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Waffen-ss , may i ask ?

von Ribbentrop

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While playing the Villers-Bocage map, i was pretty suprised how the terain looked, actualy

pretty good.

Historical its not the same scenario, but it gave a nice idee.

disapointed i was, when the w-ss grenadiers came into the picure, i would acpected a nice 42-44 tarnjakke with steel helmets but unfortunaly it was the all grey, with the standard cap.

So my question is , how well is the Waffen SS displayed in any further scenario's.

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I'm already working on this. Expect to see a whole range of new uniforms, including but not limited to SS, in the next few weeks. This includes some detachments with a realistic mix of different styles within the same squad (eg one soldier might have a jacket, another jacket and trousers). There is one ss camo style in-game already (autumn oak leaf I think, not sure off the top of my head) - but it's only used on the SS-sniper.

One thing we're missing though is a model with a helmet and M43 trousers - so all helmeted Germans are in jackboots. Might be able to paint over these, but a way to modify the 3D models would be handy for the best effect.

Have fun


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Originally posted by FinnN:

I'm already working on this. Expect to see a whole range of new uniforms, including but not limited to SS, in the next few weeks. This includes some detachments with a realistic mix of different styles within the same squad (eg one soldier might have a jacket, another jacket and trousers). There is one ss camo style in-game already (autumn oak leaf I think, not sure off the top of my head) - but it's only used on the SS-sniper.

One thing we're missing though is a model with a helmet and M43 trousers - so all helmeted Germans are in jackboots. Might be able to paint over these, but a way to modify the 3D models would be handy for the best effect.

Have fun


FinnN.You're the main man smile.gif
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Well, it's override rather than write - the SFS files stay unchanged (which is good news for distributing mods!!!!) but files outside them using the correct naming conventions and entries in one particular file (filesid.ini) override the SFS files. You can also add entirely new files and folders.

Have fun


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Great work from FinnN.

Problem I still have with this game, is that infantry are so much less useful than AFVs that I always opt for the minimum possible number of inf. units at the selection stage.

I can't make them do anything but die against the AFVs, which are always present in the opposition's OOB. At best they are useful for re-crewing ATGs, but purely inf. battles seem rare, although this was not the case historically.

OT, I realise, but I wonder at the moment why we would bother using infantry, let alone modding them to look more accurate, lol.


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Originally posted by Russkly:

OT, I realise, but I wonder at the moment why we would bother using infantry, let alone modding them to look more accurate, lol.


This is true, but the mod is aimed more at mission/campaign creators than the existing missions. For starters a stock squad takes ones infantry detachment placeholder - my ones will take between 2 and 3 (unless you are willing to play with half strength squads that is!).

As far as the officer uniforms - ingame the men using the officer skins are those with rank 'leutnant' (in the case of the Germans) and above (it goes up to oberst, but could be extended I think if you wanted to do assassination type missions with generals as the target). So, yes, the uniform is wrong. There are other examples of this. You will be pleased to hear that my textures have the correct 6 buttons for tunics after 1942 ;) and if not once I've done a few I'll share the templates so you can alter/create your own too. I've shifted the equipment like belts onto their own layers, together with other odds and ends like buttons, same goes for shadows/highlights - so all you need to do to get a new texture is change a single colour layer and pick the right set of overlays, pretty straightforward - and spot on for doing zillions of uniforms in next to no time. (I've used this technique before)

Have fun


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