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How can I clean buildings safely and agilely?

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I haven't found any effective methods for cleaning buildings,

so far,I just use a simple method for cleaning buildings:

Suppress--> smoke--> go into

But when I encounter a complex building, There are lots of areas that I can't suppress ,

So I always lost many people in some rooms:(

Does any body have some tactics for CQB ?

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Sounds about right to me :P Except perhaps for the smoke part. Smoke blocks the view of your supporting units, too.

But other than that - plenty of suppression is the way that works best for me. And with plenty I mean LOTS. And secondly, take your time. Move one team at a time, keep others in good overwatch positions, maybe even give fire arcs (for quicker acquisition).

The upcoming v1.1 patch and Marines module will improve this a bit, too, because of additional infantry behavior (e.g. soldiers make brief stops to fire and suppress while others in the team/squad continue).

But even then you always have to except casualties in CQB. There just is no perfect method to do this without dead and wounded people, especially, like you say, in a "complex" built up area. Patience and firepower, and a good medic, are the key.

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maybe even give fire arcs (for quicker acquisition).

Does this include the 360 degree arc? So infantry given this arc will react quicker than those without it?

Another arc question I have: is there a way to "show all arcs" and "show no arcs" because I get sick of seeing the sickly yellow hue whenever I select a unit with an arc.


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My personal tactic is just to level everything with tanks and Javelins.

BF you might want to consider making the scoring system for building destruction aswell to prevent this.....

This is the job of the scenario designer, and the tools for it exist already: Preserve Terrain Objectives.

Does this include the 360 degree arc? So infantry given this arc will react quicker than those without it?

Another arc question I have: is there a way to "show all arcs" and "show no arcs" because I get sick of seeing the sickly yellow hue whenever I select a unit with an arc.


A 360 degree arc doesn't make much sense. Part of the benefit of an arc is that you limit the attention of a given unit (and all its soldiers in the case od a squad) to a specific area. It's not needed always, but sometimes can mean that your units will engage quicker (as usual, nothing in CM is just an on/off function, so it's a bit "fuzzy").

There is no hotkey to hide/show arcs AFAIR. You can look up all hotkeys in the manual and under the "Menu" buttin in the interface.

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The upcoming v1.1 patch and Marines module will improve this a bit, too, because of additional infantry behavior (e.g. soldiers make brief stops to fire and suppress while others in the team/squad continue).

Ah, excellent! That's something I've always felt was missing from the infantry modeling.

A 360 degree arc doesn't make much sense. Part of the benefit of an arc is that you limit the attention of a given unit (and all its soldiers in the case od a squad) to a specific area. It's not needed always, but sometimes can mean that your units will engage quicker (as usual, nothing in CM is just an on/off function, so it's a bit "fuzzy").

Is the chance of _spotting_ an enemy unit increased by having a small covering arc over that unit, and does this chance decrease with the size of the covering arc?

Will hunt with covered arc be fixed in the upcoming patch? I.e. will units continue to 'hunt' as long as the only units that are spotted are outside of the covered arc?

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I have always wondered what causes some soldiers in a line of moving infantry to stop or turn around, bumping into the guy behind them....I've seen this so much and I wonder if it is a glitch or is something being simulated here?

I'd be pretty pissed if I was dashing for cover and the guy ahead of me turned around bashed right into me......

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