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Scenario Re-Balance Etiquette

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Hi All,

I am just wondering what the etiquette is when one re-balances someone else's scenario's and wants to post them for others to try.

There are quite a few scenarios including some of the original ones that could benefit from re-balancing.

Is a simple credit to the original author sufficeint as when one uses someone else's map?

What do you all think?

Regards John

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Personally, I would love to find that someone has enough interest in my scenario that they would work to improve it. But, I do think that all credit for any work done by the original author should be acknowledged in the briefing. For example: if someone were to change my map/scenario around and submit it for public download, they should put a note reading something like "original scenario designed by the Fighting Seabee". Credit is absolutely due when using someone elses work.

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There are certainly no legal restriction to doing this. However, I must confess I'd be pretty pissed off if somebody did that. Scenario design is really hard work when it's done properly and I think it's a bit lame of someone to open up somebody elses scenario, edit it a bit and then submit it even if credit is given to the original author. For your own private pleasure, no problemo. But that's just my opinion... perhaps others would be happy to see more scenarios.

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You have a point. Maybe you should ask for permission first. But...

I hereby decree, with the power vested in me by God, over my creations in CM:SF, that any person regardless of race, religion, citizenship, sex, or overall girth, shall be granted free access to such creations, whether to change the map around, reconfigure the units, reconfigure the ai, or any other change, without penalty of law or friendship, oh yea oh yea, as long as they include my name, the Fighting Seabee, as the sole creator of such scenarios.

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I'd prefer that the person contacted me before publicly releasing it. These scenarios do take a lot of time - they ain't just dashed of in an hour.

So it would be a courtesy if someone was to make changes to a scenario that they then were going to make public. I would prefer if the scenario were renamed etc.

No problem if people want to use the map to make their own - again a nice credit would be most welcome.

Cheers fur noo


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