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new player couple questions-thanks

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I appreciate all the help.

1.do you play it mostly RTS or turn based?

I would like to play it RTS but feel I am behind the curve and coordinating things and losing the edge that I would ahve in RL if I did not have to click or micromanage so much. I didnot utulizxe the pause button enough.

Any thoughts on this? Seems like RTS is much more realsitic, but any thoughts?

2.Infantry uses with strykers. I am trying to find some tactics and info on how to use my inf. in combination with my strykers. mostly on open ground. It seems safest to keep them in but as I close on infantry with RPgs etc. I get them dismounted but to no real effect. I have only played the first two campoaign missions, and got my inf. handed to me when i dismounted over open terrain, but in the wadi it has worked well as long as my strykers are leading. Please addsoem thoughts on how to work in an open environment.

thanks for the help and enjoying the help from the forums.

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1) Both. I prefer RT, but sometimes is true it gets overwhelming. As now, RT is finer, cause the issues that exist with pathfinding, TacAI, infantry combat etc. in RT you can fix that on the run issuing new commands etc. but on WeGo you are sold out when you click the run button.

IMo RT with pausing is the best, I just wish the "Paused" message woyuld be moved from teh center and made smaller lol. But on H2H play (haven't done yet, but will at some point when bugs are fixed), you can't pause over TCP/IP, which is backwards IMO, so WeGo is prefered IMO.

The mroe experience with the game the better RT will feel IMO.

2) In open ground... I'm getting used to scout ahead with one squad or two (or teams if you prefer, to risk less), but try to use somekind of cover always -like drain streams or whatever- if possible, that way I usually spot dangerous AT teams. But with most I advance mounted, I think is safer after all, just dismount when is neccessary and always in the safer conditions I can archive.

There has been a lot of talking about this, search the forums.

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Hi All,

Sometimes I play RT but mostly wego. Both have have pros and cons.

RT does not allow you to review the action. Plus I find the larger scenarios a tad difficult to keep track of in RT. I find it is very difficult to micromanage units while in RT. However you can pop smoke on the fly and react on the spur of the moment while in RT. Plus you may pause the action to make adjustments.

Wego does not allow you react to a problem immediately. Once you have decided your move you are tied to it for 60 seconds good or bad. However you can more easily keep track of units and you can review the action. Larger battles are more easy for me to keep track of.

So I suppose it is a question of personal taste. Perhaps Battlefront will make some changes to RT and Wego to make them more flexible for both types of play.

Try smoke to cover your dismount.

Also you can suppress known enemies while dismounting.

In terms of scouting I usually split a team and fan it out through cover where possible. Then upon contact I smoke and hide or withdraw.

regards John

[ August 16, 2007, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: z1812 ]

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First, my take on realtime vs. WeGo is completely based on what I think of multiplayer battles. In mutiplayer battles you don't have the pause ability like you do against AI so it definitely changes the nature of realtime.

I don't view realtime or WeGo as one being more realistic than the other. They are both artificial in the omniscient nature of viewing the battle and giving orders. Realtime offers the stress of time pressure and WeGo is stressful because of the exactness in planning and execution. There are a lot of other things at play too but I feel those 2 differences define the difference between realtime and WeGo for multiplayer. As a general note to the forum denizens, if you disagree with me - fine but let's not start a debate in a new player's thread. Please.

I've been a long time CM player and I like the WeGo action. I like reviewing the battle and being able to take kill-shot screen captures. If the game can firm up and shake out some of the AI bugs WeGo gameplay will improve too. For now, it can be frustrating when you issue orders and bad pathfinding takes hold and you're powerless to stop units from detouring through enemy trenches for 60 seconds. Or when a weapon decides to not fire at enemies in the open.

As far as Stryker infantry and RPGs are concerned, well that's the whole challenge of the game. Smoke is useful but it can hurt you as much as it helps you. You can area fire on buildings, this often makes units hiding inside 'unhide' before you're within their lethal envelope. Moving your vehicles slowly helps too, they spot better, return fire more accurately, and they usually don't get themselves so deeply into an ambush that you no longer have the option of retreat.

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thanks guys. for my level i need the turn based and do enjoy watching what my units are doing, but i enjoy the RT just cant keep up with it all before i am really scrwed. Thansk for the info. made it mission 2 airfield and got spanked right off the bat. I found an interesting website if you all want to read up on the stryker units at all. thanks for the info. ill be seeing ya around.


the link worked for me, but that is the website. enjoy the read

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Real time. More control. You can pause whenever you want.

Strykers are protection for your infantry, ammo bunkers, and fire support. Use infantry as bait to draw enemy fire and to fire Javelins at buildings. Use the Strykers to kill spotted enemies.

Artillery is awesome for killing infantry in the open (personell) and cowering in buildings (general). If you find a significant concentration, shell them.

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Never thought I'd say this but I like RT better. The reason is it's so much faster. Even with a few pauses you can play a 60 minute scenario is 65-70 minutes. With WeGo the same 60 turn scenario takes 3-5 hours. I do agree that with huge scenarios RT is to much to manage.

Once you get used to RT it's the only way to go.

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