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AT question


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2 x 45mm AT (1937) guns firing roughly 445m distance, penetration for UBR-243 = 38mm, UBR-243P = 63mm, four-manned, 73-skill gunners...versus 1 x Pz III head-on, 50/30 hull/turret.

And I'm getting creamed every time I run the load point (in the defense tutorial) without question. Dual AT carnage, no matter how many shots I get off.

Difficulty's obviously easy per the tutorial lock.

Any thoughts? I've even tried holding my single AT Degtyarev gunner back for the tank rush, caught one of the Pz IIIs unwisely pivoting, and with clear ~100m LOS, failed to so much as nick the sides with a dozen shots.

I'd drop and move on, but I'm neurotically completist. smile.gif

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I beat it in 7 runs.

3 runs i had the same problem.

Then i decided at the start of battle disembark the guns.

First i moved the crew to the trench but after 2 runs i realized it took casualties + time to get back.

So i just let em sit behind the guns.

(Allthough you have to keep telling em to STAY PUT!!)

Then i waited for the tanks to move in and i blew em all away.

2nd part i got more creative i let em pop a few rounds disembark and so on.

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