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Click Fest question.


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This got lost in another thread.

Originally posted by Moon:

Already now this isn't just another RTS though. You guys know how much I hate those...


With that being said, one of my biggest bitches about RTS is once things get heated up you tend to miss what's going on everywhere else that you are not...one of the reasons I liked the VCR play back in CM. Will we miss a lot of the overall action when we are focused on a specific point of the battle? Or better stated will we be able to keep track of what's going on and not miss out on the nuances of the fighting?

Game looks beautiful btw!


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Originally posted by Megakill:


Plus you can even put a camera on top any unit and see the action from its eyes.

I loved doing that in Combat Mission! Very cool.

Originally posted by Moon:

IL-2 had a great playback feature, remember? smile.gif


Is that a hint or a promise? If it has a playback feature I am beyond sold!

I never got to play IL-2 though 'cause my computer at the time was junk!


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Joe, if I understand your question the answer is "you can not". As with any non-turn based game you can not go backwards. To have this ability the game must be played in turns of some sort. Saving the game at some earlier point and returning to it is not really the same thing because you can only go back to a point that has been manually saved out.


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Originally posted by Joe98:

We go past time "A", "B" and "C" to time "D".

We pause and watch the replay.

How can I go back and give an order at time "C"?

I think Rommel asked that question once too.
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