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Hi All,

Dare I say that the majority of players are quietly deciding for themselves? Remember, the avid posters here are only a small sampling of those who are trying the demo or who own the game.

Perhaps they post now and again for some clarification or information, but they are not becoming embroiled in the "CMSF" debate.

Regards John

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Originally posted by KNac:

If your only problem with the game (I guess not) is not being able to pick QB forces, I hope someday you can pick the game cause we all want the game to get better in that aspect. Maybe not a total freedom of selection (the game system prevents that it seems) but yes to some degree, not like now.

There are several things I don't like, but that's the biggest, and the only one I couldn't learn to live with/without.


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Originally posted by z1812:

Hi All,

Dare I say that the majority of players are quietly deciding for themselves? Remember, the avid posters here are only a small sampling of those who are trying the demo or who own the game.

Perhaps they post now and again for some clarification or information, but they are not becoming embroiled in the "CMSF" debate.

Regards John

I'd have to agree with that , seems to be the same people posting all the time with the same complaints , and no amount of opposite view is going to shift them - get a good review and its a hack rag (and yes , the same has happened with bad reviews), get a bad review and its Pulitzer prize stuff.

Some people seem to think , that having payed $80 ,and with the anonymity of the Internet , that they can say whatever they want with no comeback then get upset when they get a negative response back.

Seems to me its time for people to lighten up , been 3 weeks+ since release , the bugs and personal opinions have been posted Repeatedly and now its time to let BFC get on with patching things.

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Originally posted by Darius359au:

Seems to me its time for people to lighten up , been 3 weeks+ since release , the bugs and personal opinions have been posted Repeatedly and now its time to let BFC get on with patching things.

Yes, you're right. I'll let BFC get on with patching things without any feedback. Good idea. And when we're all playing "Krazy Stryker Super Racing" after patch 1.21 because nobody cared enough to tell BFC what was wrong with the game, you'll sit there and wonder "why?".

This is a big game. There are a a lot of bugs, and a lot of information out there that will help BFC find them. If you don't want to help, ignore the threads.

I'll "lighten up" when the game is working. Until then I'll be trying to help this game get better. That involves staying on top of bugs until they get fixed.

As for the $80 anonymity thing... well, I'm not particularly anonymous, but I think that if being anonymous helps people voice their opinions, great.

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Did I say ignore the bugs? , I just mentioned that the same things are being repeated over and over again , as for staying on top of them you'd have to admit BFC might just possibly be aware of the major bugs now with whats been posted on the forums adnauseum - how many threads are there with the same title and bugs?.

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Yes, you did say that.

Ignoring post X+1 regarding a bug is tantamount to ignoring the bug itself. Bugs change and evolve over time, as do their symptoms. A developer who ignores those changes cannot fix the bugs. And testers who don't report them get fired... or, in this situation, get stuck with a game they could have made better.

Sometimes the reporting of these changes is very gradual. So gradual, in fact, that an outsider might see it as reporting the same exact thing (and occasionally it is). Sometimes a problem takes a bit of chewing over before the community understands it well enough to fully report it.

This is normal, and needs to happen. I see this every day in my job as a senior developer. It can be annoying, yes, but it is never a waste -- you're never as aware of the entirety of a problem as the people spending thousands of hours using your product. It can just take a bit of jabbering to get that awareness put together.

BFC seems to know this, and certainly doesn't seem to be ignoring post X+1 regarding problem Y. That's their job, though. Like I say, if it bothers you, you *can* ignore it.

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