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4 Questions about the game

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A few questions popped up while playing SC 2, if you're interested, please share your opinions and ideas.

1) I am getting the idea that the game is pretty much unbalanced in the allies favor. How are your experiences with this? Is it reasonably possible to win with the Axis against another human player and if so, how would you accomplish this?

2) For some seemingly undocumented reason Axis cities in the USSR occasionally lose a few points in effeciency. Does anyone know why this happens and what the details of it are? It is very bothersome when this happens to Leningrad as this city is the railway hub for all scandinavian territories. So whenever Leningrad falls below 50%, you lose 48 resources per turn (by my count) from a 3 point reduction in all scandinavian cities and mines.

3) I understand that the industrial modifier remains active for each country you have captured. But what happens if the USSR researches industrial efficiency AFTER the Axis has captured Riga for example? Will Riga now begin to produce more resources for the Axis, because the USSR researched this technology?

4) I do not entirely understand how unit vs resource combat works. When a bomber bombs a city is the current efficiency of the town used as readiness modifier for the town? Or does it work entirely different? Unfortunately the manual doesn't mention this and it is important for evaluating the usefulness of strategic bombing. Any ideas how this works?

Thanks in advance.

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#1-Yes the game is tilted towards the Allies(as it should be)but you can win as the Axis.You have to able to capitalize very quickly on the opp.given.Every game is different.

#2-Axis cities(as far as I know)only drop because of either partisans, cut off from supply or the Russian winter.

#3-If you take Riga then the Russsian modifier doesnt help you at all.

#4-Im not to sure what you are asking but if you are on a city being bombed then the unit in question will suffer as they take more punishment and their entrenchment level is reduced.Supply(which will reduce overall effectiveness)is the main damage caused by bombers.The City itself will also start to loose its mpp base.

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The efficiency and supply are corroborated, 10% efficiency = 1 supply, 20% = 2 ...

Bombers have a strategic attack value that reduces the supply/efficiency of any port/city,village/resource, depending upon their(bombers) tech, strength, HQ support, readiness, morale, and experience.

If the City/resource produces MPPs, they will be eroded according to the effectiveness of the attack. Capital cities are worth 20 MPPs (2 * 10 supply/100% efficiency)(Oil a 3 modifier = 30 MPPs)(mine = 2 modifier)) and it loses 5/50% due to bomber attacks then the owning player also loses 10 MPPs and the capital is reduced to 5 supply/ 50% efficiency which recovers 1/10% per turn.

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Thanks for the answers.

I did some testing and looked up a few things in the editor to see if I could find out something about this. For the benefit of others who might be wondering I will write my findings here.

Arado, you are right about #2, they are partisans. Apparently every time a new partisan unit appears every city in a certain radius gets a efficiency penalty. This is good news, because that makes it fixable. AFAIK when you have a unit next to a possible partisan spawn point no partisan will ever spawn there. If this is true you can keep Leningrad at maximum strength with only 2 units: one in the square directly right of the city and one in the square directly under Leningrad. These two units will save you no less then 48 resources per turn if you control Sweden.

About #3, I tested this in the editor and strangely enough it works as I described. If Russia researches industrial efficiency after the axis have captured Riga, the Axis will suddenly produce more resources from Riga. So the USSR is heavily researching this technology after they have lost crucial areas, they may be helping the axis more then they are helping themselves :|.

About #4, thanks for the answer, but what I meant with the question was what the formula is for calculating the damage to the bomber. Normally this is:

Readiness * ((Experience / 3) + Defense) - Readiness_Attacker * (Experience_Attacker / 3)

I assume that the defense of the town is 1 and the experience is 0, but what is its readiness? Is this equal to its efficiency? Or is there a different formula for calculating this?

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Hi Wushuki

With regards to your question about bomber losses, the strength of the resource they are attacking will be a factor, along with any AA upgrades it has. I believe that those are the only two factors unless your bomber is intercepted by enemy fighters, or an AA unit is present.

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Bill101, I tested this in the editor now and it seems to work as follows.

It uses the normal formula with its readiness equal to the town efficiency. This can be seen by letting an unexperienced bomber attack a town with >5 strength and a town with <5 strength. The prediction you get is 1 damage to the bomber if the town has strength >5 and 0 if the town has strength <5. This is precisely what you would expect if its efficiency was equal to its readiness.

It is interesting that the town defense bonus remains active for strategic bombing. So if you attack a town with 10 strength you will do 1 less damage on average.

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