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AT13 - Saxhorn Bugged?


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I just played the Hammertime V4 Scenario. I played as Syrian and made some Great efforts. I Shot 5 Bradleys with T-72 and Stopped the whole Attack on the Right Flank.

On the Left Flank he came with Hordes of Bradleys and 2 Fat Abrahms.

On my First Outpost i let him Pass and **** one of his Brads in the Weak Back Armour left him Burning with a Crispy Squad in it.

Then i took his Abrahms frontal with T-72 wich where linked with the Battalion HQ and must have Position on that Abrams. I get the First Shot at 80m but it only Scratched it Tracks *mad* Then he turned and killed it.

I had placed the Dangerous AT-13 Saxhorn on Rooftops in the City. Gave them Order to Fire on Brads at the Beginning of the Scenario and at the End but all didnt help. No Aera Target or Direct Fireorder did make them Fire. They had clear Vis on 200, 400m or even 700m but didnt shoot. Same with the Bmp-2 wich had Clear Vis after shooting their ATGM and only used HE Ammo for that Brads. That made me Angry so a Direct Conflict of brads vs BMP always wins the Brad after a Few Seconds.

The Game is getting better and better but still i got

1. AT-13 not Shooting back

2. Still some strange LOF Problems (and i dont mean the Low Wall LOF Bug)

3. BMP dont use AP Ammo

So as it is right now its Fun. But u cant use any Tactics and cant predict what is happening or cant Plan Tactics like in CMx1. There also every Firefight could end up diffrent but it was logical and not Totally Luck.

I just dont get a Feeling after playing the Campaign and a Few Scenarios, for how things work and how to act.

Got nothing to do with me but more with the Game. You Simply dont know if you can drive the BMP on the Site on that Hatch Down Brad that your Scouts allready found and if you can Kill it. Does the BMP Use any AP? DOes it use its ATGM? Does he Stay blind on 50m? You never now.

So it was Fun to play. Nice AI DEsigned (Will see if its Replayable) and overall Mission Design. But i made a Sease Fire Ending after playing 40min leaving me a Bit Frustrated of that totaly "Random" Faktor that Cmx1 didnt have in that Degree. I had no AT Capability left an so i quit.

I played a lot CMBO and CMBB and also beated the Ranked#1 in the German Ladder. I think i was a Solid player. Found every Bit of Terrain to use for Hull Down and Positions with Overwatch and good Arcs of Fire without exposing my selft to much. But with those LOF/LOS Problems its so Hard to find out good Spots. You place a BMP RIght behind a Wall at a Corner to Drive forward to Attack when you need it and get shot trough the Wall. You cant Pkace a Tank Hull Down in a Good Spot. Its all to spongy and unpredictable.

[ December 20, 2007, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

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It is a German custom to write al lot of words with capitals at the beginning, in fact almosts all nouns are started with a capital. And yes, that is one reason why I hate reading German. I keep thinking those words are names, or words with special emphasis, while they are not. Makes it difficult to concentrate on the message instead of the form smile.gif .

Edited to correct some capitals

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My apologies if English is Taki's second language. I didn't realize that, which means he should be proud that his mastery of the language is good enough to convince someone he's a native English speaker - albeit one with horrendous grammar, quirky spelling, and an addiction to capital letters. :cool:

...and now that I feel all guilty and everything, I'll comment on his original point:

I've read several threads from people who've talked about Syrian anti-tank weapons not functioning correctly when used in or on a building - other than basic RPG's anyway, which seem to work just fine. It makes me wonder if it has something to do with weapons that need to be deployed to be used correctly, since neither the Javelin or the RPG need to be deployed, and neither seems to have any problem being fired from a structure.

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Oh thx m8. And as Betram said im from Germany and no native Speaker.

Syrian AT Problems:

Yes looks like they got Problems firing from Buildings. Any Reply on that from BFC? I had similar Problems with First Patch but sometimes they shot and sometimes they didnt. I hope this is on the List of things that get corrected.

LOF/LOS Problem:

Still weird sometimes. The "You see what the Tank sees when you angle the Cam down to Gronudlevel like it was working in CMx1 isnt working anymore. Often the BMPs had good View at some Spot with Hull down and i couldnt find out why they can see one Spot and not another. Sometimes the LOF/LOS is just cutting off for no Reason and thats happening often.

BMP/Brads and the AP Ammo: They overlooked the Modell i think and they use AP Ammo more often. As i play the US-Troops more often i didnt recognize that those BMPs use their AP Ammo more less then the Brads.

Sry for my Bad English.

Merry Christmas from good `ol Europe. smile.gif

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"Sergeant! The American Imperialist Invader's Bradleys are coming down our avenue! President Assad has ordered us to defend it to the end!"

"Yes, corporal. You are correct. But sadly we have nothing to fight against that armor."

"Sergeant! I have, right here next to me as we sit on the roof-top, the latest Soviet model of the AT-13! It can cut through the American armor like a hot knife through a schwarma!"

"Oh, but corporal, that AT-13 is useless to us here on our roof. Alas for us..."

"But Sergeant! Why is it useless?"

"Oh, corporal, because it MUST be set up on its diminutive tripod in order to fire. Damascus will fall...."

"But Sergeant! I can set it up on its tripod here on this roof-edge wall! Or even over here, on top of this roof-top water tank! Or HERE, on this roof-top air handler! Or OVER HERE on top of Assan's willing back as he hunches ape-like willing to be scorched by the perdition-like flames of purity from our AT-13!"

"Corporal! None of that is according to doctrine! I will not tolerate that type of capitalist corruption in MY squad. I find you guilty of subversion!" Bang, bang, bang!


Perhaps soldiers can innovate, adapt and overcome? Maybe loosening some of the firing restrictions would be beneficial?




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Why is it not possible to pick the tripod up and put it on the friggen wall?

That would give the gunner partial cover when firing.

I can see how programming this could be complicated, it makes computer sense that a weapon has a certain height from which it fires and, if there is an intervening barrier, then the game prevents LOS. If there is a high wall on a roof, then no fire allowed is a logical result.

I kinda suspect modeling a weapon ON TOP of a wall is a bit more sophisticated than the game can manage.

Steve, if you'r reading this, is that about right? I just played a scenario and had a pair of Stryker present their tails to a pair of AT-13 teams on roofs, and the missile gunners wouldn't shoot. Terrific targeting line too. Irritating.

While I'm at it, is there any way you guys can fix things so that when a team with an AT weapons stops hiding, it doesn't open up with small arms as a matter of course. What seems to happen frequently with Syrian AT teams, or squads armed with RPG, is that they unhide, the small arms guys open up, the AT guy rotates and aims and takes his time aiming, and then return fire - having been alerted by the AK - waxes the lot.

I could understand behavior like that for greenie insurgents, but I've had elite Syrian commandos kick off an anti-armor ambush by unloading 7.62mm, and then they get wiped out before the AT weapon even fires a shot. Also irritating.

Apologies if it's already on the list.

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