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TOW Mac users


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Hi all, just looking for some feedback.

From what Ive read on the forums so far, there only appears to be one problem that mac users have encountered with TOW, the old screen flip thing... which seems to have been solved.

Im running a 17" 2ghz iMac core2duo, with 1gb ram... this should be enough to run ok?

From what Ive read so far there doesnt seem to be anyone running TOW under bootcamp experiencing low fram rates?

Thanks in advance

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Hi R33GZ,

Running this game on my Mac Pro 2.66 and 4 Gig Ram gives me a very good result! No problems with frame rates slowing down.

I think that your Mac is OK for running this very good game, but try the demo first...... just for being sure.


War Raven.

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I haven't installed ToW on my Mac, but I would follow War RaVeN's advice and try out the demo first. The X1600 in the 17" C2D iMac should be fine, though it's a mid-range graphics card. It's better to play it safe and ensure you'll be satisfied with the performance, based on the settings you can live with.

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excellent, will give the demo a try out tonight I think... thanks for the advice.

I do have to smirk a little, when the macs running windows seem to be experiencing fewer problems... touch wood, than PC's running their own native OS


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Runs perfectly on my Macbook Pro 15" after the flipped screen fix, at highest settings. Couldn't be better. I'm running XP Pro.

If you have one of the Mac's with integrated graphics cards (the regular macbooks), absolutely test the demo before buying.

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