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MP demo planned?


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hi everyone,

i played the sp demo and must say, great fun.

but iam not a big sp-player and not very

interested in sp-campaign.

if i would buy this game, i were interessted

in the mp part of the game.

i can read very disapointed threads about the

mp-part of the game so i would like to test

the mp before buying the game.

is a mp-demo planed? maybe with a single mp-map

(can be small, doesnt matter)?



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The majority of gamers still don't play online games.
i think, the number of online players is as high as never been before, today. let me think at the big titles like starcraft, wc3, wow, all the online shooters, rts, massive role playing etc.

i think, sp will die sometime.

but this all doesnt matter. i am an online gamer at 85% of all my games i i realy could imagin to play this title online. but because of all the negative mp threads, not without testing it. and yes, i know, that tow, cmbb etc are mainly sp games, but i think, its time to change this.

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IMHO MP will either make or break the title. If MP is done well then their is the potential for this game to make the top 25 played games on the net. Take IL2 for instance a massive online community who regulary play together. I'm sure that 1C & BF are well aware of this & working hard behind the scenes to do something about this. Good team MP play if done properly would shoot this baby to the top 5, be sure!

If ToW were a little more like HiddenStroke2 (SuddenStrike2 mod) in terms of MP playability (up to 12 players in 2-4 teams) & number of usable units, it would certainly be a good thing. Unlike in HS2 I would prefer if teams were limited to 2 teams one of axis & one allies with units fixed to the historical reality of the map in question.

I find SP too predictable & easy to defeat after a while, what really makes things satisfying, interesting & very replayable are the idiosyncrasies of a human. Nothing beats the varied game play & the knowledge that you've just managed to make someone leave their keyboard in dismay at the trouncing you've just given them.

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Heh, a MP demo would be the LAST thing the devs would want. Is it even functional? I think this is a part of the game they would like to sweep under the rug and forget about. :(

However, I agree with what has been posted: good multiplayer could have made this game special.

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