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Strong at Heart - Could use some pointers :)


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Think its the 4th or 5th Russian Campaign mission.

My secondary trench is getting overrun every time, that's fine as it's only guarded by 1 infantry squad and a 76mm ATG.

Second Trench has the bulk of my forces, 1x T60 4x T34s (2 '43s 2 '41s) - I didn't see the point in taking KV1s as I read the briefing about awesome new German tanks.

So I survive until reinforced - 3x T34s 2x 76mm ATGs. But now Gerry gets reinforced, 3x Brummbars and 4x Elefant tanks.

What the hell am I supposed to do against them!? I hide my reinforcments in the village whilst the Elefants engage my armour and cut through it like butter. But the AI never storms the Trench, so I never get my side shot from the Village with my reinforcments. Brummbars are bad enough, 100mm frontal armour - but a mere 30mm at the sides. Elefants have 200mm frontal armour, so I tried aiming for the gun and tracks and failed to knock out either :(

I called in my Artillery on the enemy troops to devestating effect, but the IL-2s don't even bother shooting at the Elefants, they just buzz around and then fly away! Poxy flyboys, real men don't fly :D

Anyway, any tips would be appreciated. 200mm frontal armour... I didn't even think the Germans used many Elefants, I was expecting (and fearing) meeting the Panther for the first time, maybe a Tiger, but never this :(

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Take T-34s, no point of taking KVs as their armor no longer useful, as much as possible.

Divide your tanks into two groups and send them to far flanks behind the tree line. When germans broke through first position, open fire from one flank - they'll turn to that flank, then open fire into their rear from other. Be sure to set up towed guns asap near village.

When you'll receive 3 or 4 T-34 as reinforcement, rush them with top speed closer to tigers which probably already annihilated your other forces, and surround one tiger for shots from 3 sides, then they may toast him.

Last reinforcement is Su-122 but they usually appear right to the Tigers.

Tooks much saving and loading to succeed.

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I have played it twice, both a loss.

But what fun, what fun! smile.gif

Any advice?

I hid 4 T-34s in a draw on the right until the Tigers made an appearance, and then took one out, but then the 2 remaining Tigers took my T-34s out, and then my last ATG, remanned by a tank crew ;)

It was pretty close. I think I can beat it, if not I am having a blast trying

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The other option is to set up all of your armor on the reverse slope of the hill where your 3 ATGs and 2 Infantry squads are. Let your ATGs take out the first wave of armor. They wont last long against the second wave. But you will still have your armor. Just sit and wait for the Elefants and Brumbars to come. Trying to sucker the heavy German armor in close is your best chance.

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irl the elefants where mostly destroyed by inf not armor because as you stated it has 200mm. The germans made an error using these beasts as tanks not as arty or AT. You can easily destroy a elefant with an molotov or a heavy grenade. So wait with your inf in the field hide them (i know its not possible) wait till they ar near and throw molotov cocktails.

The trouble with TOW is you cant do it like this so because you cannot HIDE. So as stated above use tanks to outflank them and save many times. :D

Hope they really put an HIDE command in the next patch

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Originally posted by pwncake:

You can easily destroy a elefant with an molotov or a heavy grenade.

I really don't think so;)

Historically most of them were lost on mines, one destroyed by direct bomb hit and one by direct B-4 shell hit (203mm). Others probably were abandoned after immobilizing.

No mines for you, sorry;) Dunno about mines in TOW, i think there was a minefield in later Russian campaign but i may be mistaken.

[ April 23, 2007, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: Sneaksie ]

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I have yet to destroy an Elefant with a AT grenade. Or even immobilize it for that matter. I had one of my guys throw six AT grenades at the tracks of an Elefant with no effect.

Your gonna have to take out the Heavy Armor with the Su-122 or with side or rear shots from a T-34.

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