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Use it or lose it question...

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Had to start the campaign all over due to a corrupted save but now I understand a lot more about ammo and resupply. I also remember running out of artillery down the road because I used it free and easy in the beginning missions.

So here I am on mission 2 and I have just about everything at my disposal, I have ships off shore, F-18s, Attack Copters, 105s, 81s and I even think some smaller mortars.

Thing is my ground pounders with the support of the AAVs have a handle on things...

So here is my questions.

Are my AAVs resupplied with 40mm after each battle?

How do I know whether my use of artillary/mortars will affect my next missions?

How about my small arms ammo, 7.62 and 40mm. Is this replenished?

How about AT and Javs?

Shifting Fire and Ceasing Fire with my Arty has significantly helped.

But knowing some of these would help as well. I don't want to get caught short down the road so any help is appreciated.

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I wish I could advise but I never play the campaigns. I know that the replenishment rate is set in the scenario carry over by the designer.

I watched my wife put together a campaign a while back and it was all too much for me. She had a notepad out and was jotting down formulae. So I know there is a % of replenishment.

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Indeed -- I've never actually heard of a girl or woman (other than some pseudo-mythical gaggle of gals called the Frag Queens or something like that) playing even so straightforward and popular a game as, say, Halo, let alone something so groggy and not-all-that-graphically-sophisticated as CM.

I've figured that my chances of earning a girlfriend (let alone a wife) are in direct proportion to the extent to which I don't spend my time playing "video games." :rolleyes:

Verily, has there ever been a woman CM player? *shrug* The only game that I know of which is played by a significant number of girls/women (indeed, a significant number of people) is World of Warcraft. I imagine it would take quite a nerdy/groggy girl/woman to be interested in CM. But I like nerdy/groggy girls. :D

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Dietrich : there are two girls on the french CM site "Appui-feu" :D !

Mhh, two out of 200... Statiscally it is an endangered species :eek:

Deux filles dans la...! :eek:

...Oh blast, my knowledge of French isn't nearly as good as would be needed to woo a French CM player-ette. =P

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She's been kept busy with the kids etc etc but I know she sent a new scenario to Mark Ezra for a look and a tidy up but he's not got back to her.

Falconander, check out cmmods.com and search under Meach or Mishga for some of her work. She used my account there to post her stuff cos she never had an account of her own but she fixed that eventually. She done some mini campaigns a long while back plus a few scenarios. Failing that drop her an email to cuppedia@blueyonder.co.uk with a scenario idea or just to say hello and I am sure she will get a map done and off to you.

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I'll take you up on that... thanks...

I was developing a fantasy board game, roughly a mix between poker, risk, Warhammer and Dungeons and Dragons. At my peak I had about 30 artists out there drawing/painting for me. Some of these were very attractive ladies/girls. There is something about fantasy art that attracts the female interest hence the success of World of Warcraft. If you have some cute girls it is bound to attract more boys and thus the party goes until 2-3am playing on the computer.

But alas, the WWII realms isn't as sexy for the ladies. But hey, I play WWII games and she watches her shows. Everyone needs a outlet....

Mishga, I bet you can design a mean scenario. I need one one my son and I to play blue on red. I still have not been able to convert him over to CM:SF. He loves COD, Company of Heroes and Faces of War. Maybe CM: Normandy will do it for him.

Dietrich, yes that computer:girlfriend equation is a tough one to beat. Maybe Meach can give you some pointers on how to be able to play with your lass sitting on your lap or by your side.

I still can't get that image of her sitting there doing calculations on her pad and programming away.... something too cool about that...



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Dietrich, yes that computer:girlfriend equation is a tough one to beat. Maybe Meach can give you some pointers on how to be able to play with your lass sitting on your lap or by your side.

Ah, but I don't have a lass to sit on my lap or by my side. =P Had I a lass, I would have not as much free time to spend playing CM:SF or any other game. Besides, I would have more engaging activities vying for my time. (And no, I don't per se mean that word that begins with "s", ends in "x", and has "e" in the middle.)

I'm looking for a lass who (as Arthur Dent said of Trisha McMillan) is "charming, beautiful, devastatingly intelligent." =) You know, the kind of girl who could be seen to lean over my shoulder, peering at the screen through her elegant glasses and with her lustrous hair framing her lovely face, and offer some sage tactical advice. :D

I think the success of World of Warcraft among the fair sex can be attributed largely to the fact that it's as much a social game as it is a kill-monsters-and-earn-gear kind of game.

I would be honored to play a scenario created by a woman. I'll have to take your advice, Meach, and look for such on cmmods. :)

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Yes I am still around. The Formula I was trying to work out was ammunition resupply percentages. My earlier work is quite rough around the edges compared to the stuff I can do now. Having a better grasp of the editor and what it can do.

Meach supplies the technical ideas. "No, No a Battalion vs a Platoon is not a very fun fight for the Platoon!" But I don't let him loose on the editor as he makes maps like tabletops and plentiful supplies of artillery.

Falconander please drop me an email and I will send you a small collection of what I have done. Be warned there is no chrome polishing in the way of fancy breifings as that is what I find the most time consuming. Using Fraps, then art packages to get nice combat images is time that the kids usually demand.

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After searching the forums and espying the aforementioned picture of Mishga, I can confirm*...

A woman CM player! Will wonders never cease. :)

Not only a woman CM player, but a woman CM player who designs scenarios as well(!)

* Yes, I'm new around here. :D Except in the sense that I've been playing CM for about three years now.

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Meach, I sure hope you treasure what you've got there. How on earth did you find that woman?! For me wargaming and girlfriend are completely separate aspects of my life, and always have been. There's no point in me even attempting to explain my love of wargaming, let alone getting her to play. Tolerance or resignation are the best I've ever been able to hope for.

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Score one for the red guys....

...I thought you said Meach liked the artillery and I also thought that you said that Meach squashed the idea of the battallion against platoon saying that it is no fun for the platoon....


Played airborne on Elite and had a minor loss. After the initial pounding of my men by artillery right off the bat I am sitting in my foxhole cursing the Arty Gods and thinking to myself do i spread out or hunker down. Well the 4-5 tanks coming at me answered that question.

Arty died down a bit and some of the tanks were dispatched. By about this time my srty was inbound on the men off to the right side as well my men pounding on them as they ran for the woodline.

My heart sank as i saw the treeline off to the top left fill up with question marks and the remaining two tanks were charging me.

I tried to break off a squad through the woods and into the depression on the left but they were nailed by one of the tanks.

My AT squad for some reason could not get clean a clean shot off. So the tanke came to point blank and slaughtered everyone.

I don't think I had time to use arty against the tanks (20 minutes) and they were always moving. My AT guys were also direct to the front so hard time killing them.

I split my forces up so I think I'll try again and leave everyone concentrated in the middle and try it that way. If everyone is in the middle, I will probably lose the woods to my immediate left so that is unappetizing as well.

A fun quick mission.... first time playing defense with Blue on a small scale....

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"Airborne" was more a test of the AI and multi-plan scripting rather than a true scenario. Yeah, I tend to do scenarios with huge explosions and suicidal world war 1 charges :)) Mish refuses to let me loose for scenarios that will be posted for general consumption.

I hope you did not find it too frustrating tho? I did after a few whippings but realised it was an uphill fight and one to dig in and hold out.

That scenario is very harsh. Best I got was a major loss but the VP are off. The BLUE forces should get more for holding the outpost. My best bet was to hold off from moving about and nail the tanks as they rushed in. Did you remember to add 100pts for holding the Outpost? The file has been fixed if you want a resend?


Mishga is a gem. Makes a lovely cup of tea too! You want the scenario's she made mailed out to you? If so just drop her a line.

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"The only game that I know of which is played by a significant number of girls/women (indeed, a significant number of people) is World of Warcraft. I imagine it would take quite a nerdy/groggy girl/woman to be interested in CM. But I like nerdy/groggy girls."

"I think the success of World of Warcraft among the fair sex can be attributed largely to the fact that it's as much a social game as it is a kill-monsters-and-earn-gear kind of game."

For these same reasons, there is a lot of female membership on Eve Online where players can work their way up to administrator of a corporation with thousands of members. Without firing a shot or planning a battle, a person can order thousands of guys around.


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Funny you should quote those statements. I run a guild in Warcraft that raids occasionally and I do play Eve online but quite more a casual player there.

I would not class my self as Groggy or geeky as I love socialising and going out, having a few drinks etc. I cannot help it that the good Lord gave me brains and boobs! :) Having two kids does put a crimp on a social life I admit.

To be honest about CMSF, I am much more interested in the WW2 setting. I cannot wait to see what the editor is like for that.

I make scenario's for CMSF as all the tools are to hand. A little bit of thought and exploring the editor you can come up with some pretty good stuff. I am working on a map just now that's a multi-plan 1hour long battle that involves at least one ambush, one counter attack and static defence from the AI. If anyone wants to playtest it drop me an email.

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"The only game that I know of which is played by a significant number of girls/women (indeed, a significant number of people) is World of Warcraft. I imagine it would take quite a nerdy/groggy girl/woman to be interested in CM. But I like nerdy/groggy girls."

"I think the success of World of Warcraft among the fair sex can be attributed largely to the fact that it's as much a social game as it is a kill-monsters-and-earn-gear kind of game."

For these same reasons, there is a lot of female membership on Eve Online where players can work their way up to administrator of a corporation with thousands of members. Without firing a shot or planning a battle, a person can order thousands of guys around.


Tells something about online players.

"Arrr, I'm a mighty space pirate and I obey no authority!!!"

"I have vâgina."

"What is thy bidding, m'lady?"

(and it tells something about this board software that ****** is on censorlist...)

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Played another one of your scenarios....

Forgot the name but had the code name like PBSR or the like...

Blue moving to contact on red in side the small village...

I liked this one a lot. First thing I noticed was that you gave me like 4 spotters and at least 3 javs with 4-5 M1s....

I immediately shuddered and thought what does this evil lass have up her sleeve?


My guys started moving out and sent some infantry and Humvees on the recon. Arty was falling to my left into open pasture so I was beathing a sigh of relief on that one. I opened up against the first small cluster of buildings at the crossroads. Satified that i had surpressed it and having ample troops i charged forward to secure the crossroads. Well there were 3 BMPS behind the building in ambush, one of which was up in smoke so I thought I was done until the other two ambushed me.

Well I went from that cluster of buildings and easily swept through the larger cluster to the left. I had my eye on the far objective line thinking that things were too easy so far. I mean hell the F-18s were not even put to use yet.

I sent a Hummer over to check out the phase line and it hit a mine about 20 yards away so I sent some infantry in. I saw some enemy ??s in the trees so i swept through only to find a freaking BMP or whatever hidden deep in the trees. MY men thought that they had easy prey and ran into armor.

So now I am thinking that only a woman would prey on guys over-zealousness to plant us into amubush after ambush. I saw another 3-4 BMPs in the far tree line and sent some arty on them along with F-18s and my JAVs up in the top of buildings.

Had to quit early but those BMPs in back of the building and the other in the first clump of trees were really well done on their ambush orders....

Fun time playing this one... will have to give the others a go....

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