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Tips on using the M7


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Most important thing is to watch out for 20mm or 37mm autocannon armed guns or vehicles, they kill it in no time because CMBO gives them huge advantages in hot probablity and kill chances. Don't go hulldown because the lower hull resists these rounds but the upper ones doesn't.

No indirect fire, but if you have enough ammo you can target a hilltop if there is one conviniently in the way. Move it forth and back so that accuracy sucks and about half the rounds fly over (doesn't work in CMBB anymore since the rounds land in the hill more often).

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It has tons of ammo, so you can afford to use "area fire" at suspected enemy positions turn after turn. One turn of 105 HE will "do" a position (single tile) very nicely, even if you don't have the exact location of enemy troops there. If you combine this with the "keyhole" idea, e.g. by peeking around a building, a little farther every couple of turns, you can plaster a whole succession of tiles over 5 minutes or so. Then relocate and do the same to some other position. Sherman 105s can be used the same way, with the added benefit that they have front armor thick enough to stop light guns (but also for added cost).

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Yeah but like the guys said watch out for flak guns.

I just set a sexton (brit SPG very similar to M7) with a keyhole LOS to a patch of wood where I was expecting some infantry. Unfortuately there was a light gun of some sort there with exactly the same keyholed LOS back to me....

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