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Ending a battle


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Some battles you run out of ammo and they go on and on....if you hit End Battle there are no stats and you cannot continue a campaign. Is there some way to end a battle in this game and continue (accepting the current status either in defeat or victory)?

Also, some kind of timer would be good as well as the game just goes on and on sometimes and I have no idea how much time is left...

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I've also had this happen when I had infantry trying to sneak up on the last remaining tank to take a shot, only to have them chicken out when getting to close! This went on for over an hour and had to quit the game!.

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Regular and green troops may panic at the site of a tank especially if most of your force is wiped and the squad leaders are missing. Vet troops usually hold out pretty good.

As far as ammo goes you can scour the battlefield for backpacks, the bodies disappear but the weapons and ammo of the dead remain as little back pak blobs. Usually an antitank grenade can be found.

Its tedious and in reality there is better scripting to end battles. The end battle scipting can be changed in the mission editor but thats after the fact. Could have been addressed for problem missions in the patch but I doubt another one will come out.

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in the first french campaign mission i had one enemy tank sitting outside the map area (so i couldnt order my troops there) with apparantly no ammo and a blown track...

i notice that all my tanks have run out of AP ammo... i eventually charged everything i had towards it and it just slowly wiped out almost my entire infantry troop... and i ran out of HE shells in my tanks.

it was a stupid situation, since i HAD won, but that last tank was just sitting there... in real life i could have strolled up there with one of my tank crews, opened their hatches and shot them with my bloody pistol since they ran out of mg ammo after a while...

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I think the main problem with a lot of the scenarios is that the "battle end conditions" require that EVERY enemy unit be destroyed. This is indeed very frustrating when you are trying to chase the last man down to end the battle. I have begun to edit the "Trigger Configuration" file (script file) for a scenario. There are some "key" conditional commands that can be easily modified to end the scenario when only a certain number of enemy troops or vehicles are left. See below for example:

Initially the script code may look complicated - but it really isn't too bad when you do a few.


*The following command tells the TOW engine to get the total number of enemy troops *still alive (foot soilders, tank crew etc).


SET @humans = GetNUnits ( ARMY , @enemy_army , HUMAN , CREW )


*The following commands - IF...Then... condition will check to see if 4 or less enemy *troops are left - IF SO - the game will end with a "Mission Win" - IF NOT the game *continues.


IF ( @humans < 5 ) THEN

DestroyTriggerInstance ( "_Mission_Fail_Attack" , @army )

MissionWin ( )


End If

The above script code will avoid that "long drawn out" final minutes of an obvious win scenario. You can of course replace the value 5 with any value you wish.

A good way to start to learn the scripting commands is to look at the Trigger Config file in the one of the TOW single_mission scenario folders. There is also a TOW Trigger command user guide which is "fair" on explaining how to use the script commands.



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Same stuff for me, in the French campaign, but with the last mission.

Anyway, picking up the AT weapons and ammo of dead ennemy soldiers may be worthwile and helpful.

Thanks, Tom Sims, for the hint. I have been shy about trigger edition but that definitely is the solution.

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