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Dismountet Vehicle Crews?

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i currently working on a Scenario where Blue Forces Attack a Red Barracks where the Soldiers are unaware of the ongoing Attack. So i like the Vehicle Crews to be unmounded and the red Player needs to get them into Vehicle first to use em.

Is there a Way to disembark Vehicle crews and place them somewhere else?

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Originally posted by George Mc:

Short answer - no.

At the moment you can't dismount vehicle crews in the set-up in the editor.

It's another of these things on the wish list/BFC to do.

Cheers fur noo


Well actually there is a round-about way I believe.

I am currently working on a scenario with a Humvee parked behind an infantry unit.

I purchased a Stryker unit, and deleted eveything save the HQ squad, one scout squad and a Humvee support vehicle.

This allows me to deploy the Humvee "unmounted"

Whether this works with the Syrian / Unconventional forces I'm not sure. Play around with purchase units and find out?

Good luck

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Hi GDog

Do you mean you can have the vehicle crew (i,e, driver and co-driver) of the Humvee dismount during in the set-up in the editor? Just tried it and the dismount button for the humvee is greyed out as I expected. Maybe we are talking about differant things?

Cheers fur noo


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Hi Slowmotion

Yeah supply platoon vehcile crews all come dismounted but not combat formation vehcile crews (which is what the OP is after I think) - unless someone has found a workaround for allowing crews to dismount their vehciles in the editor set-up?

Cheers fur noo


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Originally posted by George Mc:

Hi GDog

Do you mean you can have the vehicle crew (i,e, driver and co-driver) of the Humvee dismount during in the set-up in the editor? Just tried it and the dismount button for the humvee is greyed out as I expected. Maybe we are talking about differant things?

Cheers fur noo


Hi George

I think I understand what you are trying to achive.

You want unmanned vehicles parked ready for anyone able to get in them, mount the vehicles and go from there.

I have had sucess using US support units only for this purpose.

I selected a support unit, deleted the crews ( can't delete the HQ unit which is VERY annoying) and then deployed the humvees unmanned.

They are then ready for use by any unit smallenough to use them. For larger infantry units I split the squad up to fit into 2 seperate Humvees. So, while you won't be able to deploy the Humvees crew, you can load other small squads into the vehicles to then act as the crew...

I understand you are trying to achieve this using Red forces, which I am not as familiar with yet.

Are we on the same page? Good luck, I will host my scenario soon and you can see what I mean.

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Hi GDog

Yup on the same page smile.gif

Sergei managed to get some US troops to man a Syrian taxi, can't mind how he did it but it worked well. Could be the bug that made that happen is gone, or could be it is still there smile.gif

Good luck withe the scenario and look forward to having a wee play with it smile.gif

Cheers fur noo


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Originally posted by George Mc:

Hi GDog

Yup on the same page smile.gif

Sergei managed to get some US troops to man a Syrian taxi, can't mind how he did it but it worked well. Could be the bug that made that happen is gone, or could be it is still there smile.gif

Good luck withe the scenario and look forward to having a wee play with it smile.gif


I'd love to use a taxi in my scenario...where do you select such units?

Cheers fur noo


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