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New Scenario- USMC Clear and Present Danger

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I just posted a scenario that puts three platoons of Marines in the Jungles of South America hunting a Syrian terrorist. I did the scenario to experiment with jungles without driving the game to crash. I think I did a fairly good job. Check it out at the Repository and leave me some feedback. It is quite different from anything I have played so far. Enjoy!

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"... three platoons of Marines in the Jungles of South America hunting a Syrian terrorist."

Fired it up last PM briefly and already got into a dense firefight! Looks good. Playing well. Now on to look for bad guys and their stash. Maybe I should use the SOF Black mod :D

I knew I should have done a tiger stripe mod.

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Tiger stripes?! That would be kickass.

Cabal, I'll be checking this out, sounds fun!

Yeah, I had played around with the idea, but decided that no one was going to try a jungle scenario. Apparently I was wrong.

It'll go on the list for Uniforms Extravaganza 2.0.

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I have been suggesting (complaining) to BF since this game came out that they should have created a game that revolved around all environment types. I have read the umpteen posts saying that isn't what they wanted to do and I understand that it is their company to do what they will. So in the mean time I will continue to push the engine as far as it will go. It seems like every time I read the news insurgents are creating havoc somewhere. It seems foolish to waste such an awesome gaming engine on Syria. I look forward to the next temperate module, hopefully we can see some other places than sandy villages. Glad to see you all enjoyed this scenario. Don't forget to post a rating in the repository.


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  • 1 month later...


Just played this one this morning and enjoyed it. There was one frustrating part,

which has nothing to do with the scenerio designer. That's trying to figure out

what terrain is passable or isn't. After scouting the dry creek I thought I could

move across on the left side in what seemed to be a slight slope into the river.

So I move there and then discover I can't cross. :(

Anyone got some idea on how to figure this out ahead of time?

Well, I can't complain, with all those crack Marines on hand I got a total victory

without even occupying the cocoa fields. Only lost 5 guys. Having a couple of F16s on hand

made quick work of one group of baddies that were putting a cramp in my style.

Oh yah, the sudden appearance on the right flank by what appeared to be a lot

of technicals and baddies REALLY caught me off guard. I simply counter attacked

and laid waste to them. Ooorah!

Fun scenerio!

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trying to figure out what terrain is passable or isn't. ... Anyone got some idea on how to figure this out ahead of time?

In plotting movement orders for your troops (this works for vehicles as well), move the cursor over the terrain and note if/when it changes from green to blue. A blue movement-order cursor indicates impassable terrain.

Hope this helps. :)

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