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OMG Try this ne awesome MOD!!!

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CMMOD european theater by Mr.White It is without doubt the finest in showing the huge vastness of Russia compared to Europe.

I am PVPing it right now and it it absolutly thrilling!!! A lot of effort was put in this one , the only thing I can mention is I would like to see Italian Ethiopia included.

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just updated it to 1.24, as of lack of time to play I don´t know how well it works

list of changes:

- Altmark incident decision

- edited some unitscipts (waffen-ss)to fit more to the real dates (hope it works)

- added some more pictures for events

- little tuning

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Honch I really do not know, I would still love to see Italian East Africa in this, but it is the only Mod to show how large Russia is truely compared to Europe , the only other thing it needs is a Larger Russian force pool. It has been Very well researched in my opinion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

User73!...i want to make a request of you,...only if you are the creator of this EUROPEANTHEATRE_ME 1.24!. To make SPELLING-CORRECTIONS if & when this game is upgraded the next-time!.

I am very much looking at what i think is the MISSPELLING of Cities & Town's!.

A few examples in 'Thrawns-Map'...are!...

* Amsterdam is labeled...'Amsterdamn'?...why is it called 'Damn'?.

* Rotterdam is labeled...'Rotterdamn'?...why is it called 'Damn'?.

* Wilhelmshaven is labeled...'Wilhelmshafen'?.

* Beruit is labeled...'Beyrouth'?.

* Bucharest is labeled...'Bukarest'?.

I have just listed a few examples to give you or someone the idea here!,...and that is...that the spelling or labeling of these Town's & Cities...could possibly be corrected with their names spelled properly!.

Other than that, im liking the 'Media-Files' in this & other games made by the Modder's!.

I would even like to go a step farther, by putting in short [3-5 Second]...video showing for example the Victory-Parade of the German-Troops marching through Paris under the 'Arc De Triumph'! [Did i SPELL that correctly???]. Anyway...some short Video Animation would be a welcome treat,...but!...of course it would be preffered if it was an 'OPTION' as some player's would perhap's...not like anything like that to interfere with their time-schedule for game-playing!.

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Thank-You!...for the correction 'Gorgin!'.

Now!,...back to the creator of this EUROPEANTHEATRE_ME 1.24!. I am playing the Axis,...i almost alway's play the losing side or the side that should have lost!. Anyway!,...after taking 'France!',...There is no MPP-Booty???...'Vas Ist' Loss Mein-Herr???'.

Because of that situation, i will now be unable to build up my forces for the assault on Russia,...and will be too-weak to defend myself from the usual "too-early" Allied Invasion of France in 1943!.

That deficiency need's to be corrected!.

Navar See Dat Before!!!.

To reiterate from a previous posting of mine!,...Mispelled Names!.





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Hmm, don't think that media files are possible, but I will correct the speeling errors and upload a new version shortly and is it possible that de'Gaule is in Allgiers in you campain, in this case france did not surrender, you have to conquer the Allgierspart of france as well, but I will look into this...

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Hello 'User73'...YES!!!...i was frantically seeking resolution and did just exactly as you stated...I attacked Tunisia & then Algier's...and..."WaLaa!!!"...FRANCE-FINALLY-FELL!!!...i got something like 1600MPP as compensation!.

I got it just as the Russians were declaring war on me in the merry month of May!. I was just able to hold my ground by sacrificing RESEARCH_REPAIRS_DIPLOMACY and put everything i had into purchasing more unit's for the oncomming onslaught!.

By-the-way!...even before Japan Declard War on The-United-States [Dec 1941]...the Russians & Japanese declared a Non-Aggression-Pact,...then that turn or the very-next-turn...the Dreaded SIBERIAN-TRANSFER took place!. This was 'Just-Great' as i was fighting tooth-claw & nail to scrape up enough troops to hold the Commies back!.

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I noticed some problems as well during my first play. I'm currently in June 1940 playing the allies.

1) Subs shouldnt be able to defend against air fleets/bombers

2) The convoy to the Red Sea and Persian Golf is missing

3) I had snow/clear on 8th of June 1940 followed by mud (last bit is ok)

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