift seizure of the dam's bridge, the enemy force identified as 2 platoons, from B Company / 1 st Reserve Battalion, reinforced with 2 MG platoons have been partly destroyed. The survivors seem to have retreated behind a prepared defense line probably established beyond Sidi Brahim's village. It is expected from earlier intelligence gathered and from interrogation carried on by S2 on EPW, from the dam's battle, that a strong resistance should be found at Sidi Brahim (Normandy) and farther down at the locations of Omaha and Utah. We should be fighting the 1st Reserve Battalion at the most. No trucks and or tracks movements have been reported. The A.O is not suited for tanks deployment and none have move to reinforce the battalion. They will be defending prepared positions with the usual mortars and AT supports. S2 is warning us, that two EPW have talked about having carried mines for engineers at the exit of the road coming from the Dam's warehouses on the edge of the small valley floor. They don't know if all have been buried and where

Situation: Friendly Forces

After leaving our staging area in El Derjine and having reached our attack position, 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoons / A company will deploy and take position at their pre-assault position as ordered.The CAT team and the 1st team / 1st Platoon / A Company / 1St Battalion LAR, will do the same. A Company HQ and XO with one F.O and javelin team will take position in Farani Rach and will rejoin Normandy went it will be taken.......................................

To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V 1.11

Designer : Gke "Snake eye" 05/10/2009 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@club-internet.fr




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GKE snake eye posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's GKE snake eye's "learn to avoid ATGM AT-14"


Gentlemen ! Your attention. You are on the "El Derjine Range" being built after the return of experience of the late 4th of July, USMC battle of El Derjine crossroad. Some of you might remember that M1's from 2nd Platoon / B Company / 1st tank Battalion had to face aggressive ATGM, while supporting 1st, 2nd and 3rd Platoons /C company / 2nd Battalion during their assault of the town crossroad. In order to reduce significantly tank casualties and not let it happen again, you are being sent here to learn to improve your kills on assaulting T-90 and BMP, to defend and assault in a ground being covered by ATGM and in particular with the most lethal of all, the A-14 Kornet. All shots are blanks and will be tracked by the MILES SIMULATORS. Explosion and smoke are simulated. You will be able to try and try again, what would cause you and your crew a certain death on the field. The end of that training is to bring your ATGM awareness to a point, that you will be able to fight with efficiency in such threat environment and score kills,without being a kill yourself.^


The Range Opposing Forces:

4 AT-14 fully supplied, positioned in entrenchment beween 1200 and 1400 meters away from you.

3 BMP with AT-3 Sagger attacking from the left within 10 minutes from the start.

6 T-90. 3 of them attacking within 15 minutes (from the start) from the far right and the last 3, 20 minutes (from the start) from the center.No mounted troops besides the crews and a small BMP HQ.

Concentrate on tracks and tanks.

A telltale to have in mind. When the AT-14 are firing, a small puff of smoke is visible at their emplacement. Back up immediately, behind the earth berm. It is too late for smoke, forget it.


Your forces:

A full company of 14 M1's. 3 platoons of 4 M1's and 2 more M1's,the commanding Capt.,the XO 1st Lt. and 6 Humvees ATGM -TOW

Situation: Terrain and Weather

The terrain is dry, NW wind is moderate, the temperature should not be a problem at that time of the day, beware of some haze reducing slightly the visiblity at the 1000m range. Weather condition will remain in the OA for the two next days.


Range Instruction :

The range has 3 berms areas delimited with drums, set atop. You are not allowed to cross over the last one. MINES FIELDS are beyond, just to remind it to you. Your track will be destroyed and the score will benefit to the opposing force.

There are no trick in the Red deployment. As for the Blue, you can either start with the tanks, the Humvees or with both of them, depending on the training you are choosing.You can chose to move one track at a time , a platoon or the all company.

Leave the formation parking lot and advance to the first, second and finally third earth berm, as you like. Don't go farther. You should already already have sustained some shots and have one or more casualties. Try to avoid the AT-14 shots by clever use of speed, smoke, fast passage of the berms or by hiding behind the berm. Don't stay on top, more than two or three seconds. While behind the berm, move the tank forward near the top of it using the K key and stop the track when you think that it will be partially hull down. More than often an ATGM missile will land near you on the opposite berm's slope, sending earth and sand all around. You were lucky, that time. Back up immediately and find again the protection of the berm. Don't try to have the same track pop up at the same place. The ATGM crew is just waiting for that.

The basic rule is to have the less frontal surface viewable to the enemy, by remaining behind the berm with partial hull down or completely behind. To skim just over the top of the berm as if it was a wave, for a second or two, to attract fire and avoid shots by backing up, even before noticing the puff of smoke of a firing AT-14.Then,it takes a the most a second before the round reach you. AT-14 shots ATTRITION, this is what you are seeking. Remember they are four of them with 5 or 6 shots each. When they are dry, you are free to do what you want.But before you will have to destroy the BMP's and T-90's.^

The Humvees-TOWs will be best when bringing their tube into position from the lowest corner of a berm. Flanks shots are their best use. They are usually destroyed, when firing from the berm top. However, they do score hits on BMP's and even on T-90's (no such shots easily done in the El Derjine fight). However be cautious, since they need to retain guidance on the missile all the way down, they will stay too long on top of the berm, facing highly possible, destruction by shots from enemy Tracks, tanks or AT-14.


Since the Range is dedicated to training in ATGM threat, no artillery and or mortars are provided, to make it more effective.

To be only played Blue against red A.I with CMSF - USMC Module V 1.11

Designer : Gke "Snake eye" 01/16/2009 - Your much needed comments and advices on snake.eye@club-internet.fr Please, mention the battle name's




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  • 4 weeks later...

LongLeftFlank posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's LongLeftFlank's "Dueling Muezzins (Test)"

"This scenario is a (humorous) test of the feasibility of having placeable "sound" objects or "Easter Eggs" on a map. There is no game to play.

For this to work, you must first install the 2 enclosed WAV sound mods in your Z file. They've replaced the main guns on the T72 and T54 with something else. No peeking :-b

Having done this, run the scenario. Play real time, as Blue.

You don't need to set up anything or poke around the map. Just hit the go button, enjoy the sunrise and wait for the, uh, music to begin....

After a few moments, hit the cease fire key and take a look around."



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THIS is what happens when you don't give modders special objects that they can tag with sound files. My wife and kid were out of town and I was bored, so the above is what I mashed up.


In deep pits at opposite corners of the map, behind the minarets there is an immobilized Elite Red T54 and a T72, together with immobilized Blue pickup trucks (kind of playing the role of white mice fed to pet snakes). When the pickups get popped, the main gun sound has been replaced with a music file so you get two muezzins broadcasting adhans, or Islamic calls to prayer.

As you move farther from the minarets (and you may WANT to after a few moments -- no offense, I hope to my Muslim friends), you'll find that the volume goes down.

Quite a nice effect. For a beach landing scenario, you could create an ambient surf sound, this time replacing the engine idle on the buried tank with a suitably converted WAV file.

If only you didn't have to use a damned tank to do this kind of thing!!!!

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LongLeftFlank posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's LongLeftFlank's "Surf_Beach"

"Another experimental mashup, simulating a beach with "surf" (replicated using grain blowing in a strong breeze) and an embedded sound loop of surf.

There is no game to play. Just load the vehicle loop mod into your Z file and start the scenario. Play as Red."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Birdstrike posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's Birdstrike's "Paradise Road Mk III"

"Insurgent have gained control over a town and vital supply line leading through, codenamed "Paradise Road".

A US IBCT Company of 10th Mountain is tasked to recapture the town and secure the road, but things turn out to be somewhat nastier than expected.

Company-sized Scenario, Urban/Rural Terrain, Length: 90mins.





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Birdstrike posted a new scenario mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse.

It's Birdstrike's "Paradise Road Mk III"

"Insurgent have gained control over a town and vital supply line leading through, codenamed "Paradise Road".

A US IBCT Company of 10th Mountain is tasked to recapture the town and secure the road, but things turn out to be somewhat nastier than expected.

Company-sized Scenario, Urban/Rural Terrain, Length: 90mins.





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  • 5 weeks later...

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