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New AAR sighted!


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Originally posted by von Paulus:

I'm bored with point blank range tanks engagements...

Bored with that.

I looks like 3D Blitzkrieg.


I have to agree. I am starting to get a bad feeling about this one just by the AAR's. I hope I am wrong but I don't think so :(
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(SouthPark Voice)

"oh, so this is what Prokhorovka really was like!"

(/SouthPark Voice)

ok thanks copper,

those two links of yours in combination really closed the day on a bright babelfish note : )

it starts out with the title

"Selection of battle near Prokhorovka (Germany)"


then, there are some real good catchy alternate titles for the game:

"Forward, into the glory of Reich!"

...sounds like a good seller, tho personally I prefer...

"To shayze, Russian tanks! "

better. Taken from those immortal words, the credo of the russian armor branch carried as a motto in their seal to this very day:

"To shayze, Russian tanks! They go full speed, they vomit distance."

I also learnt a new favorite word, can you spot it within thwe phrase

"rapidly zakhlebnuvshayasya counterattack of Russian infantry" ? :D


Apart from the cheap yet enormous, never ceasing joys of online translation,

the AAR indeed looks rather ... disappointing-frightening, I agree with the previous posters.

apart from the sly "gather and overwhelm" approach from the old Command&Conquer school of military tactics,

please also note how in the final screen we can see (I assume) the force after battle, which consists of one Tiger and four captured T-34s, plus one captured gun.

it seems captured guns and tanks are ToWs tiberium sources after all.

oh well, I guess its just a game.

yes, thats it, it's a game.

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Guys we post a lot of screens with tanks cause most of the people LIKE tanks. In any case I work in game development for quite a long time, so I am really used to such reaction. Whatever we do - it is never enough. Stil we are trying! Gazillion of comments from these forums are taken into account and some parts of the game are already changed. And thank you all for these comments.

We had millions comments that IL-2 is all wrong, planes are not flying like they should, etc. Howhever what I know personally - we made several million people on this planet happy. This is exactly what we want to do with ToW.

Some parts of the game will NEVER be realistic, as Game is a compromise between realism and fun.

It is a Game after all. :)

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Originally posted by Megakill:

Guys we post a lot of screens with tanks cause most of the people LIKE tanks. ...

Whatever we do - it is never enough.

au contraire !

it is more than enough - too much ! :D

videlicet, too much tanks! :eek:

remember how you referenced the love for CC as the inspiration for this game?

well, you must have meant CC2, CC3, CC4 or CC5 - because in the original CC tanks were not very prominent, it was first and foremost an infantry game with occasional armor support.

We had millions comments that IL-2 is all wrong, planes are not flying like they should, etc.

IL-2 certainly is/was not "all wrong", yet it *did* have some serious issues. But in the country of the blind, the one-eyed is king.

And IL2 IMO even had one and a half eye!

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Megakill, I just wanna thank you guys 4 picking up codemasters drop!! I finish my CS degree in December. I am very excited that maybe I can help out in modding.

I know that perhaps a couple of issues have to be dealt with. I didn't see that much wrong with the video demonstration. Between the screen shots and the play I saw there are a lot of possibilites.

This is probably such an old question I haven't seen it. What are failure rates on weapons and vehicles (weapons and travel),(jam, mobility?) I know there were a couple famous episodes where the "wiring wasn't all it should be." In fact it sounds like my current car smile.gif

Thanx in advance for for your timely, honest replies that you have given me in the past. Is that anachronistic or what????

So here is to your health!!!!

5 euros says I can beat Gunnersmith with him playing France in the........ nah too easy!!! tongue.gif

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