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Let us talk about ToW, not CC or CM


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Originally posted by Maethius:

I think this is a great game and the skill and the award system after a battle is grand, love those shiny medals. The only real concern I have are the freezups.

I haven't had a freezup yesterday. I disable a music as some said here. Still patch on this is needed.

And God damn it rifle platoon to shoot those who made so hard missions. Esp. Dunkirk.


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Originally posted by Chazman:

My question is, how can I get my money back, and whats the fastest way to get this clunker off my hard drive?

I've noticed you post something like this in almost every thread that has something good to say about the game.

You have made us aware of your dislike of the game, so why are you still here moaning in every thread possible!

If you hate the game so much why still lurk the forum and post crap ever single day, just go away!

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Originally posted by MikoyanPT:

He wasn´t beeing sarcastic.

He was beeing sincere.

Maybe Pascal needs to reread again Vegeorite post. ;)

Come on, *you* could reread this :

The spotting model is indeed unique and grown up. I love how, collectively, say three tanks get high spotting values with regard to an enemy unit but if you click each individual tank none of them necessarily has a decent bead on the target – intriguing.

And that :

CTDs and Freezes – clearly these have been craftily added so that at the peak of a battle your computer goes numb and you have to come to this forum and tell everyone what an effing brilliant game you were having!! J

Not sarcastic ? In this case it's the first time I see someone delighted to have CTDs :D

[ April 27, 2007, 05:24 AM: Message edited by: Pascal DI FOLCO ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

You have made us aware of your dislike of the game, so why are you still here moaning in every thread possible!

It is self-therapy!!

Read: "I was not patient enough to wait for the demo and, thus, safe my pre-order money, now the least I can do to distract me from my own mistake is to complain wherever possible!"

Best regards,


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After the best part of a week playing...


See list of my positives above, plus:

Ammo selection - I'm using HE in Polish field guns at long range on tanks. The idea is splattering surrounding soft targets with the blast then switching to AP at mid/short range. smile.gif

I particularly like this since reading that FGs were used on tanks (1940) - aiming down the barrel!! :eek:

Improvements IMO, in no particular order:

Game is a bit afv weighted - prolly because of paucity of realistic cover for inf.

Building entry

Multiple waypoints

Mortar squads - could make battles too easy without good cover/concealment for ATGs (prolly why they aren't in the game yet)

Smoke - visual effects and screening

Concealment / cover indicators

LoS/LoF bars - if that isn't totally contrary to the game's philosophy.


End battle - I personally don't want to linger on (forever) with 2 lorry drivers and a coupla wounded inf despite the off-chance of hopping into that abandoned enemy panzerII and taking on several tanks, ATRs etc - an option to hit a 'surrender' or 'route' button is in order??? "Stalemate"??? Perhaps they could just run off the map? smile.gif maybe at odds with 'reinforcement' triggers.

Gotta have something done about infantry using "statics". Trying to use the fences around buildings is a nightmare that ends in unrealistic death. One day you will be able to select inf and they will take up positions in gardens etc.

No biggy yet but mission editor is arcane.

Once again, great game concept and well worth getting into.

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I was just worried that we could scare fil away.

Come back fil,we are all friends here :D

Good things about ToW:

The damage models (the way armor sheds from tanks, the entry points) Delicious stuff.

Weak points in side and rear armor make strategy crucial to score a hit and save ammo.

The camera views are great once you master it (just remember to use the middle mouse buton, and forget the keyboard, mouse will do everything).

The grafics, in particular the vehicle models,but water effects and grass are also very good.The details in certain maps are brilliant.

The individual stats of each soldier, and beeing able to change crews between tanks, guns and infantry.

The after mission report and experience\reward sistem.

Some tactical options, like changing ammo types or aiming at turret, hull or chassis.

The enciclopedia. I like history, the background info is good, just wish infantry hand weapos were also there.

Things that could get better in a patch.

Stability in some sistems should get better, my vista sistem whith core 2 works fine, my sistem with amd processor and xp had freezups, they were caused by the music(thanks for the people in the forum for the hint), not the EAX or shadow options.But many people can´t find out what is wrong in their sistem.

All the heavy machine guns should be allowed to move, not only the russian ones.

Gameplay balance should be refined, easy dificulty settings should be easier in certain maps, not everibody has hundreds of hours in rts games and combat mission series, as i have.

And please solve that defensive tutorial, it is scaring people away from the game, over the edge

script on that mission, the game is not like that, some missions are hard, but not impossible like that one.

Some technical issues of the gameplay (and multiplay) were better wrote in the forum by good people playing the game, like The Brit, Vegeorite, and many others, i fully subscribe their posts.

Oh, and i would love a skirmish mode, i played hundreds of skirmishes in Combat Mission games.

I like them more than campaigns.

Madmatt and fil said that the first patch is under construction, so future is bright (fil even mentioned a possible map editor).

Give the brilliant moders in this forum a map editor and better editing tools and the game will last forever. :D

[ April 27, 2007, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: MikoyanPT ]

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Originally posted by RuhrRiver:

MajorPrivate, you're a scream. You call people babies, or women (whoa--what an insult--women are terrible, aren't they?). I'm looking forward to being called a poopy head or some other hyper mature graphic insult. For a refreshing change from "clever" name-calling, you might try simply stating your disagreement.


I have :rolleyes:

I am TRYING to provide some light humor for teh forum and also make this milksop perhaps see how he is coming across to everyone as EVERY single post he makes is critical in a crybaby manner, which MANY, MANY posters on here have commented on and are quite sick of.

Sorry I had to explain myself, and the relatively simple humor overlined your turret.

And in your arrogant supreme bright deductive logical reasoning, :rolleyes: you think I hate women?

Thats ok. Now that I know how you percieve things, and seem to get your skirt in a wad,and feel the need to be chazman's "Knight in Shining Armor", I will dumb it down for you, and perhaps post a brief explanation of teh humor so you can "get" it?

Lemme know. I'm here to help :D


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