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Reliable way to stop my tanks wandering off ?


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So, this was my first evening with the full game.

Full points for package and presentation. Graphics are lovely and the attention to detail is deep and to my taste.

But... I have two questions.

Do the people who made the missions hate the players? Are there any missions included which can be fought and won with sound tactics instead of hindsight and rehearsing for the 10th time?

Are all missions of the fight first wave, loose many of your own, get more units, enemy counter attacks with even more, your tanks are gone soon and you can watch the enemy tanks wipe out your infantry to the last ?

Playing some late single missions as allied I have seen more german tanks than my grandfathers Paul and Heinrich in the real war...

My real and pressing question however: How can I stop my tanks from wandering off?

I know about the defend button (shield like graphic) But after setting this, when they encounter an enemy they still wander off and I try frantically to use the stop button on them. They come back to the location if they survive so it feels more like a rallying point to me.

I lost many, many tanks today for this most annoying behavior. Herding my sisters small children some years ago was easier than to keep a platoon of TOW tanks together. There seems to be a tendency to run off and close up to about 75-150 meters.

As a CinC "I" want my tanks and self propelled guns to watch the firing lanes "I" assign, and not them looking for more action and get blasted in the flank or leaving their comrades flank open.

I can understand moving a few meters like the infantry sometimes do, but charging off like cavalry into a melee I hate.

At least this single thing was handled better in the ancient Close Combat engine.

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It took me a while to get to grips with this fantastic game - but when you grasp what to do and when, you can really have a good time !

Cure for your Tanks wondering off :

Bottom right - there is a button you can click that says "hold position"

They wont move at all smile.gif

Enjoy !

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Weissmann: Thank your for mentioning. I'm not yet through the manual and I guess playing tactical PC games for 1o years has made me a bit high nosed not to work properly through the manual first. I will try hard and dig deeper.

Sneaksie: Yes, german version. Will take more time and form a more qualified opinion and let you know in a few days.

Will also try the mission builder myself to see what lies in there.

I have of course also seen good things by the AI and so far had hardly a problem with AFV wayfinding (you know the surprises CC vehicle AI could play on an unsuspecting gamer sending off his tanks in a decisive situation :eek: ).

Thank you for continuing support. If I like something I can be a very loyal customer. I have bought all the Il2 products by 1C:Maddox team and have been a fan from 2001 due to their cummunication with the target community.

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Hi Stoppelhopser !

I experienced disappointing results like you did. The key to control your tanks properly is, as mentioned above, the magical "hold position" button. Using this, plus "hold fire" helped a lot here. I also like to zoom down quite low to make better use of the topography, finding good fire positions, and of course, there is the "pause" key before things get out of hand.

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Cant say much else, other than egon mentioned, get down to eye level and really suss out the terrain and firing lines from there, although if you have the new patched version, I imagine the LOS tool will greatly help your ability to see any obstructions.

As far as having the Panzer Lehr campaign goes.... you lucky little bugger! :D

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Ah, "Hold" for AFV and "Hold fire" for the infantry is worth gold. Thanks gentlemen. Also padlocking on the unit with "Enter" carefully moving forward. Handling is soo much better now.

R33GZ: I can't yet find the LOS-tool in my copy of I liked the screenshots of this feature and look forward to it.

I finished the first german mission in Poland with very light casualties by using pincer movement and combined weapon tactics. Good mission for my taste. But got stopped at Dunkirk like so many others.

I think most casual players will be put off by this "mission from hell". I think another polish mission and a further first french mission should have been inserted in between to get the player more familiar with the game handling ;) .

Of course there are also many good points. As someone who also builds scale models I love the vehicle visuals. Also the detailed damage model and the animations. French tanks being slow etc are very nice touches.

I also had a brave tank man who lost his mount pick up hand grenades and destroy a 75mm crew before he was mown down.

Will try to win Dunkirk over the weekend with the help of the posting in the tactical forum.

One last thing: I'd like to suggest a model of the french 25mm AT gun for the add-on or as a mod. This was available in big numbers and despite the small calibre very hard hitting and the main AT weapon, with the 47mm AT gun not available in big numbers. Should not be too hard to build as a 3D model, too.

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ahhh yes, the Dunkirk mission... brought me to tears it did smile.gif the secret to that mission is using one of your little pixel truppen to act as a spotter on/near the intersection on the left hand side of the first ridge... Ill say no more, woudlnt want to spoil it for you ;)

Good to hear your enjoying the game Stoppelhopser, it can get frustating... I still curse the gods of war for allowing my well laid plans to turn to custard in the face of the enemy

Anyway... good luck and happy hunting :D

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