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So what do you think?

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While I am waiting for the hard copy [by way of China hehe] I of course have been playing the demo and I like the game. You players who have the main download ought to have an opinion about the game by now, I always play the AI because I dont have the time to play the other players by e-mail or any other way [just an excuse because I dont want the likes of Blashy wiping me off the Pacific ocean] so I am asking you AI players and others what is your opinion of the game so far? Please be honest with your opinions for I am sure that anything you find wrong will be adressed in the first patch.


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I am not much of a threat in HvH to be honest, like right now in my first HvH I am still doing some weird stuff as I still have my testing hat on.

I will say that for myself I need to do the following for a challenge vs. the AI:

1) play at the hardest setting

2) NEVER watch the AIs turn (I press F3 makes the animations go faster)

3) NEVER watch the pop ups after the AI's turn

BUT, I have been testing since the first SC2 was in the works so I have tons of game experience.

What I can say is that even though I have yet to loose vs. the AI I have a great time each of my game as I find myself trying something new quite often.

Although I have yet to win a total victory as Japan by taking India or Russia OR a US/Canadian city. That in itself is something I will plan for in my next game, REALLY hard to do.

Let me put it this way 99.9999% of my games are vs. the AI and I love this game.

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Same here you can always beat the AI. While when you begin playing other people all the sudden you find out there is a good chance that you could lose. Although after a couple of losses you'll find out exactly how good you really in other words it test you and makes you better. If you stay commited to just playing the AI though you don't really improve all that much something I've experienced first hand unfourtantly.

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With 1 1/2 games vs. the AI in, I love it so far.

I think its the funnest of the SC(2) series. Mostly because of 2 things:

1) The new CV rules which make large naval engagements epic and game changing. Carriers are definitely the queen of the battlefield in this game and losing one is a huge setback.

2) The Pacific Theater leads to a much more interesting challenge IMO. So many options for both sides. Many 'small' wars in different areas of the map. China, Burma (or India), New Zealand, some remote island, all at the same time. Lots of sneaking around and high risk gambles (Like sending an unescorted amphibious unit to an island you THINK is unguarded).

Definitely has that 'one more turn' effect that has gotten me into a little trouble with the wife already!

I like Blashy's idea of not watching the game during AI's turn to make it more challenging. Both of my games so far have come down to a major naval engagement that I have won in both cases. Those have decided the game. If I had not been watching the AI's turn, it would not have been so easy to trap its carriers with my subs.

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What do you think is the most effective counter against enemy carriers (keeping in mind cost, time to build, offensive and defensive capabilities of each)

A. a sub

B. Yamamoto class Battleship

C. Another Carrier

This is a simple, and easy question for those of you who complain about my long drawn out ones haha. My anwser would be B even though I'm sure most will say C.

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What do you think is the most effective counter against enemy carriers (keeping in mind cost, time to build, offensive and defensive capabilities of each)

A. a sub

B. Yamamoto class Battleship

C. Another Carrier

This is a simple, and easy question for those of you who complain about my long drawn out ones haha. My anwser would be B even though I'm sure most will say C.

A. A sub (or actually, many subs)

They can move around almost undetected in silent mode then sneak up and gang attack a carrier. If they get into trouble, they can often sneak away and limp back to port. They are much cheaper and much quicker to build than a CV so even if you lose 2 subs to take out 1 CV, you're ahead. So far in my 2 games as the Allies I've stockpiled subs early and sent them out sneaking around for enemy carriers. It has worked quite well. I think in two games I've sunk 10+ Jap CV's and lost only 1. Usually I locate the carrier and begin the attack with subs and then follow up with surface vessels to finish it off.

BTW, you forgot another viable option:

D. Land based tactical bombers.

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Yes your right I thought about that, but I wanted to post a question which was only about opposing navies and carriers with only naval units. Also wanted to keep it simple, because if I threw that in everyone would begin weighing in there land combat attributes, and it would become too complicated :).

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