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What TacAI Flaws will be fixed in the upcoming Patch?


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Hi there.

I know i moan a bit now but thats not only because of the Game but because my Imagination of what the Game will be when its out and what i will do in my Holidays (Playing CMSF ;) ) had not come true because the Game is not so enjoyable to me in its actual development state. Okay enough moaning ;) Patch is comming soon and so im more intrested in whats comming soon then looking back.

So here is my Question: Can u name the Fixes and upgrades u will do on the TacAi and the StratAI?

Will there be Vehicles drive back when they got no Chance against Bigger Vecs.? Will Inf stop pepper Brads and M1 with MG Fire? Can they Fall Back now? Or will there be a Command to do so?

Looking forward to see your Answers here.



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Originally posted by panzermartin:

At least for the next 6 months the game will be being patched heavily. I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the WW2 one to really see the new engine shine though.

This isn't doing BFC any favours with regard to customers (new and old) as many are and will be wondering why this is the case for a product in development for 4 years.

Delaying the release of this game for several months would have allowed the product to shine (so to speak) and many bugs corrected in the process.

I know some will say there is only one programmer and a very good one at that, so why not hire another programmer if only on a temporary basis?

Obviously a game has to be released at some point and I understand this, but it just saddens me to see software released in such an unfinished state i.e. multiple bugs.

Also for such a small company as BFC are, isn't it more the more reason why you can't afford to lose customers and (shudder to think) this game flop?

My intention is not to sound like a pessimist here and if it appears that way (I'm sorry in advance) as I've been a supporter of BFC since 2002, however I don't want to see BFC go the route of many other companies (around or no longer around) who had/have nothing to seperate themselves from the competition due to the same development process.

I'm sure the game will become great with patch after patch but this is my point. :(

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