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Ok, I am very new to this game so I am still trying to grasp the basics. I really like the concept but I have to get used to the slightly slower game play compared to the RTS's I am used to playing

I often find that at the beginning of the levels I am afraid to move out(if I am attacking), I dont want any of my tanks to be sniped buy enemy guns and I am not really sure what to do with my advancing infantry, other than try to keep them in cover and keep the close to their leader. I read a thread that described how to assault a single gun, which helped, but how would I assault another platoon or company. I guess what I am asking is how do I effectively use my infantry? Also what is a good way to minimize losses while moving over open ground?

I think that is all for now but I am sure I will have plenty more questions soon.

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I often find that at the beginning of the levels I am afraid to move out(if I am attacking), I dont want any of my tanks to be sniped buy enemy guns

Guns always get a first shot, so if you're expecting an enemy gun, here's couple advice. Move your tanks together where you believe the gun is located. Once the gun start to shoot your tanks the rest of your tanks hopefully destroy it, or you can move something light/inexpensive first and hope your enemy reveal his guns, and you can take them out with mortals.

and I am not really sure what to do with my advancing infantry, other than try to keep them in cover and keep the close to their leader. .

Sounds pretty good to me, especially if you're holding the flag, hide, and wait for your enemy and ambush them. Don't shoot over 150 meter it's wasting a bullets, unless you want to delay your enemy and keep them pinned little bit.

Also what is a good way to minimize losses while moving over open ground?

You take always heavy losses when moving on open ground. One way to cross open is to use "move to contact" and "hide" command, so when your inf spot an enemy they hide, from there you can keep sneaking or advance/run to nearest cover, or make smoke.

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I can remember my very early days when I used to fear every bush and wood. First thing is to look at what your opponent can afford to buy. When you realise he has only x units that can hurt your tanks you can then rationalise where they are likely to be. OK you may be wrong but CM is very much a game of experience so you have to accept that losing is a definite possibility whilst you are on the learning curve. Expect to lose, take your best guesses, and then learn from what works and what does not. There is an awful lot of literature written on how to play CM - and not all of it is contradictory : ) One last thing - when learning you may aswell play quickly as spending 15 minutes on a move that will be revealed as a disater in 30 seconds is discouraging. Play a few games just taking your moves quickly will give you plenty of information to digest that will be immediately relevant. When you then read people's opinions on how best to play you will have some basis to compare. Happy hunting

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Find the scenario Chaulnes. On the basis that the Allies never win feel free to use the tons of equipment available to you and lose in style. Then play as the Germans. A great fun way to burn lots of tanks and learn quickly.

The scenario is at either at TSD or TPG which I am sure are linked somewhere or are Googlable.

Two things to remember. Smoke is the Allies friend. The bocage[tall] hedges allow Allied tanks through but not German.

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When attacking area fire is your friend.

A patch of woods that looks like an ideal place for the defender to hide an AT gun or infantry is worth shooting at before you spot them. Lay down small arms fire to get heads down and/or drop some HE on it with mortars or artillery before you charge it.

That was probably the most valuable lesson I learned: Shooting at the enemy you don't see can be as worthwhile as shooting at the enemy you do see. Remember, you needn't kill the enemy right away, just getting their heads down while you get in to a more favourable position is good enough.

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