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rare, available??

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ok i started working on designing some senarios. i used to do this from time to time on CMBB. my question is that i see next to the unit a rare/available piece of info. does this mean if i purchase a rare item for say side blue that it might not show up?

also, if i make a map and save it in say my quick battles folder will the game randomly chose that map from time to time?

also i tried testing some air support on blank ground just to see what it would do and how i should use it possibly. i noticed that ALL of the air support i chose would not fire "area" based CAS. is there a certain way to use that, or fire mission setting i might be missing.

thanks =)

p.s. heading over to CMMODS since its been years. can't wait to see whats in there...mu hu hahaha

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Hi. One of your questions I think I can answer...

Area targets for CAS cause the Air Support asset to search for and attempt to eliminate any actual enemy targets it can identify itself within the area you specify. Targetting empty ground will result in the asset showing up, making a pass, and ending its mission without firing. CAS never fires on what it considers empty ground except if you order it to via a point target.

This means two things: First, CAS assets can be used for recon on areas which are not in full view of any of your units. Even if you can't see the entire target area, there is a chance that your CAS will find and destroy targets located within it.

Second, even if you know there are targets in the designated area, even if your other units or your spotter can see them, there is no guarantee that the CAS asset will identify and fire on them. Spotting and ID'ing within an area target for CAS is entirely up to the asset AFAIK. Of course, CAS has a much easier time spotting vehicles than infantry :).

If you want to take out specific known targets with CAS, point targets are the way to go (not an option for AI orders, of course). Hope this helps. Scenario Designers to the rescue for the other two questions :)

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ok i started working on designing some senarios. i used to do this from time to time on CMBB. my question is that i see next to the unit a rare/available piece of info. does this mean if i purchase a rare item for say side blue that it might not show up?

No, that is simply telling you how common you would see them in real life.

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great thanks, all of that makes sense in both replies.

too bad in shockforce there isnt a place you can purchase the units you want before a random senario...like in the older versions of combat mission.

any idea about the question i posted about making new maps and putting them in the quick battle folder and if they would get randomly pulled?

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If you throw you map into the 'Quick Battle Maps' it'll pull that map.

BUT it'll only load it to the battle type you've chosen for it in Mission / Description screen in the map editor. Red or Blue assault/attack/probe, or a meeting engagement. If you save your map as a Blue Assault it will NOT pick it for meeting engagements. That's because QB maps require AI movement orders. Otherwise the opposition just sits there like a lump.

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