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CMBB&CMAK crashing!

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Hey all,

Something is seriously wrong. Both CMBB and CMAK are causing my system to crash and restart on its own.

Things I have done to try and fix.

grafix drivers=done

Directx 9.0b=done

sound drivers=done

Unitstall and reinstall of both=done

It is only these two games that are doing this. I can play any other game I own for hours with no problems at all. It usualy happens while im in the unit editor portion. My system just flashes and BAM! restarts.

Im at a loss here guys throw me some help smile.gif

Sgt Barger

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How long have you been playing CM before these problems started ? Is CM running for a certain amount of time on your computer before this happens or will it happen almost instantly (within 1 minute or so) ?

Other than the software updates you mentioned, have you changed anything about your computer system lately ?

This sounds like a potential case of overheating. It may be that CM is pushing the CPU harder than most other apps and causing your crash. Do you have CMBO and does it do the same thing ?

You can possibly download and use CPU Burn-in and see how your system responds to it. I assume that it should put a sufficient load on your system to tell if you have overheating problems (or possibly duplicate the problem that CM is causing).

You may want to take the cover off of your computer and see if that helps at all or not. Check for dust build-up and fan operating (case, CPU and videocard).

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Sgt Barger,

It would help the experts here (emphatically not moi!) greatly if you clearly defined the make, model and full pertinent tech specs (motherboard, video card, memory config, etc.) for your PC, including OS particulars. As it is, it appears that you're running a PC, not a Mac, but that's about it.


John Kettler

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Yea guess system specs would have helped Huh!

Ok im running AMD 2100+ system with 512 ram, Gforce4 Ti 4600-256MB. Windows Xp home.

As per overheating... I already have the covers off, the game crashes on the unit editor screen which should not be hard on the CPU at all. Besides the 2100+ had been running the game flawlessly up until now.

I was having overheat problems a long time ago but since I took covers off I have had no problems. I sure would like to know whos idea it was to mount the CPU right next to the power supply on these things!!

Thanks for the help guys

Sgt Barger

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Hvae you changed anything about your system lately (new drivers, new hardware, new software, etc.) ?

You may want to check the speed of your cooling fans and how well they're running. Some fans can slow down quite a bit. Usually when their bearings start to go bad their speed starts to oscillate, where you can visibly see it slow down and then speed up constantly. Dust build-up can be another factor. With the case cover off, you may have a bit more dust in the system.

Other than removing the case cover, what did you do to fix your earlier cooling/overheating problem ?

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