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Leader Casualties


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Sorry, if there’s a thread on this already, but I did a search and didn’t find it covered.

Am I correct in assuming that when a unit takes a casualty, a check is made to see if it’s a leader (the squad leader for squads and the appropriate leader for headquarter units), and if it the leader who is hit a penalty is applied to the unit?

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Am I correct in assuming that when a unit takes a casualty, a check is made to see if it’s a leader (the squad leader for squads and the appropriate leader for headquarter units), and if it the leader who is hit a penalty is applied to the unit?

I am thinking (or at least hoping) that with the 1:1 modeling, units, per se, don't take hits but rather the fire is directed against individuals. Thus if a mortar round goes of next to a leader then it is the leader that takes the hit. And for direct fire perhaps the shooters are not just aiming at a unit but at a specific person (or group) within that unit.

BTW (as per earlier post) this doesn't mean that a LOS calculation is made on a per person basis but I am hoping that fire resolution is.

Edit: fixed some typoes

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I'm sorry I should elaborate. A check being an abstraction.

Maybe I'm wrong about CM:BO. Perhaps it was only HQ units that had rallying ability etc simulated. I remember them saying that if a machine gunner was hit it was assumed another member would drop his rifle to shoot the MG. Were all units in a CMx1 squad simulated equally (experience lvl = X, weapon X with range X, and morale/suppression value X)?

[ October 25, 2005, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Colin ]

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in CMBO and CMBB the leader with all his command goodies (stealth, command, fire, morale) was always the last to go down.

IOW, if you started to kill a 6-men Company HQ squad it would keep its command abilities even if it was down to the last man.

as regards weapons and equipment, however, it was very well possible to kill the machine-gunner out of the whole 10-men squadand the gun would be gone.

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Leaders are simulated 1:1 in CMx2. You can have 30 guys all milling about and an enemy mortar round might be lucky enough to take out the highest ranking soldier in the group, yet not touch any of the others.

Normally replacement happens within a unit. The Squad Leader goes down, the more senior Team Leader takes over. That guy goes down then the other Team Leader takes over.

Leadership replacment at higher levels or after a lot of casualties is a bit tricky, though. To do it right there are some situations where guys would have to shift from other units, which may be clear across the map. This presents some serious issues for us and I'll warn you that there will be some degree of abstraction for this in CM:SF. We hope to simulate these aspects in more detail later, but for now it isn't possible. However, it isn't as important in CM:SF because you really shouldn't be having major losses of leadership as the US player and as the Syrian side many of the forces you'll command have a decentralized command structure to start with.


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