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Expansion Pack(s)

Prince of Eckmühl

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I have to admit that I don't much care for the way that 1C handles expansion packs for their combat flight simulators. They have tended to be a hodge-podge of aircraft and maps tailored and targeted toward the different nationalities that might prove a worthwhile market for sales of the disc(s). And like the rest of their games, TOW content is highly proprietary in nature. If you want more goodies, then add-ons are the only way to get there. This is where Battlefront can play a critical role.

Please, let us pull together on this, and implore BF to demand of 1C that they follow a different course in providing expansion software for ToW. It strikes me that what would be most desirable from a player's point of view is that the developer actually provides SOMETHING that is complete, vehicles and maps for the North African or Kursk battles, perhaps. I cite those two possibilities because the game as released does not lend itself to urban fighting. It's strength is it's armour and anti-tank component. That's where it can be made to shine.

Battlefront has a long of history of providing its customers with solid, well though-out products, ones that it's justifiably proud of. Encouraging 1C to focus on the strengths of the ToW "franchise" would surely provide a useful dividend to all involved, developer, publisher and gamer alike.


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I have to admit that I don't much care for the way that 1C handles expansion packs for their combat flight simulators. They have tended to be a hodge-podge of aircraft and maps tailored and targeted toward the different nationalities that might prove a worthwhile market for sales of the disc(s). And like the rest of their games, TOW content is highly proprietary in nature. If you want more goodies, then add-ons are the only way to get there. This is where Battlefront can play a critical role.
I'm sorry but the support to Il2 Sturmovik by 1C is quite good, I think they have released at least 8 or 9 patches,usually straight after a problem was detected, plus 2 official expansions, and that hodge-podge of aircraft you say .... it makes me laugh, really..

This things usually are said by people who can't stand 2 minutes on the air ... LOL

I don't know what you expect to be a good support for a game ... LOL

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