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Having been a big fan of CMBO and CMBB before I went fully OSX, I had heard there was a new OSX/opengl compatible version coming out.

So I hit Battlefront.com to check it out. Wow! Look at all the new games. Let's check them out. Oh, this ones not OSX, nor this one, etc.

Not a huge deal but for gawd sakes post what OS's the games run on on the main page so I don't have to go searching thru multiple pages to find the system requirements. For some games, there are no system requirements posted at all that I could find (Modern Naval Battles for instance).

And as far as I could tell, the only thing that is OSX compatible is Drop Team.

Sorry for posting in an unrelated forum, but this seems to be the most active, and there's no other place for this kind of post (direct email in I suppose).

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CM seems to be more loyal to mac than mac is to them. From what they've been saying they want - and fully expect - to produce an OSX compatible game for us. We can only hope Apple's recent game of musical chairs with their processor chip doesn't mess up BFC's best-layed plans.

Me, as a decade (and more) old mac loyalist, I'm now actively contemplating the purchase of a dreaded PC so I'd be able to play T72 and Drop Team as well as CMSF!

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