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WTF? :(

A 5 year old C&C game called ToW is hogging the Net buzz. Need some serious street pounding by BFC marketeers to hammer home a good game to the ignorant unwashed masses.

OFP: Best FPS game out there that was overlooked by many in America, sadly.

Heres wishing you the best that you can broaden you market plan and find a happy medium of getting this out somehow to all types of players.

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Originally posted by 1Cowboy8:

WTF? :(

A 5 year old C&C game called ToW is hogging the Net buzz. Need some serious street pounding by BFC marketeers to hammer home a good game to the ignorant unwashed masses.

OFP: Best FPS game out there that was overlooked by many in America, sadly.

Heres wishing you the best that you can broaden you market plan and find a happy medium of getting this out somehow to all types of players.

Coincidence....a 5 post old dullard is hogging the forums begging for attention...how many times were you planning on posting your "well wishes", or is this part of your self-confessed clever plan to "get banned" by BFC?

You really think OFP was "overlooked" by America? About 3,000,000 mod artists and scenario designers would prove you wrong. Though, hey, those contact grenades were fantastic. My fav was the Jurassic Park add-ons, personally, though damned if the Allosaurus didn't keep coming inside the buildings and up the stairs....

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Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

Can I see your link to those 3,000,000 mod artists you spoke of? Or did you just pull a rabbit out of your hat? ;)

Careful, Kelly, you may soon have your wish of being one of my 3,000,000 stalkers...

Seriously, lad, this crusade of yours to defend the unwashed that have appeared on our shores is touching. I am sure Moon and the rest appreciate the ... well, I am presuming you actually take the time to answer their goofy questions and direct them to the correct threads and forums, and I just know your intentions are so pure you've started an FAQ thread somewhere for their edification. I guess I haven't bothered to look for it, since, like, we know from years here that details about the new game either won't be available, or, hey, when they are made available it will lead to useless complaining and caterwauling, and in the end, what does it matter, as we'll all see it at the same time as that demo goes up in emulation of the Night of the Refreshing Monkeys which even I am too much of a noob to have experienced first-hand. So oddly enough, I agree with cowboy's intent but certainly not his presentation.

Now, if this is part of some personal quest on your part to become my Mortal Enemy, I have to tell you, this candy-ass Mickey Mouse "follow him around and defend the disruptive" routine just doesn't put you anywhere on my radar. Hell, I actually enjoy reading your posts on occasion - it just wouldn't work out, y'know? I'm to the point where while most guys are figuring out they'll never sleep with a supermodel, but still hold in their stomachs in line at the Dairy Queen just-in-case, I instead have realized that true enmity - that special kind of hate that will set your teeth on edge at the mere flash of a couple of consonants in the right order - it's all fairy tale book stuff. I respect your right to want to grapple with me in a titanic battle of wills, locked in desperate verbal combat til time immemorium but firstly, I just know you don't have it in you, and mainly, I just can't put my heart into it at this point. It'd be like thinking that keeping the lights off with the aging beauty queen would be just the same.

Nope, forget it kelly, we can't be enemies and that's all there is to it. So you go back to your corner and defend the new and obnoxious and see how far it gets you. You'd be far better off trolling for enemies among those you seek to defend; watch how fast they turn on you at the suggestion they use spell check or somefink, or comment that they don't actually have the "right" to say whatever the hell they want on someone else's forum. You shan't be disappointed, and hey, if you need advice on rubbing them the wrong way, you know whom to turn to for advice.

We're looking out for you, lad, really.

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Awe-inspiring, dark, insightful prose like that makes forum lurking worth the time, well..almost.

I have attempted in my lurking career to not waste byte space on silliness, but just have to say that the OP's self proclaimed title of "Professional Grog Troll Killer" is nonsensical and evokes feelings of pity and nausea all at the same time in a monty python sort of way. I am thinking about a new signature... "if as much time was devoted to our loved ones as to spamming, our families and in turn our nations would be happier and healthier".

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Originally posted by MorgTzu:

Awe-inspiring, dark, insightful prose like that makes forum lurking worth the time, well..almost.

I have attempted in my lurking career to not waste byte space on silliness, but just have to say that the OP's self proclaimed title of "Professional Grog Troll Killer" is nonsensical and evokes feelings of pity and nausea all at the same time in a monty python sort of way. I am thinking about a new signature... "if as much time was devoted to our loved ones as to spamming, our families and in turn our nations would be happier and healthier".

You're no slouch at the prose bit, yourself, kiddo...well stated.
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Mike , your like that town-drunk who stumbles up to that tourist couple in the bar while going:

[slurry red neck voice]

"Hey! We don't take kindly to people who take kindly around here!"

[/slurry red neck voice]

And then the barkeeper goes:

[Kellysheroes voice]

"Now,calm down,Skeeter. He aint hurtin nobody..."

[/Kellysheroes voice]

Spot the South Park reference tongue.gif .


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Originally posted by Salkin:

Mike , your like that town-drunk who stumbles up to that tourist couple in the bar while going:

[slurry red neck voice]

"Hey! We don't take kindly to people who take kindly around here!"

[/slurry red neck voice]

And then the barkeeper goes:

[Kellysheroes voice]

"Now,calm down,Skeeter. He aint hurtin nobody..."

[/Kellysheroes voice]

Spot the South Park reference tongue.gif .


You forgot that part where he gropes the couple. :D
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Works like a charm everytime, they come out of the woodwork like cockroaches when the lights go out.....lmao!


Sadly you are a poor lost soul. He who is one that trolls late a night because his dog went to sleep and he can't kick him anymore. Tsk tsk, I feel for ya son, your life must sadly be one of utter desolation. Feel free to walk outside and scream at the top of your lungs to your neighbors "Life has not been fair to Me!" and shoot yourself in the head...the right side eye socket near the nose bridge horizantally will put you down quickly enough. Make sure you stand next to the trash bin so you fall INTO the bin. They can clean your mess up quicker that way.

Be gone with you now! Shoo little butterfly...shoo

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Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

Notice how he evaded my question on the 3,000,000 mod artists? lol He pulls drivel out of his hat and then can't prove any of it true. Yup thas just a troll for yah and really someone with psychological problems near phrenetic. ;)

Ye Gods, man. At least be funny when you're trolling - it's the only redeeming feature they have. I mean, if I really have to be so pedantic - and at your very command yet(!) - as to explain that yes, kelly, *pats head* "3 million is an exaggeration" *droops head* so please forgive me for introducing hyperbole, cause, like, I know how confused you get at the difference between reality and something anyone with half a feckin' brain cell could deduce is as about as false as Pamela Anderson's MENSA membership card. So in future - and do feel free to write this down - the use of the term "3,000,000" will be reserved for something so painfully, gallingly, obviously exaggerated that no one could possibly be expected to take them seriously. Except, apparently, you.

Truly, I fear for the future of this forum - oh, not that I doubt the OBERSTRUMMBANNFURORS won't keep registering in waves tied to the latest "big announcement" from our resident Moon, or that the masses might somehow fail to see the necessity in establishing beyond a reasonable doubt that the 2/7th A.I.F. actually did receive shipment of two Bren Gun tripods just before embarking for Tobruk, it's just the absolute lack of class, grace or wit among the unwashed masses make the entire exercise of trying to beat into them the ultimate satisfaction of having used critical thinking, research and careful sourcing seem more than a little bit like morphing what was once a harmless hobby into either a colossal waste of time, or a battle to the finish though the heavens may fall worthy of engraving on a stone tablet.

Now, then, let's have a little bit of "what's your favourite, song, eh, there's a good lad and no hard feelings, what." If not for sanity's sake, then for NINJACOMMANDO2007, being conceived as you read this, who will register after Moon Jr. announces "CMX5: Iran to Pyongyang" and whom in the unlikely year of 2026 will complain, on post 1, how this forum just isn't what it once was.

But none of that hip-hop ****. :mad:

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