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Everything posted by Suchka

  1. I can sympathize with the missions being a matter of beating through hindsight. I would feel that I'd fare better with a better knowledge of tactics. Anyone know a good source online where I can brush up on my tactics?
  2. Play with friends or clan members. The game changes completely. Anyway, my suggestion has nothing to do with the gameplay of WiC--just the camera controls which I found to be the best of any 3D RTS to date.
  3. Two suggestions that I've been desiring for a while: Firstly, when one selects a soldier, can there perhaps be an option to select the entire squad when you select a single soldier and then you doubleclick to select just that soldier? I find myself needing to select the entire squad more than I need to select a single soldier. Secondly, if you've ever played World in Conflict, you no doubt have loved how intuitive the camera scheme was. Can there perhaps be an option to change the camera to that way? e.g. using wasd keys to move forward, backward and "strafe" left and right and use the mouse to pan the camera up, down, left, and right. It'd be perfect that way.
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